*Light Hearted* Anyone guilty of buying baby stuff or choosing names yet?!

I have 6 full names picked out, 3 for boys and 3 for girls :D and an Amazon's baby registry (set to private) full of everything from furniture to baby wipes.

I haven't bought anything yet but I do have a darling neutral colored newborn outfit that I bought for my niece years ago that she never got to wear. I'm hoping to use it as a 'coming home from the hospital' outfit.
I have 6 full names picked out, 3 for boys and 3 for girls :D and an Amazon's baby registry (set to private) full of everything from furniture to baby wipes.
OMG I did the Amazon thing too. I set a wish list to private and began filling it lol.
I have 6 full names picked out, 3 for boys and 3 for girls :D and an Amazon's baby registry (set to private) full of everything from furniture to baby wipes.

I haven't bought anything yet but I do have a darling neutral colored newborn outfit that I bought for my niece years ago that she never got to wear. I'm hoping to use it as a 'coming home from the hospital' outfit.

Thats a great idea!! It's a bit like going shopping :happydance:but without having to spend money.
I may be copying!!
Only problem I have is that OH gets miffed when he's not involved!

I have neutral outfits (smalls things thats dont cost much money) and towels. We have started with the nappies too - spreading the costs!!

Our names are Isaac Jason (OH name is Jason) or Ellie-Beth (OH wanted my name as second if girl but I hate hate hate my name so very much, my middle name is Elizabeth so I see as a compramise!) :thumbup:
aww our girl name (which has been in reserve now since before my 6 year old was concieved) is Beth, although theres the possibilty of it being Mary-Beth because of Hubbys nans name being Mary, and then just one middle name (all my boys have 2 middle names)
For boys atm I am quite liking Noah (although already have a N name) Seth (although sounds too much like beth, perhaps it can be in reserve for when we have our last baby if we have only boys lol) and Ethan. Middle name would be William Patrick after hubbys grandad and my grandad.
My other kids are called Jimi Zac and Nate so would have to fit in with those. I will most likely change my mind by the time I finally fall pregnant LOL
I did the Amazon list (private) also. It is kind of like shopping without spending the $$. :flower:

We have a girl name picked out already but are undecided about a boy name. My husband says he does not want a little girl at all (although recently he has been saying "if we have a girl" lol). But since he has been so against a girl, I keep messing with him saying that we are going to end up with all girls!!! :haha:

TTC has def made DH and my bond so much stronger (which I didn't think was possible as we were so close even before TTC). He is so supportive and caring. I can't wait to see him hold our baby one day. It brings a tear to my eye thinking of adding a LO to our little family. And getting to share our lives with a cute little baby.

BTW- My DH bought a onsie that says "Dad's happy. I'm a boy!" lol
Funnily anough my OH wants a girl desperatly cos he alreayd has 2 boys!! So he's holding out for a DG.

His boys are called Elijah Zacheria & Corban David (I loved the name Corban!! Couldn't believe he already had a son called that).

'Motherofboys' I love the name Noah think it is beautiful! OH is not so keen but I keep trying to persuade him :winkwink:
Corban is a sweet name! I like it!

I'm also guilty of buying things, but only little things that cost a dollar or two. Nothing big or expensive. I do look at things all the time though and also walk through the baby section at the stores. I'm hoping that we fall pregnant before my sisters get rid of all their baby stuff!

As for names, I am a HUGE baseball fan, and even though the Brewers are my favorite team, we have Hamlin picked out for a boy (after Josh Hamilton-he plays for the Texas Rangers-my second favorite team-and is a BEAST! I mean he just hit his 4th homerun in tonights game!) and Kinsi for a girl (after Ian Kinsler-also plays for the Rangers). OH wants a girl so he can teach her to race and say "That's my girl!" when she beats the boys on the track lol, but I want a boy.

I had the name Case picked out for a boy and Laken for a girl, but my coworker just named his little boy Casen and OH hates the name Laken. Oh well lol
I have 6 full names picked out, 3 for boys and 3 for girls :D and an Amazon's baby registry (set to private) full of everything from furniture to baby wipes.
OMG I did the Amazon thing too. I set a wish list to private and began filling it lol.

We picked 6 names because twins run in both our families :D so we felt the odds were in our favor. All 6 names have two middle names that are various combinations of family names from both sides. My DP loves all the names but I'm not completely happy with two of the boy's names, we have plenty of time to change them though.

For the baby registry it is kind of fun adding to it, but it's sad to that I have had mine so long that there are some things in it that are not even available anymore. But I just delete them and add new things in their place! :thumbup:

I have also hoarded things from when my niece was a baby and we are conveniently storing two boxes of new-ish baby clothing, supplies and a cradle. Things that she hardly used and out grew quickly. I mean even if we have a boy no one outside of our home is going to know he wears girl onesies when he naps!
I am really funny about names, I wont use anything that I know someone with the same name as, middle names are different and I would make an exception for an important family name with the 1st name, but like I loved the name Elijah but someone I know from church called her little boy that last year so now I wont use it! Even my Zac, is Zachariah when all the other Zacs I know are Zachary. My eldest name is ACTUALLY Jimi not James which people cant get their heads around LOL and my youngest is Nathaniel but gets shorted to Nate by his brothers or when I'm writing on forums etc
Ok so I keep telling myself that I'm not buying anything else for baby but I can't help it. Bought another cute onesie & jackets!! Whoops!!

This might seem like a silly question but when you choose your baby names is it like choosing your wedding dress - YOU JUST KNOW THATS THE ONE!! (fyi Im not even married lol but that was the closest example I could use to illustrate my point!)

What do people think about that??
I love all the names that people have picked out. DH and I have only agreed on one name for a boy and haven't found anything we love yet for a girl. Its so hard to decide. I have not bought any baby items yet. I am they type of person that thinks if I purchase it then it won't happen. I know that is silly thinking. I do like to look at baby stuff while I am shopping. How do you not all the baby stuff is so cute.
I have not bought anything yet. However we do have our names picked out .. Jennifer Rose and Joseph Michael.
My eldests name started as a bit of a joke, I couldnt think of any boys names I liked at the time. I was looking through our DVDs and CDs for insperation and DH is a huge Hendrix fan. Jokingly I said how about Jimmy but spell it J.I.M.I like Hendrix.
It fit my criteria though, I know no one else with the same name, its cute as a baby, cool as a teen but dont sound stupid as an old man. And the more I said it the more I loved it. It just stuck. With the others their names stood out more than any of the others that I liked. I guess as you say you just know. And if after how ever many months or years you still love it then it must be right LOL
I have two bags of baby things at home that I scored a great sale on-a pack of basic white onesies (is there anything in the world cuter than a baby in a basic clean white onesie?), a cute soft blue blanket with stars on it, a onesie that says 'daddy's mvp' (I've already decided that we're having a boy, and frequently give my husband's "boys" a pep talk to come through on it), and a few other things.

If it's a girl-Emily Morgan
If it's a boy-Anthony Jameson

I haven't bought anything gendered yet - all unisex. Its hard not to stray into the little dresses section but I can't do it!! So it's cream/white/green/yellow atm!! haha

I've bought a few second hand bargains lately - super cheap on basic clothing and some gorgeous little outfits!! I told my OH that I don't mind second hand items to keep down costs (altho there are certain items I want brand new!!)
I love hearing everybody's chosen names, it's really interesting!!

They're all beautiful!! :flower:
I haven't bought anything gendered yet - all unisex. Its hard not to stray into the little dresses section but I can't do it!! So it's cream/white/green/yellow atm!! haha

I've bought a few second hand bargains lately - super cheap on basic clothing and some gorgeous little outfits!! I told my OH that I don't mind second hand items to keep down costs (altho there are certain items I want brand new!!)

I'm down for second had too. One of my sisters has two little girls and the other a little boy, all under the age of two. So either way, we will have clothes, strollers, car seats, etc. for whatever we have...as well a a crib too, since there are 2 to choose from.
I'm down for second had too. One of my sisters has two little girls and the other a little boy, all under the age of two. So either way, we will have clothes, strollers, car seats, etc. for whatever we have...as well a a crib too, since there are 2 to choose from.

Oh lucky you!! Mine will be #1 amongst siblings (and rest of family & friends) so no hand me downs available :( unless obviously someone gets p before me!!
hi all!

i haven't bought anything really - but i keep getting urges to find books that i used to love as a child. like i suddenly remembered a book called "the tiger who lost his stripes" which i must have had when i was 4 or 5! i literally haven't thought about that book for 15 years and it just popped into my head last night! i also got a free gift from a book club recently and i chose a gift set of "meg and mog" (a witch and her cat) that i used to love when i was little. this is odd behaviour, i know!

as for names, we can't decide on a boys name, but we are having Ella Rose for a girl, as it's DH's Nana's name - and I've tried alot of second names with it, and Rose seems to fit nicely. We struggle picking them, as DH is a teacher and everytime i come up with a boys name it reminds him of a little terror from his classes! :S

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