Lily! I wanna see a scan pic
Patrice... any news?
AFM.. just came back from my appt. First DH is NOT happy for wasting his day taking me to the appt and then not being able to find ANYONE who knows ANYTHING about billing, they all just say "That's not my department I have no control" ugh and they moved the billing off site

And then apparently I coulda gone to this other location and not paid the extra hospital fee that they failed to mention to me, cause from what they told me last time is that anyone who is self pay hasta be seen at the hospital only. grrrr!

and yes billing was the people who told me that.
Like I love the care I recieve but I HATE the billing side of it..
So my DH is just gonna write them a letter since he can't reach anyone by phone or in person.
Oh, and I lost weight

I think from all the stress this month grrr.
And I'm anemic, like worse than what I thought, apparently my levels should be at a 31 or higher and its at 27.
So they're retaking my blood at 36 weeks and I think if its not improved by then, they'll make me have an iv bag of blood or something

But aside from that, I got her to feel where the baby is, and what I thought was the head is the bum

and its kinda in an angle which is what I had thought, and everything else looks good.