Happy late birthday ashley! My oh is pretty useless at bdays ans xmas too to be honest. And he says we shudnt bother with valentines day.
Magic wow 26 weeks already?! Im scared I'll get to third tri and still not be prepared. We still havent bought any of the major items cos of my oh loosing his job. Im worried about how we will afford it.
I dont understand what u mean by double digits? It always confuses me.
I feel bad for u goys we get free dental treatment while pregnant and for one yr after birth!
Yeah this valentines day I am just making heart shaped cookies, I am less disappointed when I don't expect anything the first 2 years were hard being married cause it was almost like I expected something.. whereas now I'm like meh he won't get me anything
I don't feel prepared and I am like 4 weeks away from full term
My bag is mostly packed already I did that a month ago couldn't wait.
I will probably wait til the time is closer before packing something for my DH, as I know he won't think about himself like last time.
The only bad thing with labour is not knowing when it will happen... well I mean unless you're induced or its a c section.. but like to go naturally gaahh confusing.
Lately I've been waking up in pain from movement, this baby likes to stretch between my hips and I think sit on my butt or something because I keep getting strong urges to push Unsure if its just my body preparing for labour or what but its unnerving...
3rd tri exhaustion is setting in big time lately.. finding it hard to get a move on and do things.
Well i had a trip to hospital yesterday. Iv been having period pains for 2 days now ands some crampy tightening feelings. I rang the mw thinking she'd say no worries but she wanted me in to get checked out. Sooo they listened to babys heart which was fine, did blood pressure, urine and all that. Said i might have a urine infection but not likely so they've sent that for testing. Cos i sais i had period pain she checked my cervix, which was closed, but apparently very soft. After consulting with another doctor she sent me home but im still worried and still having pain after all this she told me they dont treat for pre-term labour until 24 weeks anyway so i sort of thought well what was the point of me coming in then grr. So i dont feel too reassured really!
I keep getting the feeling like AF is coming but it turns out to be nothing.. not really cramping though.
Thats odd why would they want you to come in if they wouldn't do anything?
Blaahh... why now does my teeth hafta start acting up. I can't remember a time that they have hurt so bad... which is making me think that maybe I did get more cavities.. ugh which sucks since I don't think a dentist would do any work on my mouth this late in pregnancy, not to mention can't really afford it either
My dh told me that I am MAKING a dentist appt asap for myself, cause I was up most the night in pain because of the toothaches... so the earliest they could make it was 8am tomorrow.
update: went to the doc a day early and i have a 16.5mm and a 15.6mm follie (one in each ovary). The biggest one is in the left ovary. I do have 2 more follies in the left ovary that are a good size also. So the nurse says its a good thing that i came in a day early because it looks like im going to ovulate like tomorrow. So she says that i most likely need to come in on cd11 from now on instead of cd12 for my scan. Also, they want to do the IUI at 7:30am before dh leaves before deployment So looks to me like we have a chance here ladies.
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