light hearted ttc

Won't be long ladies!! though I know it feels like it :dohh:

It feels weird that I'm not pregnant anymore, it felt like I was for AGES!! I keep finding myself wishing back for when Cassidy was this small.. its almost like i didn't really enjoy her that much, I couldn't wait for her to grow up and for it to get "easier" :haha: little did I know that newborn IS the easy part :baby: 3 months til Cassidy is 2... crazy!! She looks like a little girl now!!
Rose is also getting quite big... 6 weeks old now :)
Ashley now looking back I do feel that newborn stage is the easiest. They didn't require much except eat and sleep. I was the opposite though I didn't want zachary to grow up too fast from the start lol! I got sad but happy at the same time when he reached each mile stone. I have a sister who is 17 months older than him so watching her go ahead of him I knew what each stage is like beforehand.
I do get up in the night to pee but maybe only once or twice, maybe try and reduce the amount you drink before bed but if your having pain when weeing or after weeing id go to the doctors to make sure you haven't got a bladder infection or anything xxx
Oh wow there is probably something wrong with me then I don't have pain when I pee but I have pain on the right side of my pelvic if I try to hold it in.

I don't even drink enough water to begin with. Gonna ask my doc tomorrow to be sure.
I wake up to pee a lot too but not 10 times! Maybe 4 times on a bad night. Im getting so uncomfy everywhere now.
I wonder about babies kicks too, at last mw appt baby was head down but i too feel kicksu under my ribs and sometimes it lookss like he is transverse, i can feel a big lump on my left side and a larger one on my right but im so confused by it all.i felt the same with Georgia and she was always head down too :shrug:

so i finally got my new pushchair delivered woo! However... It doesnt fit thru the door.. Oops! Lucky its easy to fold but still a pain. I just hope it fits on the bus :dohh:
ashley did u get a double? What did u get?
I thought ella was still transverse for a while matt had to keep feeling for me and he would tell me whatt position she was in! Matts really good at working out what bit of ella he can feel :haha:

Apparently its really hard to tell what your feeling body part wise of a baby on yourself. A midwife told me that many midwives when there pregnant cant tell whatt body part it is on themselves!

Atm i feel seriously homesick. I want to go back to my hometown and family but i know i can't :cry:

Im also seriously nesting again. Late night nesting because i only have the urge to clean late at night :haha: its nearly 1am and I've just finished cleaning the oven
Josephine what kind of stroller did you get the brand I mean? I also got a double stroller but it's big dh wants me to sell it once lo is old enough to sit in single stroller and zachary can walk...or we'll buy the umbrella stroller for zachary.

We are getting a new car on monday so excited! Our current car is a 2 door we're getting a 4 door 2012 Honda Accord. Plenty of room for the 4 of us.
Its a britax b agile double, so side by side seats. Oh was dead against it but couldnt change my mind haha. I just love it apart from the door size part haha. Cant wait to try it out but i suppose i better wait till i have 2 kids to put in lol.
Magic - my oh is called matt too!
Finally over my cold!! horraayyy!!

I actually didn't get a double stroller... either Cassidy walks or she goes into the stroller and the baby into the snuggly/sling

My sisters are coming to visit for a week starting Saturday... SO excited!! I rarely see my family :)
I'm so thankful for my mom to be here helping out though :thumbup:
My mom leaves 1st week of July.

Gah my DH is driving me batty! He's what I am assuming mad at me and I am unsure what about, all I know is that I am getting the silent treatment.. like he says hello or good bye to my mom and sisters our kids but me there is no responce, I talk to him and its like I didn't say a word. The ONLY thing I can possibly think that he is bothered about is that I picked out the wrong color paint to paint the kitchen and dining room. Only when I asked him about it he wouldn't give me an answer!! and when he picked out a color it was a DARK brown or blue, and I won't be able to see what I am doing in a kitchen that color.
Ashley so your mom is able to stay for nearly 4 months? That is awesome! I wish I had my mom to stay with me for 4 months to help out, unfortunately its only gonna be me and dh and he can only stay home for 2 weeks.

Sorry about your husband. He should try to communicate with you instead of giving you the silent treatment. Doesnt really solve anything. Can you guys negotiate on a color that you can both live with or has it already been painted?
Sorry he is giving you the silent treatment :hugs:

Ella is way to comfy inside :dohh: still no signs of her arriving :brat: midwife tomorrow though so hopefully I have progressed a bit
due date tomorrow magic!! woohoo!! atleast you no you only have 2 weeks max!!

Ashley im glad your mum is helping that sounds great!!
personally id tell your dh to grow up and come speak to me once he has if it was me! im sorry if I sound harsh but going by what you have told us about him he seems to give you a hard time for no reason. I hope he snaps out of it as its only paint at the end of the day!!:dohh:

im nearly 30 weeks!! and huge!! had a burst of energy the past few days so nesting as set in but I don't seem to have the time to do all I want then I get physically sore and tired:dohh: oh well few bits at a time
Zoey - its your due date already! I remember last time you were on here it was week 38 for you!

Claire - Almost 30 weeks already! Only 10 weeks to go! I have 13.5 weeks til my due date and I am already so exhausted especially when I get the cramps. No burst of energy for this girl. Dh keeps telling me to go buy a pregnancy pillow because I keep complaining and tossing around in bed but I am debating whether I should or not. I kinda want one, but too lazy to go get one. I cannot imagine going past 40 weeks. Kinda hoping he would come closer to 38 weeks.
Wow Zoey due date time for u ahhh! Im a few weeks behind, i hit full term on monday! Cant believe it! Physically i have everything we need but im not sure im mentally prepared for having 2 kids! Im starting to worry about how I'll cope. My oh only has 2 weeks off also and tho my mum only lives at the end of the road we're not that close really and she tends to stress me out when she tries to help!
I cant imagine going to 40 weeks either i just feel like i could go into labour any minute! I dont remember being this uncomfy with georgia.
Cant believe u dont have a pregnancy pillow yet Lily! Dont u have one left from last time? I always sleep with my curvy one and a normal pillow between my knees!
happy due date magic!!!

lily defo get a pillow!! I have a 5ft long pillow which is a god send!! I have it between my legs and arms wrapped around it I couldn't sleep without it I got mine from ebay.

im hoping she will come shortly after 38weeks!! so im going to start eviction at 37weeks lol im going to get some rlt capsules this week too x

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