Midwife wouldn't do a sweep apparently they don't do them until 41 weeks which I'm disappointed at because another midwife told me they they do them at 40 weeks I was emotional when she said no because of what the other midwife said
Ella is still only 3/5 engaged apparently but I think she's much lower now so I dunno. She definatly feels much lower to me.
Hmm iv read that clary sage oil can be bad.. Why cant u take epo?
A new one iv just found out is pomegranate juice! Theres not much research on it but apparently the seeds can make contractions more effective and 'tone' the uterus. Iv started drinking it with orange juice is tasty. Dont think it will really bring on labour but cant do any harm!
Georgia only ever got to 3/5 engaged too before labour. How sdo they measure it where u are? Is 5/5 'free'? It is where i am
tho i kno some places 5/5 is fully!
It shud depend on the area it will say in ur notes if ur in the uk. Sorry its so annoying on my phone i only have mobile bnb cant see location or pics or tickers!
Yeah 3 out of 4 have been early dd1 was 15 days early, dd2 was 8 days late, dd3 was 1 day early and ds was 5 days early. I hope she does come a bit earlier! Lol
I hope things happen soon magic sex is always a good one!
I wouldnt mind a relatively fast labour! Will this be ur last baby rics? Who has the others while ur in labour? Im worried about leaving georgia and paranoid i wont make it back to her! Scared cos of the heamorrhage i had last time .
37 weeks today woo! Now the waiting really begins!
oh yes full term exciting!!!
yeah I think it is our last so im trying to enjoy these last few weeks!! my auntie will be having the children for us so she'll be on 24 hour call once I hit 37 weeks lol
I can understand you being nervous jo but im sure you will be fine and they will be keeping a close eye on you!! xx
Thanks rics - have ur labours all been different or similar? Any tearing or problems? Sorry i have so many questions for u its cos u have so many babies im hoping u will reassure me by saying they got easier each time lol.
Wonder how magic is - im starting to wonder if shes had her baby already or is at the hosp....
jo ask away I don't mind! the pushing part is easier! apart from lucy but that was because she was facing the wrong way. but emma and Jamie came out within 30mins, altho my after pain has gotten worse but this isn't the case with everyone. luckily ive only ever had 1 stitch with dd1 and some grazing and that's it. xx
Sorry I have been gone, my sisters were here this past week
My DH is finally happy again he seemed to have got over whatever was bugging him. My guess is that he thought I was painting the diningroom pink
AFM... Rose is 2 months old today!! crazy!! time goes by too fast I feel sad she is almost starting to smile..
Cassidy is crazy jk,.. just into EVERYTHING, she broke one of my dvds today
I'm exhausted even with the loads of help I get..
I think I am getting sick again.
Rose is SUCH an easy baby still, she usually sleeps really good at night, now is up about 2-3 times a night, feeds around 830pm, 11pm, 3am and then 6am. My mom usually gives her the bottle at the 11pm feed so I am feeling so much rested now!!
However I still have NO idea how I will watch both of my kids starting to feel like I had this one too soon..
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