Finally wrote my birth story it is really long sorry! I applade you if you read it all
17th may
12pm - i started having mild period pains, i told my mum and we had a laugh saying it was because of the labour dance i did the day before.
1.30 - the pains stopped so we went for a walk in hope it will start something off.
3.00 - still nothing so we told my mum and i cleaned the house just in case.
18th may
Midnight - mild pains started again so i went to bed in hope of getting some sleep.
12.30- the pains were getting more regular and more painful so i knew i was not going to get any sleep. We counted this as the start of labour. Mum also started the journey down here.
4am - contractions were 6 minutes apart and lasting roughly a minute so i had a shower then rung the labour ward. They told me it was way to early to come in! We knew mum was close so decided not to ring his mum back to take us in and to stay at home for a bit.
5.00- mum arrived and having already rung the labour ward back we went in half expecting to be sent homw as they said i probably would be.
6am- after lots of questions i was examined and was told i was nearly 5cm.
7am - got given codeine and gas and air, the gas and air made me sick so i got a anti sickness injection.
9am ish - midwives changed shifts and i greeted them by throwing up!
10.00 ish - being monitored from the start because ellas heartrate kept going down someone scanned me because the other midwife thought ella may of gone breech because of were they had to find her heartbeat. Ella was the right way and wiggly.
11am. Asked for a epidural. Got examined a few times, got told i only had a lip of cervix was left. Hadd to get examined a few times because ella was so wiggly they didn't know what position she was in.
11.30 got my epidural and my waters broke. Thinking back the epidural didn't work properly because i could feel pressure and move my lwgs but the pain was gone. I preferred this to be honest!.
12 noon - got told i was 10cm but they were going to wait for her to move down a bit before i start pushing.
12.15 - my body pushing on its own it was decided i would start pushing. During this time the dr came in several times because of how low ellas heartrate kept going. i got scared so my contractions kept disappearing. They told me off for pushing once without a contraction but the position they made me go in it was really hard to tell when they were and they stopped telling me when my contractions were but not sure why :/
1am- dr said in 10 mins if there was no progress they would assist. After nearly having a panic attack i got bad cramp in my leg. This made me really push like i never had before. That the fear of assistance and the cramp did it i also finally started to feel my contractions again! Because of the rish to get her oyt there was no stopping and panting stage to get her head out slowly. The head half out the dr came in and said "well im not needed" and left xD
1.35- ellas head was born and within the same contraction her body flew out which no one was expecting but i still had the urge to push so i did!
She was born with the cord wrapped around her neck twice and around her shoulder. It was a good job the cord was so long apparently. we then got skin to skin.
2pm - after ella got checked out and got a score of. 9.5 i got my small 2nd degree tear stitched. The epidural wore off half way through so it hurt a loot near the end of being stitched but she kept saying she would be finished in a minute!
After my toast i got to sleep for a couple of hours before going to the ward.