light hearted ttc

Goodness I hate people like that! I hate how people always judge us mothers when we dont do everything that a mother's supposed to do in their book.

Reminds me of the time when I had to do genetic testing for Jayden that involved my husband. Upon further research, I realized that it wasnt that much of a big deal. It was a trait he could inherit. His brother had the trait, they scared us into getting lab work done saying he could die in the womb blah blah. He was born healthy because my husband and I are both only carriers but it resulted in a costly bill for us.

I am glad Jamie is fine though, thats the best thing to hear after all the wait and tiredness.
I am still picturing 3 but in reality im not sure i can imagine going back to the baby days when they are both more grown up. Ur oh is eager lol! I think our bodies need a break now before more pregnancies!

My big girl is now doing lots of wees on the toilet after we bought her a peppa pig toilet seat haha :)

He initially wanted to wait until Zachary is at least in preschool before having baby no. 3 but I was the on who objected and now that I have changed my mind and want to wait until Jayden is 2 he wants to try when Jayden is one, just in case we get another boy we can try again before I go back to school.

The only good thing about having them close together is that they all grow up at the same time and you dont have to repeat the newborn days. If our next one turns out to be another boy, I'll try one more time but trying to figure out if I should have no. 4 right after no. 3 or wait til I'm 31 (when I get my phd) to have no. 4 if I go that route their will be a huge age gap at least 5 years between no. 3 and 4. Just the thinking drives me nuts.

Dont know when I can do the potty training with Zachary, feels like it'll never happen. I cant even communicate with him.
Is he not much of a talker? Georgia never shuts up! She speaks like a 3 yr old. Think girls are supposed to be earlier talkers tho.

Gosh i never considered how the 'get tested for everything just in case' motto of the health service to cover their backs can be so costly elsewhere!
I figured i certainly dont want him having any treatmeant for anything right now when he seems happy and well so why put him thru the tests? If im worried i will see someone.
What topped it off was that even tho i wasted my phone bill waiting in various phone queues to seak to doctors and cancel the appointment i still recieve a letter from the doctor saying i hadnt shown up and a copy of the letter sent to hv and gp! Couldnt believe it! I dont want this info to be used against me in the future when i made sure i cancelled so i wasnt wasting the doctors time. What a waste of time, money, staff and paperwork. And they say the nhs needs more money.. Argh rant.
The hv even rang me too asking about it!
I guess what im saying is Ashley, if it works the way it does over here, if u dont go to your appointment be prepared for major backlash !
awww man how frustrating Jo!! I'd be so upset if someone did that to me!!

Yeah I mentioned it again to my DH and he said I can go ahead and make the appt, only we're all sick so I'm gonna wait til we're better.

omg.. rose's sleeping is AWFUL lately, I was near tears this evening I'm SO tired like it is taking HOURS to get her to settle it used to be SO easy... seriously she was an EASY newborn ugh I miss it :(
Now she is up SO often in the night. I'm almost to the point of letting her cry it out as much as I am uncomfy about it.. but I'm just so tired.

Cassidy talks LOADS... and hilarious things too! This morning I gave Rose a rice rusk, and Cassidy says "Awww a dog bone for Rose" LOL!!! :haha: She is terrible for potty training, I still get her to sit on the potty but a lot of the time she throws herself on the ground if I just mention potty, as if I'm hurting her *sigh* she can be a drama queen at times.
Aww how cute! I am still waiting for Zachary to talk more. He's pretty much at the stage where he's mimicking me. I keep saying "get out" and he caught on to that lol.
Lol im always telling the dog to get out the way and georgia does it too especially when he stands on her toys. Which is pretty hard not to do when the're strewn everywhere lol. 'get off my jigsaw' is a common one lol the other day i put the hoover on she said 'mommy u getting on my nerves!' how awful but lol...
How are your girls treating ya? Zachary is definitely hitting the terrible twos. It drives me crazy. He is all over the place and when he doesnt get his way he'll let out this horrible screech!
well ive missed loads :haha:

i hate my hv too, so judgemental and has a attitude of "first time mum so knows nothing and can treat her like she is stupid"
Lily - yeah Georgia can be a drama queen too like ashley said. A lot of things i ask her she just says no to, so iv started just telling her things. Like 'have a drink' instead of 'do u want a drink?' or 'lets go for a wee' instead of 'do u need a wee'. Works pretty well!
Hope you ladies are doing well :)

I have a weird situation with my MIL... its not like we don't get along, we just aren't close, at the beginning she was a little controlling too. But so far has backed off mostly.
And she LOVES Cassidy which I am happy about, but she has gotten weird in the past like wanting Cassidy to call her mom.. which I stopped
Anyways, at first Cassidy was calling her grandma but then when my mom came Cassidy started getting a bit confused as to who we were talking about. So then his mom said that she can be called "grandma" in tagalog (that's her background) so I said sure then Cassidy will know who we mean. However I just found how that the word Cassidy has been using isn't grandma its mom :dohh: and I'm SURE my DH knows that only he hasn't said a thing about it. SO its more I just feel weirded out a bit that Cassidy calls her mom. I mean I know she thinks it means grandma but it doesn't.
Like I don't want to make a big deal about it.. but at the same time its so odd!!
I totally get it! My oh's moms other grandkids call her 'mamaa' i made it clear that wasnt happening from the start! She still tries to get her to use it tho.
I am the only 'mummy or 'mama' or mom around here! I always thought he grandkids were confused calling her mamaa! Hate it!
Whats tagalog? My mom is nan and ohs grandma.
Ahh sorry I should have explained, tagalog is the language Filipinos speak. Dh's mom was born in the Philippines.

I kinda wished I had looked up the meaning beforehand! Since it would really confuse Cassidy now..

So Rose's eye appt is next week on the 16th :) I hope it will go alright!
I agree theres is only one mum and that's ME!! I would tell them its not what you want!!
good luck at the appointment my Jamie is under the hospital for his eyes and he has lazy eyes and cataracs in both eyes:cry: hes fine but will require them being operated on in the near future. im sure she will be fine!!

when you guys got your first period after birth how long did it last? mines coming onto 3 weeks now! and ive only had a few days break between bleeding after birth and my period coming! its annoying me now and im feeling drained! also ive been on the pill the last 3 weeks and that hasn't even stopped it:shrug:
I still havent had mine. I thoight i was gettinbg it but it stupped. I feel sort of like i do have a cycle tho hormonally but no bleeding.
Is anyone breastfeeding? Jayden is 3 months and no signs of mine...I didnt get my first period until Zachary was 8 months last time.
With Cassidy I got my period when she was about 3 months old. However I was also combi feeding her formula, with Rose I still haven't got it! But then again I'm still breastfeeding.. though I have started her on solids for the last month or so.
I get where it feels like I'm ovulating but then nothing happens..
Yeah im still bf too. I also get the ov feeling, get ewcm and feel a bit horny lol but no period to follow! Im pretty sure i got it back quite fast after georgia but im happy for it to stay away a while!
I've had menstrual cramping on and off but nothing...oh well, not really worried yet. I'll be more worried once I wean Jayden and it still doesnt come.

How are things going with your mil Ashley, did you speak to her yet about the issue? You should put a firm foot down. It is weird...maybe she just misses those good old baby days...
No I haven't spoken to her... because it feels odd to mention it NOW after its been half a year of Cassidy calling her it, and to Cassidy she thinks she is saying another word for grandma, I mean she knows I'm her mother.
I asked my DH about it on the weekend and he couldn't give a straight answer LOL!

Yeah I too am happy my period isn't here, I mean since I am planning to not try for kids for a while I'm happy it isn't here :D
Ohhh are you not using any contraceptives then? Im not either lol but dh and i havent dtd since jayden was 5 weeks old and ive pretty much ruled out pregnancy for that time. Dr prescribed a bc pill that is safe while breastfeeding that i have yet to pick up.

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