light hearted ttc

I made the mistake of trying to go shopping on black Friday... I didn't even mean to go for deals or anything. :haha:
I have so much things to get for people, not expensive just little things.

We spent the last couple of days at the in laws... I'm soooo tired as it means not much sleep for me.

Oh no Lily don't get baby fever... I'm starting to get it now. I keep telling myself NO :haha:

Haha how do you think your dh would react if you were to get pregnant NOW? My dh would probably pass out! We would make it work but seriously now is not the perfect time, dh is easy going and even he said not now or anytime soon which suits me well. I think my next might be my last people are giving me grief.
Oh there's no possibility of that at the moment, we both aren't doing anything. I keep telling dh to buy condoms but he won't so I'm like not until you do we wont LOL and birth control scares me.. I might take it when I'm finished having kids but not now :haha: He keeps threatening to get himself snipped though.
He kinda mentioned that he MIGHT not mind me getting pregnant on his birthday next year :haha: However I'm not REALLY ready until maybe fall or winter of next year.
Ohh when's his bday? Yea I might try again next fall too summer is the earliest but it'll have to be august or later. The pain from giving birth still scares me.
His birthday is in June...
With me I just did NOT like how I didn't really get any help when I was pregnant with Rose, and Cassidy was just 1... so she still required a lot of help.. I had to carry her everywhere for many things etc.. well she was practically still a baby :haha: I mean if my family came more often or if they were near I'd probably be ready to be pregnant tomorrow :dohh: but seeing as how I will hafta manage it on my own then I am putting it off until after Rose is weaned or mostly weaned and is a little older.
This past pregnancy kinda sucked too, my back ached so much and I had zero energy.. so I keep reminding myself of that!
What I MISS is the whole ttcing.. tww.. the seeing the bfp for the first time, even labour I enjoyed ahhahaha..
Hey ladies im back! Iv had terrible login problems but finally back online how is everyone?
Oh no not baby fever dont pass it on to me! I missed out on the whole ttc thing last time which i was looking forward too.
For me im knda struggling with 2 right now. Had a bit of a breakdown in tears yesterday oh dear. Its just all got too much. Georgia is very needy right now and i feel awful i cant spend the time with her she needs cos im busy with jamie. Shes so stroppy at the minute too everything i 'no' and the other day she told me she didnt like me! Do i have a teenager or a toddler i wonder sometimes. Jamies had a chest infection so not been sleeping great, and in the day he only has half hr at a time so i feel like i never get a break. Feeling a little suffocated. Also stressing about having to go back to work next april but just trying to relax and enjoy the festive season with the kids first. Ahh i needed bnb ..
hi guys sorry ive not been on I don't get a minute!! there just isn't enough time in the day! please don't start about ttc lol I really don't want to get broody because im happy with our lot. joanie is doing well she weighs 16lbs 9 now a right little chunker bless her!
glad to hear everyone is doing well!!
Hey ladies hope u all well :) quick update on me looks like I'm having a girl lol so 3 girls for me omg!!! Lol
Aww 3 girlies! Feel for ur oh lol mine says he cant wait for jamie to grow up so he has someone on his side!
My dh is dying for our next to be a boy hahaha :baby: I scare him by saying what if all we have is girls :D
Congrats again Hailey! Send girl dust my way, I would love a girl next.

So I have been debating on whether to try again next year or to hold off for another 5 years. I mean, even if I wait for 5 years I'll still only be 30...but people have been scaring me about how much more painful it'll be the older I get but I see a ton of people pregnant after 30 its became a norm. Not everyone is pregnant and has kids in their 20's. Dh wants to try again next year though. I mean, a part of me just wants to get it done and over with. SO they can grow up together, go to school together etc...but my last pregnancy sucked! I had nerve pain, felt heavy, contractions was 10 times worse...gosh when I think about it I dont even want to be pregnant again! Oh well, we'll wait and see.

Jayden is eating solids now and gaining massive weight from eating avocados! He's an eater and never spits or refuses anything!
:dohh: DH and I dtd last night... totally unplanned. I mean I am happy we did it, however terrified that I might end up pregnant, he didn't wear a condom, well because he hasn't bought any and insists they don't work, as in he can't continue doing things after they're on :wacko:
However now DH is in such a mood, he says it all his fault but I can tell its really eating him up.
And its not helping that I'm SO sore today from it, unsure if I mentioned previously but a while back a specialist diagnosed me with vulvar vestibulitis... I have a cream I'm supposed to use only its got hormones in it and it makes me wary of using it.
So DH is also unhappy that I'm in pain every time we dtd too. :shrug: I find its gotten worse since having kids... but then I am also breastfeeding so that might be part of it.

Sorry just needed to vent and I don't really have anyone to talk to about it.
Have you gotten your period back Ashley? I know its not the same for everyone, but before my period came back I didnt stand a chance at getting pregnant (even when we really didnt mind getting pregnant atm). It actually took me 4 months after my first period to get pregnant with Jayden. Are you going to test to ease your mind?
I haven't gotten it back yet, so I would be super surprised if I did get pregnant. I imagine it'll come back once I stop breastfeeding.

No I'm not going to test as I don't really think I'll get pregnant..
I just got mine back yesterday it hurts like labour pains ow. How do we forget these damn periods suck so much :(
I haven't bled in so long I almost can't remember what a period is like :haha: I HOPE there won't be cramping whenever it starts up again though.
I'm almost tempted to carry on breastfeeding past a year, I mean if Im not ttc anytime in the near future then may as well postpone my cycle from coming back :D
ahh sorr Ashley that must suck!! is there nothing they can do about it? as you know nothing is 100% so just keep n eye on how you feel xx
Hey ladies,

How's it going?

Sorry I haven't been on much like a pervious poster said just not enough time in a day I been busy working taking care of the kids enjoying the married life as well we are still trying waiting for af to arrive or a bfp taylor is 10lbs now we thought she was like 15 because she feels so heavy lol
Claire, well I haven't really followed through with the specialist because we weren't doing anything at the time. So I figure in the new year I might, I'll see how it goes, as its not always as painful as it is sometimes.
I remember when we were ttcing for Cassidy it used to hurt but not much, so I'm wondering if I'm feeling the scarring from being stitched. I've heard that takes ages to heal completely.

I hope you ladies are well.. ugh busy busy here too!! Holidays aren't helping any either.

Does anyone have kids who are horrid inside the house but outside are really good? That's how it is with Cassidy, I can't seem to keep her entertained with anything. Theres always tears and drama *sigh*

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