light hearted ttc

Ahh lily bless him it's nice to know tho isn't it that they are just as excited as you are! My dh said to me last night that he was so happy I was pregnant again!

Ashley I agree with lily something has got to change it's not a good environment for the girls to grow up in. Either give your marriage another hobby talking and maybe getting councilling or find away to leave or tell him to leave. And by far it is definitely not your fault! From what I can gather from what you have said he has always be hard work! And passive aggressive. You need to talk to someone and charity maybe who can help you leave. My heart goes out to you. Xxxx

I felt so tired yesterday it really did creep up on me! A little sick on and off but touch wood nothing to bad yet! Going to a party tonight so will see how far I get without wanting to go to bed by 9 lol.
Didn't go to the docs yet couldn't get an appointment so will try again Monday.
Ohh somehow i didnt feel tired around 5/6 weeks. I even cleaned my entire place minus the toy room because thats too much work. Hubby was so surprised when he came home, saying he's never seen it that clean.

How do you feel this time claire knowing its your last? Do you enjoy it a little bit more? Do you get sad or feel complete? I just wonder what it feels like knowing its your last.
Im beginning to sort through the bags of baby clothes from Jayden and Zachary and throwing out the ones that are worn. I'm putting the ones that are still in in good condition in a laundry basket so that I can wash it at 30 weeks. I know its still early and a lot of women are not doing this but I have at least 10 bags to sort through and Im afraid I will start getting back pain in second tri so might as well do something now while I still feel good.
I say get organised while u can! I did loads super early both times cos i was just too excited! Your poor oh must have been so worried thinking he saw blood bless him!
Ashley i empathise so much with you and your oh problems i really do. Things are up and down with us too. Id describe my oh as passive agressive too like someone else said. Makes me the one to blame all the time.
Doesnt stop me being super broody and trying to pounce on him cos i knew we had no condoms in the house lol. Didnt work :haha:
I do think i might convince him eventually but it will be a long wait. The other day he bumped into an old friend of ours who has an 8 month old and said to me 'beckys baby is lovely'!! Which was an unexpected comment! He is still saying 'we're not having anymore children' but i swear hes softening to the idea. He keeps saying 'and you want more?!'when they misbehave so it must be on his mind at least. Im counting that as progress lol
Jo, at least you have something to look forward to. It would be worse if he wasnt willing at all. I am kinda afraid that this baby might be a girl, only because Im afraid dh will change his mind and decide 3 is enough. I know its still a long time before i even wanna try for no.4, but I want to leave the doors open.
Lily I do feel sad that this is the last so i am trying to enjoy every moment of it!!
Jo he is clearly thinking of it otherwise he wouldn't mention it!!! Fx he comes round quickly!!

Went to the doctors this morning finally been able to get an appointment so have been referred so just have to wait for my appointments to come through!! Eeek exciting hopefully I won't have to wait too long!!
Thats exciting Claire! My 12 week us is next thursday! I'll be going alone becausw its at 8 am and too early to wake the kiddos up, plus last time they went to my first app and was super bored. I'll let them come to my gender scan, not like my husband will want to stay home anyway lol, i told him he's staying home with the kids this scan and he's already feeling like he's missing out.

He wants to tell my family that im pregnant and i was like "umm...NO!"
Do u just not want the hassle yet? I see why its nice to enjoy it alone for a while without everyone getting their opinion in!
Rics -i kno right?! Like hes said it out the blue when im not even thinking about it. I dunno if he will evet give in i hope so! I think its cos iv turned 30 i feel im getting too old already and my baby making days could be numbered esp with the pcos. So im rushing but i guess i have a few years left yet to bring him round..
12 weeks nearly already!! Wow it's going fast!! I can't wait to get my appointments through!! I've told most of my family, immediate family and so far I've had all good responses apart from my mums yesterday which tbo I couldn't careless about her first reaction was oh well I thought you were putting on weight around your belly. 😡😱 and then pretended to be happy about it. But did her I don't care what people think me and dh are happy so I done care!!

I. I what you mean jo that's why I went for no6 as it was now or never as I'm not getting any younger!! Il be 34 once this baby is born.
Im not interested in telling anyone this time because I dont want people to be all in my face. I am a grouch this time around lol. I've been suffering from constant back pain and on top of that I have 2 monkeys running around so I really dont want to deal with anyone's comments. On my stepdad's side, everyone has 2 kids, so they will think I am crazy for having a 3rd. They will also fuss about the gender, that I know for sure. I told my husband in a dead serious tone that if he doesnt respect me and went ahead to tell my mom, I wont be talking to him lol. I told my mom I lost 20 lbs and she ended up telling my other relatives and I've gotten phone calls from my grandma and my aunt fussing about my weight loss "did you take any diet pills? Dont get fat again!" I seriously wanted to scream at them, chill ladies lol, give me some freaking personal space. Thats why my mom is not in on this pregnancy either. She loves telling other people.

Claire - it is going fast. I will be 12 weeks next Monday! 1 week closer to feeling those baby kicks. I am not enjoying the back pain though. A week ago it was on my left, now its on my right...and tmi but my belly button hurts. I've noticed that each consecutive pregnancy is harder on my body. 1st was a breeze no problems at all, even after delivery I was skip hopping lol. My pregnancy with Jayden was a bit worse although the horrible pain didnt start til 3rd tri, post delivery was more painful too...I really cant imagine whats gonna take place with this one. I admire you so much for doing it 6 times! My mom has 6 kids as well, I have total respect for her and all the other ladies who have more than 2 kids lol.
it does get harder with each! I remember with my last pregnancy thinking I cant do this again lol but here I am again! but im just going to take it easy this time round try not to over stretch myself.
why is your mum funny about you having more babies if she has 6 herself? x
Claire - I have two moms haha. My biological mom has 6 kids, my other mom who raised me adopted me when I was a baby. She adopted me and my sister, so she has no biological kids herself. She also said that in this day and age, its not the norm to have more than 2 kids. I've been so stressed out lately about what others will say and this is only our third baby lol. Maybe I shouldnt even think about having a 4th?

So I drove myself to the ER, turns out my back pain is due to a UTI. I was given first dose of antibiotics and need to come back later to the pharmacy to pick up the rest.
Never run your life by what other people think!! I was nervous what people would say with baby no4 but now I couldn't careless!! It's our life our family sod em I say!!! X
I think its more normal now to have more than 2 kids. Everyone seems to have a lot more now than they did when i was young. What i also notice is people havibg 2 'rounds' of kids lol. Like some of the mums at school with kids in georgias class have older ones at high school from a previous relationship
Woohoo got my appointments through!! Booking in appointment is Wednesday 😆 And our 1st scan is the 3rd may!!! 😆😆
Great news rics i love all that stuff! Aww u guys make me so broody dammit!!
That is awesome Claire! My 12 week scan is exactly a week from today! I am soo excited, Its been 3 long weeks already! Hopefully I would get an idea of baby's gender at the scan based off the nub.
Getting my 12 week scan today vs thursday because dh gets the afternoon off, so he asked me to call to see if they have any openings since he wants to go. So lucky they had a spot open at 2:45!
Yay! Hope it all went well! You'll hafta post a piccy so we can gender guess :p

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