light hearted ttc

lily how did your scan go??

I had my booking in appointment yesterday went well they were lovely mw who couldn't believe I had 5 children already lol.
this time I have to have the diabetes test at 28weeks as my bmi is 31 (ive put on so much weight) and because ive had big babies, and I have to see a consultant at my 16 week appointment just because this is baby no6 and to come up with a plan just to be on the safe side. incase I should bleed a lot.

hows everyone else? xx
You ladies are making me want to be pregnant!!! :haha: I keep imagining if I were pregnant now when the due date would be.
But I know things need to be better with my DH first... though theres a part of me that just wants to use him for his ability to father kids :dohh:

Things are stressful lately! Both my parents need surgery, and my moms might be next month. And to top things up, my mom told me that she'd rather I don't visit in the winter or spring again :nope: I'm feeling so depressed about it.. Like I love my family but they can say such hurtful things to me at times.
Hi Claire - I saw the baby flopping around, it was super cute! At the end, I asked her if she could try looking at the baby's gender and she did but said not to go paint the nursery. I was so excited when she guessed girl, because she saw lines forming. She wasnt basing it on nub, because it wasnt clear, thats why I didnt post the scan, there's no obvious nub. She said with a boy, the nub tends to stick up. So we will be waiting to see if she is right at the gender scan. Hopefully she is. Hubby has been over the moon.

Its nice that your scan went well and its nice to have a supportive mw. Im on the heavy side too, but I have been losing weight along the way, so I am happy. I have an appointment today for doc to go over the u/s result.

Ashley - aww I am sorry about your parents. Maybe she is saying that because they want to have the time to rest after surgery? I know you usually stay a long time there, and kids can be noisy, so maybe they dont like the noise? My mom has always talked about brining my kids to stay overnight at her house, but my stepdad doesnt tolerate noise so has refused. It kinda hurt my feelings because it makes me feel my kids are unwelcomed, but its ok I dont get along with my stepdad anyways.
Aww ashley thats not nice :( if they knew how u and oh were they might not say not to come? Dont these lot make u broody lol they do me!
Great news about the scan lily fx'd shes right! So getting some faint lines on my hpts!!


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I dont see anything in the first pic. I think I see faint lines on the close ups, but there's no color to them. I hope it gets darker for you.
Oh lily wouldn't that be wonderful if she right!! They wouldn't even guess here until the 20 week scan!

Ashley sorry your parents were harsh did they say why? I think you need to be honest with them.

Jo I see them could there be a chance then this time? X
Do you have a preference whether baby is boy or girl Claire? We would love a girl, but i am kinda scared that if we do, dh wouldnt want anymore. He loves babies, but he's not into big families. At the start of the pregnancy, he said if this is a another boy, we'd go for no. 4, but if its a girl we should stop. Honestly, with him, he just wants a boy and girl in the mix, had Jayden ended up being a girl, I dont think he would be interested in anymore. It would be selfish for me to turn around and wish baby to be a boy, because honestly, I am thrilled for a girl but that also would mean chances for no. 4 from his side is small. Well, we'll see what happens after this baby comes.
Oh and I am feeling baby move, and no its not gas. I feel movement where baby should be, way down in my lower belly, and its wonderful! First time I felt it this early. Looks like I'll be dealing with an active baby later one. Movements are rare, but its exciting when I do feel them.
I dunno what do u think?


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Ahh lily that's lovely! No I completely believe you! You will feel baby sooner the more pregnancy you have. Now your going to think I'm completely mad but I swear I felt baby move it's was like a little pop of a butterfly feeling I wS sitting slightly bent over and it felt like baby had flipped it something so I googled it and it's happened to a lot of ladies who have big families.
I don't mind what we have but everyone else wants a boy!

Jo I see them this is so strange did you look into the pcos being the cause? Xx
Awww Lily that's exciting!! I loved feeling movement in the beginning of pregnancy!! It was only at the end that I hated it because it hurt so badly :wacko:

Ugh the last two nights I had dreams that I was in labour and giving birth, of course two nights ago I woke up with period cramps so that could be why :haha: But last night I dreamt I was in labour so in my dream I drove myself to the hospital to give birth then drove back home! So crazy!!

My youngest DD is almost potty trained!! I'm SO happy, even if its just day time I feel like she just wasn't ready before, like maybe I pushed too hard!!

I love reading about all you ladies pregnancy symptoms! So keep updating!

And Jo I hope the lines get darker!! But I'm not entirely sure where to look...
Well I'm freaking out! I've had brown spotting when I wipe since yesterday 😟 It's got darker today and possibly a bit redder, I'm going to the epu in the morning to check everything is ok but il be honest I'm scared shitless!!!
Oh no Claire!!! That's not good!! :( I'm gonna hope its just normal spotting!
Oh gosh claire i hope all is well have u had spotting in previous pregnancies?
No nothing like this, it's turned to pink blood now so to say I'm worried sick is an understatement. Going to the epu for 8.30am so il no then. 😩
Oh gosh be sure to update us fx'd for you hope all is well in there xx

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