awww Lily that's nice of him! Even if you aren't on board for 5 kids, he seems like he wants to make you happy
Jo, oh that sucks with teeth problems! I constantly deal with them I hate it! Crowns are SO expensive.. I need one but insurance for mine doesn't kick in until next January.

A rash? those are confusing since you can get those from everything!
My DH is SO annoying, he snapped out at me the other day because one of the bills said it was late for being paid. And then the next minute hes happy and wondering what my problem was...
I'm SO confused as to what to do, like I do want more kids, but then at the same time I DON'T want sex with my DH like I can't stand him, everything about him annoys me. If I could rewind I never would have married him, I wish I hadn't but I did, and now I feel so stuck.
Like do I just ignore the fact that I cant stand him and just have sex when I'm ovulating to get pregnant(I know that's terrible!!) or do I just wait...
Then this past week my mom had surgery and I've been stressing so much over it