How are you all?
Noah was 6 weeks yesterday. It's gone by so quickly it's a shock, I wanted to come and see how everyone else is doing! Life is pretty much back to normal here, or to our new normal anyway. So strange that I still felt like crap at this point with my daughter, but I've felt totally normal and fine for weeks this time around. Breastfeeding is a breeze, I was always envious of women who had no problems at all establishing breastfeeding because of how hard I had to work for weeks on end with Poppy that it almost makes me feel guilty! I guess I know so much more now then I did then though. I'm absolutely loving feeding a newborn again.
I'm very much enjoying little smiles right now, I can't wait to hear that first laugh. I hope you are all getting on well with your lovely squishy babies and that they are thriving!