Lil' October Pumpkins 2013

Baby roman titi born 19th October 02.21am 7.13am after being induced at 41 weeks+

Great labour but ended up with 3rd degree tear so rather sore but he is more than with it xxx GOODLUCK delivery dust to all other October pumpkins image.jpg
Congrats angel!!!!! Good luck on your c-section PM! Lovely birth story SB. Congrats Zahara!! Beautiful little man... I'm sorry about the 3rd degree tear.. I understand your pain.

How are you feeling today jbell and girlie???
Like I'm going to be pregnant forever junebugs... like I'm going to be pregnant forever...

Congratulations Zahara
sorry ive not been around on here for a while. been popping on the fb group instead. everything i do lately is one handed as dylan feeds so much!! congrats to all the new mummies! hopefully not long til we have all our pumpkins!
Marin was SUPER active before she was born, to the point she was bringing tears to my eyes the night before the contractions started. Good luck ladies!
Congratulation Zahara, he's beautiful. I feel for you with the tear, I've had two 3rd degree tears. Hope your recovery is fast!

Jbell, you'll get there soon, lots of labour dust your way.
Congrats zahara! Hope you recover quickly.

I'm fed up to be honest. I don't seem to be getting anywhere and feel like this pregnancy's going to last forever. I'm having plenty of BHs and occasionally some practice runs, but nothing that amounts to anything. Last night I had one hell of a contraction. Just one, stand alone, all by itself, bloody painful contraction. What's that all about??

How are you anyway junebugs?
Girly I swear our bodies are in cohorts to screw with us. I had the same thing last night! It woke me up and scared the mess out of me. I hate our bodies right now :grr:

JB how are you doing?
I think you could be right!! It was the strangest thing ever, I have no idea if it means anything though. Just wish the contractions would start and keep going, for the both of us!!
I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a tantrum if I don't have a baby soon. :dohh::grr::loopy:
I'm not surprised preggy!! Can't believe you haven't had your LO yet.
Oh dear, I have not been around so congrats too all the new moms! Poor little Oliver has bad bad reflux, we actually got sent to the hospital for emergency tests to make sure he didn't have an obstruction that would have to be dealt with surgically. Thankfully they saw nothing, but he is on two different medications that have to be timed just right so that he can keep his food down... and even then it doesn't always help him. So I have had my hands full!

Would you lovely ladies please update me on all the new babies so I can add them to the front list. Thank you!
Oh I'm sorry Maze!! AR is really no fun! Poor little man!

Preggy eggy I really hope your LO arrives very soon for you!

Jbell and girlie.. I know what you mean... I have been losing my plug for 5 days now and nothing
... lots of contractions but nothing... I am trying to stay positive thou... I know that going late can be normal and I could still have another 2 weeks. (Oh god do I hope not to!!!) Lol
I've given up hope of going into labour naturally but I'm soo scared of being induced!! I just wish this baby would arrive!!
Don't give up hope girlie!! You still have lots of time to go into labour naturally! I didn't go into labour with mason until 41.3 weeks.. and I had no signs of it until 2 days before when I started to have a bloody show... and I know lots of other people that didn't go until later then that with no signs
I'm trying to stay positive but I can feel the days melting away until I see my MW again and have to set a date for induction. I think I would've felt better if the MW would've at least attempted a sweep at my appt yesterday.
I think it was setting an induction date that sent me into labour... I really didn't want one either but I set it and had my OB do one last sweep and 2 days later I had mason... why won't your MW do a sweep?
She didn't want to do one until I'm 41wks+ because she reckoned it wouldn't work until then, even though my notes state I should've been offered one yesterday.
Just realize that I haven't done a birth story! It all started October 1st at my Dr appointment, I got checked to see if I was dialated and I was already at 4cm! I was put on the monitor to check his heart rate and to see if I had any contractions which apparently I did but either I have two boys who keep me busy all day that I didn't noticed or I have a high pain tolerance which I doubt it! After my appointment I went to Wal-Mart to buy some more diapers and some bottles (was planning on ff). Got home and when I went to the restroom I saw some blood but didn't think anything of it as I was checked by the Dr and he said to expect some bleeding but I now I realize he meant some spotting and not actually bleeding as much as I did. Decided to take the boys to the park and felt some light pains but put it down to BH, got home and went to bed. Woke up around 1am in some light pain but agaon thought nothing, went to the restroom and I was still bleeding. Around 4am I texted family members to see if anyone could babysit but no one answered until OH called and called until someone finally picked up the phone. Around 10 till 6 I dropped off the boys at my niece's house and begged OH to take me to McDonald's as I knew I wasn't going to be allowed anything go eat if I was in labor, which I still doubted I was and was thinking I was just being a big cry baby. After McDonald's we got to the hospital close to 7am, the pains seemed to be getting more painful enough for me to cry but I felt embarrassed to cry in front of the nurses (I feel embarrassed crying in front of medical staff no matter in how much pain I cam be in, don't know why) I was hooked up to the monitor and sure enough I was having contractions, I started to talk with the nurses to keep myself from tearing up from the pain as I was pretty sure I was still at 4cm. A nurse checked me and I was at 7cm! The Dr came in a few minutes later and said" I was told you were at 7cm, I'm going to make sure and check you myself" then she proceeded to check me and said" How on earth are you still talking like if nothing is going on?" I just laughed but I really wanted to cry crom the pain. Next thing I know Dr wa looking at my notes and notified the delivery team to have a NICU on call be because of possible Edward's syndrome. My heart dropped, since we decided against the harmony test and didn't hear anything about it since I thought we had been in the clear of the diagnosis. Got to the delivery room and was checked around 9am and I was still at 7cm, was given pitocin and the contractions were getting faster and stronger but I didn't want any pain medication. OH saw that I refused the epidural and begged me to get some type of pain medication. I finally agreed to some stadol because OH wouldn't stop begging me to get something for the pain. I was given the lowest dosage od Stadol and was dizzy for a good 5minutes but still felt every contraction, guess it didn't work... Then around 12:30pm I called for the nurse that I felt pressure and sure enough I was ready to push. I started to push around 12:35pm and with two pushes my baby boy was born at 12:37pm. I turned to see OH and saw him crying so I freaked out and I said "My baby! Is he okay? Is he okay!?!" Then the nurse said" Yes, he's perfectly healthy." He was then places on my chest and the NICU was not needed. He was put on the oxygen monitor later on as he was shuddering afterwards but he was fine and his oxygen levels never dropped. I couldn't be more relieve that he was healthy :)

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