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***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Spidey: It definitely sounds like it is a money game, my God $200, Ireland is usually so expensive, but 2 appointments would not amount to that amount. It does seem a little crazy to spend an unmerciful amount of money when they are going to fall out anyway. Did they say how long they expect the flouride to last for?

I didn't realise that you got pregnant on a long cycle this time, that gives me great hope, because I really was convinced from what I was reading that we were totally out this month because of ov being so late, so thankfully now I know we are not.

I think I will still go and see my gp and see what she thinks about the long cycles. I suppose I'm really paranoid that if my pcos is really playing up again. I'm at more risk of a mc too and that is what really scares me. The only thing is I will probably have to tell the gp that we have been trying for longer as the consultant doesn't usually see you unless you have been trying a year and they don't take into account the waiting times, so If I am truthful, we will probably have to go back to the gp in 9 months for referral and then that could take another 1 and then possibly a few months of treatment if necessary, so the worst case senario could be that along with the pregnancy it could be 3 years before we actually have another baby, so I'm going to say we are ttc since the last mc and at least if we are waiting a year for the appointment we will be ttc over a year at that stage.

I'm staying postive though and hoping I will never need the appointment and it will happen by itself, but at least this is our safe guard if it doesn't and i'm hoping that by even having that plan in place might relax me enough for it to happen, if that makes sense.

I was due to start clomid before my first mc and then again before we conceived Natasha and both times I was waiting on my period to start, so as I could start the treatment, but AF never came, so I think it was that I relaxed and didn't think about it as much as I was convinced it would happen the month after with the Clomid, so hopefully just by getting the wheels in motion this time might relax me as at the moment it just feels like it will never happen and I know I shouldn't feel like that as it is early days, but It just does for some reason. So I need to get back to those positive thoughts and hopefully by chatting to my gp and getting a referral will do that.

Didn't do much over the weekend, DH took down the decorations yesterday and I had a nap when Natasha was down as my arthritis is really playing up and I'm just exhausted, probably the after affects from being sick over Christmas too. Myself and Natasha then had a bath and that was about all we did bar play yesterday. Today we went over to see my friend that had the MC she looks so shattered the poor love. It is so strange to see her going through she is getting angry for the exact same things I did and is looking for the exact same answers that I did. The worst of it is though, I know that nothing I can say will help and only time will do that and even then it will always hurt, just not as much. I do know though how much I appreciated all the help and support my family, friends and you girls gave me, so I hope that I have helped her in some ways just by her knowing I'm here.

Hope you girls are all well and had a nice weekend. Xx
Right so I am not sure if I have even given a proper update since Christmas so here goes get a cuppa and choccy bar and settle down for a novel :haha:

Christmas went much better than expected, I was concerned about SOphia's behaviour at my parents house and also about the fact that all 4 of us would be sharing a room whilst there. Anyway other than one meltdown Sophia behaved really well and played very nicely with her 2 cousins (boys aged 5 and 3). She also slept really well, she was still waking up several times a night for some reason but becasue we were on an airbed on teh floor (whilst she got the proper bed :haha:) and snuck in after she was asleep (obviously as otherwise we'd have gone to bed at 7pm!) we could tell there was nothing wrong and she mainly just talked a bit of jibberish and then went back to sleep. She didn't notice we were there until the morning. It wa sweet, she woke up and I heard her sit up (it was pretty dark in the room) and I heard "who's there"........." I can see you"..........."it's mummy and daddy". We thought we would be doomed the second night and that when she woke up in the night she would know we were there and not goback to sleep, but she didn;t realise and we had the same wake up call in the morning.

She got loads of good presents her favourite is her toy shop stuff and a treehouse toy a bit like a dollshouse but a treehouse.

I didn't get anything particularly special, but then there was nothing I wanted to be honest. What were your best gifts for yourselves and your LO's?

New Years Eve we stayed in and had a couple of my university friends cmoe to stay (they have come to stay each NYE since Sophia was born so it is becoming a tradition). i had a bit of a cold so wasn't drinking much. We had a bit of an extravagant night, we only drank champagne (got through 6 bottles) and ate posh party food from waitrose. We played games and had fun. I snuck off to bed at about 1.30am and the rest followed at about 3pm

Since then we haven't really been up to much, Sophia has ruin most plans I have made by being such a madam. Seriously she has been testing my very last nerve. There is a meltdown about EVERYTHING which socks she wears, brushing her teeth, whether she has finished breakfast or not, and that is all in teh first hour of the day..............very draining. It got to the point last week where i was asking her over breakfast what she wanted to do that day. She would say go to the park (etc) and I would say ok lets go and get ready. She would fight my every move to try and get her dressed and out of the house to the point i was saying "do you want to go to the park?, IF you do then you need to get dresses/brush your teeth/put your shoes on" etc etc and if you don't do it then we can't go. Still not co-operating so I say"right you have one chance if you don't do what I say now then we are not going to the park. So she still doesn;t do it so i HAVE to refuse to go to the park! I didn't leave the house last week:dohh: I am hoping that a bit of tough love will teach her to cooperate! I used to pick my battles but now it feels like I can't let her get away with anything as it sends the wrong the message about who is boss.

I have been seriously at the end of my tether.

She has also had a set back with potty training. She has been weeing in her clothes again, she says "I need the toilet" and the before we can even respind she stands there and wees. She has the bladder control but is choosing not to use it. She hadn't used the potty in ages and was going on the toilet but we were asking if she wanted to go and not really letting her tell us. So today we went back to making sure the potty was in eyes view and remiding her it was there and to use it if she needed to. And voila no accidents today........2 steps forward one step back!

She has tonight also realsied she can get out of her bed. She has never got out of bed at night before, but she is putting up a fight tonight and I can hear David having to wrestle with her. She is really testing us!

aargh she just woke up Cora!

Spidey - when do you go back to the dentist to talk about treatment?
Did you get to have an ultrasound at your recent midwife appt?

Jean - long cycles shouldn't affecct the viability of an egg, I agree with what spidey says in terms of freshness etc. So you are definitely still in with a shot this month. I hope you can relax and catch that egg!
Oh and I just realised I barely mentioned Cora in my above update which pretty much sums up the little mites life. It makes me sad to say that she gets so little attention if it wasn't for breastfeeding then I wonder if I would even have time to cuddle her. She is such a lovely baby smiley and giggley and barely ever cries.........I have thoughts in my head about those babies in Romanian orphanages that don't cry anymore because nobody comes anyway.........but Cora has never been a very cryey baby (I hope!)

She is still a giant 14.5lbs and just on the top centile for height (that I measured myself). She is grabbing out for things now and oohing and ahhing she really is lovely and the time I do get to cuddle her I treasure as it is just so lovely to hold a baby and feel their warmth and nuzzle her neck and have her smile at me............such a shame that give her a couple of years and she'll be wearing me down like her big sister :haha:

Oh and i hope you are doing something lovely for your birthday Spidey x
Shiv, I'm sorry Sophia is being rebellious! Kira is getting there although definitely not at the same point as Sophia (yet!). There have been times that I get her dressed in one set of pj's and she changes her mind and wants to wear another set, and I comply and change her clothes... so yeah, I'm a pushover mom :haha: And life has become nothing but deal making now. For instance, at the dentists office she was turning a crank on a ball machine, but it was time to go back and see the dentist. She started to throw a fit when DH picked her up to take her away, so we said "you can turn the crank 2 more times and then we have to go". She turned it 2 more times and then was happy to be carried away. All day is spent making these little deals and compromises and it seems to work, although I probably just jinxed myself :lol: I have a few rules that she must follow no matter what- teeth brushing, flossing, and wearing a coat. She also wants my attention ALL the time. I hear "mommy" about 1,000 times a day. If I had another LO to look after it wouldn't be pretty- Kira would certainly act up more. Do you think Sophia is teething too. Kira has a 2nd molar coming through and has been much moodier these last few days.

I do cherish all the snuggles she still gives me. We lay down in her bed to take naps and she likes to fall asleep with our noses touching. It's so sweet. She plays with her ear and that lulls her to sleep- she's been doing that since she was a little baby. But now she'll reach over and play with my ear and drift off. Then after we wake up from the nap we lay in bed 20 more minutes and just stare at eachother. I'm really going to miss this when I have another baby to look after.

Shiv- As for potty training set backs- Kira has had quite a few and I think it's to be expected although I don't think people tend to talk about it. With the most recent set back I put a treat bag right near the potty which sits in the livingroom, so all day she was reminded of the candy that she could get if she peed in the right spot. It seemed to work and now I've hidden the treats and she only gets one if she asks for it after a pee, which is almost never.

jelr, thats so funny how you became pregnant right before a clomid cycle, 2 times! Thats just like me- I was told by the midwife not to expect to get pregnant anytime soon and they would refer me to a specialist after I fully weaned Kira, and tadaa- I became pregnant that cycle. Have you had any temp spikes yet?

We had the consultation appointment with Kira's new dentist and it went well. She's going back every 2-3 months for fluoride and the dentist will keep a close eye on all her teeth. Once the 2 year molars come in then we have to make the decision to have her teeth fixed because the dentist won't do GA twice, and she wants to wait until all the 2nd year molars come in.

My birthday was great. I'm 31 now! In an attempt to not get too fat, I made a carrot cake (which is far from being healthy) :rofl: and proceeded to eat nearly half of it. I think I'm going to watch my calories more closely near the end of the pregnancy and not right now. I went on a baking binge during the 10 days prior to Kira's arrival and I believe that played a big part in her size. I was finally off work and my goal was to convert my old favorite recipes to gluten free ones, so I made a new recipes every day and then ate nearly the entire thing myself. Fudge, peanut butter chocolate bars, pineapple upside down cake... I even have pictures documenting my baking experiments :haha:

I didn't get a sonogram at my 14/15 week appointment and I won't until 20 weeks.

It's getting late so I need to stop blabbing :lol:
Spidey - so glad you had a nice birthday and enjoyed your cake! I honestly believe that your baby will be the size it will be and there is very little you can do about it. I ate so much rubbish with Sophia and she was tiny. I would worry less about what you eat and just go for a walk if you feel you have over-indulged.

I am glad you have a plan in place with the dentist now, she sounds sensible with regards to not wanting to put LO's under GA twice.

We do a lot of deal making here too, unfortunately SOphia has started to relent on her part of the deal. SO if we had been in the same situation with the lever thingy as Kira, I would have done the exact same thing as you, "ok you can have two more goes and then we have to go, ok" to which Sophia would have said ok had hertwo go's and then screamed bloody murder when we had to leave :haha: With the pyjamas I used to change them too, I thought no point making a big deal out of it. However now I would say ok which ones do you wnat then, she would pick them put them on the scream because she wanted the old ones back, and we could keep changing between the two pairs repeatedly and she she would still scream. So I kind of figured we needed to just say no from the start and ride out the screaming. Not fun.

We did manage to get out of the house today to feed the ducks. SO Last night when she wouldn't go to bed I asked her what she wanted to do tomorrow and she said feed the ducks so I said ok, if you go to sleep now then we can go to see the ducks, but if you stay awake we will be too tired to go. And she slept thank goodness!

SO we only had 3 big meltdowns today (plus numerous mini ones that I don't count!)

And yes she is teething so has one full 2nd molar through and a half of another. I am not sure i can blame it on that though and even if I can I can't let her get away with this behaviour for the next 6 months while the others come through!

SO mil is annoying me again, we haven't heard hide nor hair of her since 23rd Dec when she came to see us. Today David messaged me to say that she was going to phone the house at 6pm to speak to Sophia. SO I made sure Sophia was all cleaned up and knew she was going to call. 45 minutes later I get a text saying that MiL has a migraine and had been asleep and would call tomorrow at 6pm. Ok fine, migraines suck so I understood. Then I just go on to facebook and she has posted loads of stuff including this (which I think is a bit wierd and over the top)

A grandchild is a special person in your life through a special person you gave life.
A grandchild holds a special place in your heart, meant only for them to take part.
A grandchild reminds you how to laugh and play just as you did before your children grew up and moved away.
A grandchild is given to you as a gift from above, and this is just one way to show them they're loved!.

Anyway apart from being wierd, I was angry because if she had a migraine there is no way she would have been able to sit up never mind look at a computer.............grrrrrrrrrr. So Sophia was disapointed!

I realised today that I don't have a single thing in my diary...........ever........that is pretty sad no events booked in at all. It sucks living so far away from family who can babysit for us.

Other than all that moaning this week is going better than last :happydance:

Jean - any news on ovulation etc
Shiv, I feel better now knowing that you're the same amount of a pushover mom as me :haha: The only difference is Kira hasn't rebelled to the point of Sophia yet. If Kira was to turn the crank 2 more times and then want more, I would have drug her away kicking and screaming too. Like you- I don't mind making compromises but I stop there. Luckily Kira hasn't tested me too much so we can still go out in public :rofl: But she does save all her grumpiness for me. With DH, MIL and my mom she is such a sweet girl, but I get all the whines and cries. I guess that comes with being mom.

I'm so nervous! Tomorrow me and Kira have the first day of art class that I signed up for months ago when I wanted mommy friends, lol! I've been telling Kira about all the fun things we will do, and then I ask "do you want to go to art class" and she says "NO!". I'm pretty certain she will say "all done home all done home all done home all done home" from the moment we step in the door. I hope she likes it and behaves. I've taught her some bad habits when it comes to art so she might kick up a fuss if there are rules. Her favorite part of painting is squeezing the tubes of paint until they "fart" and I doubt they'll let us waste all of their paint :haha:

Oh Shiv, your MIL sounds a bit nutty. The thing she posted about grandchildren is weird. I have a tendency to be paranoid and read into things, but perhaps she just copied and pasted some junk onto FB and it doesn't have a deeper meaning behind it. If her migraine was bad enough that she couldn't talk to Sophia for a few minutes, then she certainly shouldn't be on the computer. Does she often use sickness as a way to get attention? My MIL is like that. She'll call DH on the phone and make her voice sound like she's in her death bed, but minutes later she'll be talking normal. I can't stand it!

My coworkers still have no idea I'm pregnant :haha: Only one knows and he's finding it funny that no one has said anything yet. I honestly don't think people have noticed... they probably just think I'm getting fat. This is what I wore to work today...

How did the art class go SPidey?

I CANNOT believe that your colleagues haven't guessed you are pregnant. It would be different if you were not a skinny minny and there was a chance you had just porked out a bit but you are usually so slim it is obvious that is baby bump. You look GREAT!

SO guess who didn't call again tonight :growlmad: not even an explanation this time. She put on facebook the other day how it makes her mad that all her family don't take the other members in to consideration and I was wondering if it was a dig at us because we haven't been in touch since Christmas. Well whether it is or not you don't tell a little girl that you are gonna call and then don't. That is 2 nights in a row that Sophia has gone to bed asking why Grandma didn't call. In answer to your question about whether she uses illness often as an excuse........this is the first time she has arranged to call up especially to speak to Sophia so I guess that is a 100% fail rate. I am mad!

I had my worst day ever with Sophia, we had tantrums about everything and she was really mean to Cora (usually she just leaves her alone) but she was stealing her toys and she even pulled her hair........I swear I had to leave the room on several occasions to compose myself as I was a mixture of bloody angry and bloody upset. We were going to go out and ride her bike, but she wanted to do it in her pyjamas and refused to get dressed (which obviously I am not going to allow). By the time she had clothes on that weren't her pj's it was nearly 1pm and late for lunch so I had to explain to her that the reason we weren't going out on her bike was because she didn't get dressed when I asked her to. She wouldn't go down for her nap so I said right if you behave nicely while we pop to the shop then we can ride your bike when we get back. She point blank refused to put any shoes on so again we didn't even go to the shop never mind ride her bike.

What would you ladies have done in the above situations? I don't want to pin her down to get her dressed etc as she is big enough now to know what I asking her to do, and she is really rather strong and I am afrain I will hurt her as she squirms around getting free. I dunno, it is really getting me down. It is a good job I have Cora as I can pick her up and instantly feel calm.

And don't even get me started on brushing her teeth and putting her hair up :dohh:

Jean - hope everything is ok, haven;t heard from you in a few days :hugs:
Shiv, thats so mean your MIL isn't making an attempt to talk to Sophia. She shouldn't lie to Sophia, its so unfair and selfish. And not speaking since Christmas is really NOT that long. You have 2 babies to look after so in my opinion, attempts for contact should be made by the grandparent.

I'm so sorry Sophia had such a bad day, plus no nap to top it off. I guess if it were me and Kira (mind you, Kira seems much less headstrong that Sophia!) I would have said "do you want to wear boots or sparkle shoes". If that tactic doesn't work and we're heading to the grocery store, then I'll say "OH! you know what we need to buy!?? (pause for drama) CHIPS!" and then she'll happily sit down to have her shoes on. She loves chips/crisps and she knows I will let her pick out any bag she wants. If we're going shopping at a non-food store, I'll say "what are you bringing to the store with you?" For some reason that makes her happy so she'll run away and come back with some strange object and then she'll sit to get her shoes on. I'm sure you've tried all this with Sophia, but I want to give you an idea of how easy it is to change Kira's mind. I will not let Kira leave the house with pj's on either. For whatever reason, if I say "NEW CLOTHES!" Kira gets very excited and lets me change her out of pj's. If I say "we need to change you into real clothes" she doesn't comply. Sometimes I'll have to say "NEW CLOTHES! ooooo! I wonder if you're going to wear a butterfly shirt, or maybe a zebra shirt..." The only time I actually wrestle her down is for teeth brushing, but I've only done that a few times in the past year. If she acts up during teeth brushing (like keeping her mouth shut) I can usually get her to open up by making a really goofy face and then she'll forget about her stubbornness for a second. If I said to Kira "you have to eat pea soup for dinner since you didn't let mommy go shopping earlier" I don't think she would understand a consequence like that. Kira's newish thing is peeing outside so when she wants to pee outside I have to be quick to think of a reason why the toilet in the house is better. Yesterday she found a spot in the grass where she wanted to pee, and I said "oh, but it will be so much fun peeing on the BIIIIIG potty!" rather than "we don't pee outside" And it worked, lol! So when I'm a bit goofy, she'll listen to me more :rofl: When I'm tired and don't have the energy to make everything sound exciting, Kira's more likely to have a grump day. Could you sign Sophia up for some sort of nursery school for 2-3 mornings a week. It might be all you (and Sophia) need so you're more recharged to deal with her antics. The break I get from working 3 mornings a week really helps me re-focus and deal with things easier and it gives Kira a MUCH needed break from me. Plus I have my MIL who visits in the evening about 3 days a week. My MIL and mom are filled with energy when they see her and Kira has so much fun with them. When she's with me, I have to do the laundry, clean, cook, and shop so I'm not nearly as fun. Does Sophia behave better with your DH? I'm so sorry I can't be of much help... I haven't reached the peak of the terrible twos yet so I don't have much advice :hugs:

Art class went well. There were 6 kids and their moms (and 1 dad) and we spent the first 50 minutes sitting at tables doing 4 different crafts. Then during the last 10 minutes the kids got to play with the toys in the other half of the room. Kira covered her eyes with her hands for the first few minutes but after awhile she warmed up, although she never ventured far from me. Since she was so against going to art class, I reworded it and said "mommy is going to mommy's art class....... and if you want, you can help mommy". It totally worked :haha: It's so easy to change her mind- I'm going to dread the day she becomes more stubborn! She also walked out of the classroom and out to the car while holding my hand!! She saw the other kids doing it, and I guess she wanted to fit in. Normally she makes me carry her, or she refuses to hold my hand. It was so sweet.
Glad art class went well Spidey. you are great at spinning things round to get Kira to play ball!

All the things you said you would do in my circumstance were things I used to do. I think I have got so fed up with her behaviour that I have become incredibly stubborn (I wonder where SOphia gets it from :haha:) and have started to try to force the issue rather than being nicey nicey. SO I decided today that I would go back to the nicey nicey approach and on the most part it worked. I didn't back down on any major issues but I tried to not let things get to the point where it was a stand off situation. SO when Sophia didn't want to brush her teeth I aksed her to choose which toothbrush she wanted to use (we have 2 granted one of them is her old one and very very tatty but she wouldn't let us throw it away :dohh:). SO I put some toothpaste on it and let her brush (she is actually getting much better) and then got the other brush in there too. Probably not the most thorough brushing but good enough I think every tooth got touched! We were teeth brushed, dressed and hair done by 10am.
I laid out the plans for the day then, that we needed to wait for the tesco delivery and then we would go out on her tirke (wearing her wellies because it had rained and there might be puddles to be jumped in), then we needed to go to teh shop in the afternoon to get her some more yoghurts (which I would let her choose). We didn't have a tantrum free day (in fact David did have to physically pin her down to brush her teeth tonight and she is mighty hard to pin down these days) but it was a great improvement. We got out on her trike. We didn't make it to the shop as Cora slept too long but that means we can go tomorrow morning!

So spidey I want to thank you for reminding me that nicey nicey tactics are not weak, but essential to get anything done :thumbup:

It does still frustrate me that she won;t simply do what I say, especially when it is something that will benefit her e.g she aks for a snack as we need to get ready to go out. I say sure, get your shoes on and you can have a chocolate coin in the car.............but she won't put her shoes on :shrug: She is seriously just SO stubborn, she would rather spoil for a fight than get chocolate - strange girl!

This morning as she was getting up out of bed she was telling me about what happened in her bedtime tv program and bedtime story the previous night and also that she waited and waited and waited for Grandma to call :cry: All day long she kept talking about how she would tell grandma this and that. I felt so terrible. I should have known not to tell her that she was going to call. She texted David late last night to say sorry she was asleep again and was not feeling well. But she was on facebook an hour before she was due to call could she not have waited before going to bed? She has said she will ring on Saturday so now I have to get Sophia to stop talking about her constantly as I have nothing nice to say about her and have managed to be nothing but positive so far!

So I have decided that I need to organise something for my birthday (not until April but need SOMETHING in my dairy :haha:). The only way both David and I can go out is if we go back to Kent and leave the girls with my parents. This means that if I want to invite my friends who don't live in Kent then I have nowehere to offer for them to stay as I can't offer rooms at my parents house out! So i think I might book in to a travelodge (cheap hotel SPidey) and so can my friends from outside of Kent. It is only £40 a room and a room sleeps 3 so it is actually probably cheaper than taxi's would cost to get home from a night out etc. I might do a meal and the casino. David said oh but we ALWAYS do that. I had to point out that last time we did it was out leaving do from Kent last May and that come April that will be nearly a year ago!

Oh and SPidey I would LOVE for Sophia to go to nursery a few mornings a week, but it costs £15 per 3 hour session so that is nearly £50 a week for 3 mornings and we simply can't afford £200 a month for something that really is a luxury. Sophia will get 15 hours free pre-school a week from September though so that is something to lookforward to. We looked around where she will go before Christmas as you have to register and she loved it :thumbup:
Shiv, I'm glad you had a better day today. It couldn't have gotten worse... I think :haha: Somedays I don't have it in me to be nicey nicey and those are always the hardest days. Either I'm tired, mad about something else or I just don't feel good. DH will innocently walk through the door and I say "why are you 5 minutes late!? I need some time alone!!" and run upstairs to hide for an hour while he cooks dinner and I think to myself- lets see how he likes making dinner with Kira crying and hanging off his legs :lol: It's really hard being a mommy sometimes :hugs: I'm VERY stubborn too and so is Kira. I guess thats why the only way I can get her to do things is by putting some sort of exciting spin on everything. I have to present everything in a way so Kira thinks she's the one making the decisions. The dentist was funny and told me there's a certain type of little girl who is very head strong, and those girls are impossible to sedate because they will fight the effects and turn into an "angry drunk"... and Kira is one of those types. I bet Sophia is too.

I have to give Kira the choice of toothbrushes too :lol:

That is so sad Sophia was talking about waiting for grandma to call the next morning. Does David ever yell at his mother? It sounds like she needs it.

Thats really neat you get 15 free hours of nursery school when the kids are 3. Is it 3 hours a day? Here you can send the kids to public pre-school when they're 4 and its probably about 15 hours a week, 5 days a week. Spaces are limited, so first choice goes to kids with delays or who are very poor and then the others may or may not get in. I'm still not sure if I'll send Kira. Sending Kira to school is a scary thought. It'll be the same elementary school that DH went to and he turned out okay, but its certainly not the best in the area. We live in a poor area and we're "wealthier" than most in this neighborhood. Kira will be the only blonde haired one in the class- not like that matters, but she'll have to get used to kids with very different life experiences than her.

We have travelodge here! That sounds like a fun birthday celebration! I think booking a motel is the best idea so you only have to stumble a few blocks from the casino to the motel and then you can have the morning to recover before you have to travel back home. If I were closer I would invite myself :haha:

jelr... I hope you are getting lots of :sex: in :haha:
Hey girls - sorry I have been MIA but I'm off the cigs again and not in the best of form :haha: - I will be fine in another week or so. I had forgotten how fed up you get in that first week and work has been hectic and we have had meetings all week, so I'm really tired on top of it and just generally feeling sorry for myself :haha: - I'll be grand though just haven't been motivated to do anything in the evenings - not fb, not here and I have barely spoke to poor DH :haha: - I have just stuck my head in the tv and the allen carr book. I just wish I didn't put on so much weight so quickly or that I was somebody that didn't care about my weight. It just feels like I'm getting fat, missing the cigs, ttc and trying to settle into the office all at once and it does seem a lot this week, but I do feel a bit better today thank god and so far have not had any cigs at all as I was really bad and managed to survive all day without them and then on Tuesday had 1 before bed and Wed had 3 in the evening and yesterday had 3 also.

So far today is going a lot better considering I'm at home all day which is where my problem is as I don't have time to think about it in work. I know you both told me, but I'm so stupid for staring again before Christmas.

I did read on and off here though even in my mod and am really sorry I didn't get on to reply.

Spidey: I'm glad the dentist is not for GA if possible and definitely not more than once, she sounds really nice.

I can't believe everyone hasn't guessed either, you look so so pregnant, especially since you are usually teeny tiny :thumup:

Shiv: I'm really sorry to hear that Sophia is playing up so much, I hope today went better like yesterday did.

I do think the nicey nicey work here also and I do think we avoid too many tantrums with mainly distraction. Natasha is still easily distracted before she has a meltdown. Although it does't always work either.

I do find though and DH even notices it when he comes home, if I am tired and stressed and don't have the energy for nicey nicey and I do get stubborn, the day ends in disaster. It is like a battle of the wills between myself and Natasha. God help us when she hits hormone age :haha:

She actually has DH's temperment and is extremely laid back, but when she blows watch out as she is as stubborn and as cranky and so is he :haha:

If Natasha is particularly misbehaving I do use time outs and they do seem to help and do exactly what they say on the tin and give both of us time out away from each other. I don't use them too often more for big things like hitting me or throwing stuff in temper.

Although yesterday was very funny, DH had a class last night and it was only myself and Natasha here and we were playing and she struck out and hit me so I put her in the corner for a time out and she said "I'm ready to come out and I'm sorry" so I said "no you can stay there a little longer" as she was only there for about 30 seconds - so after another minute I let her out and she went over to the cooker and slapped it and then said "I go to timeout for slapping the cooker" and off she went to the corner and then went over to the cooker and said "sorry cooker" - I would have laughed my heart out except I didn't want to send the message that slapping or time outs were funny, but she really was hilarious :haha:

Well AFM - I got a nearly postitive OPK on Sunday night but it was really late and DH was in bed (I had completely forgotten about it that day) - I did try and waken him, but I didn't have a hope :haha: - It did however turn completely positive on Monday morning and according to my chart OV occured on Monday - so that is really great that OV happens for me so close after the postive OPK and not a few days later and my surge seems to last a good long time too as it was still positive Monday evening but had gone by Tuesday evening. So we dtd on Monday and had already done it on Friday and Saturday so they will also count for Monday, we really should have on Tuesday also as well, but I was so not in the mood on my first day off the cigs and was actually exhausted and really stupid all that day and just couldn't - so I'm hoping that Friday, Saturday and Monday was enough.

I'm having a horrible LP too with this cycle, it must be something to do with long cycles as the previous long one was the same. Majorly sore boobs and cramps in my pelvis all day long. OV was really hard as well as I was realy nauseated for a few days beforehand.

I'm sorry girls that was a really selfish and moany post. i'm just stuck up my own arse this week :haha: - I hope I will be back to normal next week and get in to do proper posts.

Have a great weekend and :hugs: to all. Xx
woohoo jelr for positive opks!!!! That's wonderful they work for you. My surge was also long and after awhile I only tested once a day rather than morning and evening. Long cycles have always been bad for me too. Before Kira my cycles were very long and I had awful pms symptoms. After Kira my cycles mostly shortened and were much better. I think the hormones have more time to build up or something. I bet you'll have a 14 day LP this time too.

That's great you've started to quit smoking again! What made you pick this week to start? I hope its much easier for you this time. Didn't your mom quit smoking last time- how is she doing with it?

I actually have something written on my social calendar (much like you Shiv) :haha: The group of girls that I used to hang out with in middle and high school are getting together for tea in a month. I hope I don't sound too stupid, but its supposed to be like real English tea but with a bunch of trashy Americans trying to act fancy. :lol: Here is the place we're going https://www.reynoldstavern.org/ In the last 12 years I've only seen one of the girls... the one who adopted the little boy and they came to my house for a play date a few months ago. So this means I'll need to have my hair cut and buy a new outfit! I am so antisocial so this is a big deal for me :haha: I can't eat any of the baked treats but on the menu they have a salad so I can eat that and not look too weird.

Kira's been such a grump today and thank god DH is home to help out. She's had her finger in the back of her mouth all day so I think her molar is hurting.

I hope you girls are having a fun weekend. It's a 3 day weekend here so no work for DH tomorrow :happydance:
Spidey: I bet you will have loads of fun meeting up with everyone once you get over the nerves. The place you are going looks lovely and quaint.

I'm sorry to hear Kira has been grumpy, it definitely sounds like it is her teeth. I hope you got a nice rest when DH was home at the weekend.

Anymore people noticing that you are pregnant yet? How are you feeling now? Is the MS gone completely?

Re: the smoking - I had always planned on quitting after Christmas but had decided to wait until I went back to work and then chickened out the first week and said I would wait until I had moved into the new office and the first week was over. I'm doing a lot better this week, although I'm still having one last thing at night and it just goes to show you, how much it is in the head. I'm thinking of them less and less each day and if I do I just think aw sure I'll have that one tonight and then it goes out of my head, whereas the last time I thought of them all day long and ate all around me, which I'm not doing this time either - although that could be because I'm concious that I have nearly a stone to lose after the last time and Christmas :haha:

I do know I have to knock that one on the head too, but can't seem to find the will power at all, in once sense I can't wait to be pregnant because there is no tempation because I just can't smoke and I don't think the stress will be there like before because I have knocked most of it on the head - I think :shrug: :dohh:

Not much news here, arthritis was playing up a lot over the weekend, so we had a really lazy weekend and watched a cartoon movie both days and all three of us curled up with a big blanket and some popcorn on the sofa (our corner suite pulls out into a bed, so it was lovely and snug).

Shiv: How are things going now??? - I really hope Sophia has settled down, it must be so hard to look after a newborn with such a cranky toddler. :hugs:
jelr, how is not smoking going? I can't wait to hear about any pregnancy tests you take this cycle.. it has to be soon, right?

It's too obvious I'm pregnant now so I'm purposely hiding my bump at work. I don't like being the center of attention and I know I'll have to "announce" it at some point and the longer I wait the more awkward it gets! I really want to get the blood results from my quad screen (end of next week) before I announce, and preferably I'd like to have my 20 week sonogram to know all is well. For whatever reason I'm convinced something is wrong and I don't want to jinx things by being happy and having people congratulate me. My m/s is much much better but I still have trouble brushing my teeth and I have to eat in bed before moving too much in the morning. But I'm eating normal foods now and enjoying them. I occasionally feel little movements too.

We had Kira's 2nd art class Wednesday and it went much better than I was expecting! I was worried that having the toys in the same room as the art class would be bad and she would refuse to stop playing to do art. She did put up a fuss when I tried to carry her over when it was time to start, but then I appealed to Kira's kleptomania side and said "what toy would you like to take to the art table with you?" and she happily picked out a toy frying pan and sat down with the rest of the kids. Whew, what a relief!

Kira has become such a Daddy's girl this past week. She calls out for daddy all day long while DH is at work, so I started calling DH to let Kira talk to him on the phone. Everytime she starts off the conversation by saying "boo boo" and DH promises to kiss her boo boo when he gets home (mommy doesn't heal boo boo's like daddy apparently :haha:). Then she says "race car, puppy" and DH promises to play the race car and puppy game when he gets home. Then she says "bye bye" and hands the phone back to me. It's so cute. And now when she sees his car pull into the driveway, she runs to the door screaming "daddy" and opens it for him. Today she pointed to my left boob and said "BIG" and pointed to my right boob and said "baby" and laughed.. really they're the same size, but it was so funny. She doesn't use the words small or little- she prefers to say baby :) She's down to 1-2 super short breast feeds per day and I'm certain no milk comes out. She just latches on and wiggles around and tries to have a conversation with the nipple in her mouth. It lasts 20 seconds each time.

I got my hair cut too in preparation for my social event next month :haha: I went to a new salon near my house this time... this place: https://salondebeleza.net/ The owner Ramiro cut my hair and did a really great job. He definitely knew what he was doing. It was really funny because he was really quick with the flat iron and the curling iron, and both things would appear out of nowhere really close to my face. I jumped a few times thinking he was going to hot iron my ear! Then all of a sudden a giant metal curing iron flew by my face alongside my cheek and I said "OOOH!" haha.. he must have thought I was nuts!

So that's all the excitement with me... what a selfish post!

Shiv- how are things with Sophia now? I saw on FB that Sophia had another grump day. I really hope the terrible twos end early for her. I wonder if her advanced talking has made it worse for her. Kira is very limited in what she can say, but she does say "STOP!" now while pointing a finger at me. That one little word really drives me nuts, so I can't imagine if Kira was saying full smart ass phrases. I'm sure she thinks them in her head though, but I don't get the pleasure of knowing :haha: I'm so lucky my mom and MIL are so close and watch Kira whenever I need it. Me and Kira really benefit from time apart... I'm already thinking that Kira will continue to go to my mom's 2-3 mornings per week once the baby arrives while I'm on maternity leave for 12 weeks.
Jean - how is the not smoking going? I really hope that it is getting easier for you. How are you feeling with regards to TTC now? Any symptoms? When is AF due?

Spidey - glad that your morning sickness is manageable now, must feel better to be able to eat normal food. DO you have a date for your 20 week scan? Are you keeping the sex a suprise?

So glad Kira cooperated at the art class, I bet she will love it soon enough, what art do you do there? Sophia has started to actually to try to draw things rather than just scribbling. Today she drew me! It was a big circle (ish) with 2 scribbles for eyes at the top, a scribble for a mouth at the bottom, a scribble for a nose in the middle and 2 scribbles for ears on either side of the nose, all in green! And I didn't intervene or help at all, I just kept asking questions like, and what else does mummy have? Obvioulsy it looked nothing like a face but it is only really this week that she has made it clear she trying to draw something specific.

Kira sounds so cute on the phone to her daddy, she sounds a lot like Sophia in respect to being a daddy's girl.

Is your new fb profile with your new haircut? You look great in it regardless! I love afternoon tea and we often used to take Sophia where we used to live. I hope you have a lovely sophisticated time, it sounds like you will. Have you bought your new outfit yet? Can we see it?

Sooooooooooooooo apart from a potential serious head injury and a chocking incident today has been an ok day :dohh: Sophia is a bit obsessed with getting Cora undressed (only when she is in sleepsuits, which if I am honest is most days - lazy me!). Anyway I left Cora on her changemat, which is on our coffee table in the lounge (approx 50cm high) while I grabbed a change of clothes for her from the kitchen (Sophia was playing in the playroom at this point). Anyway I hear a terrible cry, Cora never cries so I knew something was wrong. I ran in to see Cora on the floor at the end of the table, her head against the wall with Sophia leanign over her! I scooped her up and she stopped crying pretty quick. Sophia had been unpoppering her and i ca imagine what happened, the poppers were a bit hard to do and Cora will haev edged towards the edge as Sophia tried to pull them apart and off she went! I am SURE Sophia didn't pull her off on purpose, but that doesn't stop the fact that I can no longer leave Cora alone in a room where Sophia could be! Cora seems fine, not even a red mark on her head and she must have bumped it. Ikept an eye on her for signs of concussion but she seems fine.

Choking incident was Sophia. I was peelign carrots for dinner and Sophia asked for one. I said no, cue tantrum.........I gave in and said ok yu can have a small bit but nothing more until dinner and gave her a small round slice. She was still screaming and crying when she put it in her mouth to eat it, kind of inhaled and suddenly the screaming stopped. I bent down, put her across my knee and whacked her back so hard until the carrot flew out - very scary!

Other than that toady was ok. I took Sophia out in the pram and wore Cora in her sling and walked to town so that Sophia would nap (she did) and I was exhausted after the 2 mile or so round trip. Cora is no light weight!

Sophia is still being an absolute madam and really trying my patience many times a day. Hey ho, I know I am not the only one so should stop moaning about it :haha:

Anyway, gonna head to bed now as no real news, hope you both have great weekends and will look forward to hearing all about them :hugs:
Shiv, thats funny you mention Sophia doing more than scribbling. Kira just started doing the same thing. She draws a big circle and then puts 2 lines at the bottom for legs. Then she puts a few random dots and calls them eyes. She'll draw scribbles for hair if I remind her, and sometimes DH reminds her to draw boobies on mommy (which she draws at the bottom part of my face) :haha:. And she drew a pizza the other day- a big circle with lots of dots in it, and then she said "pizza pie!"

No date for my 20 week scan yet. I see the midwife again in 2 weeks and then I should be able to call up and make an appointment. We're keeping the gender a surprise again. DH and I are trying to think of names and I keep saying it would be 50% easier if we knew the sex, but he's not convinced :haha: We have a few girls names but we're having major problems thinking of boys names. So far I like Riley, Jameson and Westin, but DH hates them all and says he likes "Max". For girls we both like Hailey and Jade, but DH really loves the name Dahlia and I really like the name Hazel. Whatever the name, it has to go with DH's last name which is feminine. So a boy really needs a masculine name to balance it out.

Poor Cora falling off the table and Sophia choking! I'm glad they're both okay. I hope you're getting a break this weekend and DH is entertaining Sophia. How does she behave with him? How is Cora sleeping at night? Does Sophia still escape her bed? I like to hear the little naughty things that Sophia does so keep them coming!

Yep, my new haircut is on my FB profile. I haven't bought a new outfit yet- I asked the other girls what they usually wear so that'll determine what I buy. It's 5 of us total and we've all known eachother since we were 11. One of the girls asked if she could invite her female friend along- a friend that didn't go to school with us and we haven't met. One of the other girls said it wasn't a good idea since the 5 of us will be talking about the past and this girl will feel left out. Then she said "well its too late I already invited her, and if you all don't want her to come then I won't be coming too!" She's not even hosting the event... I think its really rude and I said so (in the nicest way possible). But I've been in a quick to anger mood recently so maybe I'm being unreasonable. I also told DH to yell at his mother today because she's been letting her dog bark incessantly for hours starting at 6am. I was so mad this morning. I told him to tell her, that if the dog wakes me up again I'll personally do something about it. So he followed directions nicely and yelled at her! :haha: Next time I see her I'm planning to reiterate what DH told her. I keep asking DH, why do I get such pleasure when you yell at your mom, :lol:

So far this weekend we got a new mattress and it finally snowed a little! DH is taking off on Monday so he can watch Kira as I get my blood test, so another 3 day weekend for us!
I was downloading my pics and here are the things she's made in art class so far:

these are actually stickers and she colored in the edges of the snowflakes

Kira had no interest in this, so this is mommy's art!

Kira colored yellow all over the raven and smeared glitter glue all over her snowflake :)

She did most of this by herself (all of this is week #2) I did help her glue together the little furry ball thing, and I colored a bit on her Ravens color page.
Spidey - Kira'a art projects are great, is she left handed? Left handed people are definitely supposed to be more artistic I think.

I think it is very rude of that girl to invite someone who nobody knows to a group reunion, i mean why would you do that? Unless it is actually her girlfriend and she is going to come out then and there!

I love the fact that you can tell DH to shout at his mother and he does it! David would just look at me and say but I don;t understand why you are upset!

My favourite of your names are Max (sorry! I used to like Riley but it is getting very popular here, I do like the naem though) and Hailey for a girl.

I forgot to say the other day that I had been researching the terrible twos and it always says that it is becasue they are unable to communicat eand get frstrated! bulls*it! Sophia can tell me exactly what she wants, the problem is when she can't have it :haha: I do feel that the terrible twos are worse because Sophia is so able to tell me what she wants, so I can;t pretent I don't know and i have to try to explain why she can'thave it!

I will come back later for a review of our relatively calm weekend - there is still time yet for it all to go pear shaped - 4 hours until Sophia's bedtime is a long time in this house :haha:
ok so both girls are in bed so time for a post all about me hahahahahahahaha

SO you may have seen that we were having issues with Sophia going to bed. Well (fingers crossed, the last 2 nights she has been back to normal). SO a couple of weeks ago she realised she could actually get out of bed, so was getting out and running about a bit but then getting back in again and goign back to sleep, so we just left her to it. This progressed on to getting up, putting her lamp on (it is one of those ones where if you touch the base it comes on, touch it again it gets brighter, touch it again it goes off) and then running around followed by getting back in to bed. Not too much of an issue apart from we had to go in when we went to bed to turn the light off and this always woke her up as her door is noisy.

This progressed to getting up, putting light on, running around, banging on her door and screaming for me. This progressed to refusing to go to sleep without her door open and her lamp on, and even then she refused to even lie down. It got to 10pm when I wanted to go to bed and hardcore mummy kicked in. I went in turned the lamp off at the mains (which you can only get to by taking a draw out from her wardrobe) and shutting the door. After 2 minutes of screaming she went to sleep. Since then she hasn't made a fuss. I do hear her each morning sayng, "mummy my lamp won't work" :haha:

SO that is sleep hopefully sorted. We have also cut her daytime nap :cry: so that she is exhausted by bedtime. Great for getting her to sleep, terrible fo rmy sanity!

So I haven't had much of a break this weekend. My usual 90 minutes while Sophia has her swimming lesson didn't happen as Sophia asked me to go and watch her swim. How could i refuse! So I went and stood at the side with Cora. She did really well. With armbands on she can swim the width of the pool (maybe 15 metres). She has no fear and happily throws herself in and can monkey along the edge holding on.

Sophia has been wearing nappies for a few days now and I think she is getting a bit sick of it. She tells me when she has done a wee so I take her nappy off and ask her if she wants a fresh one put on. She has started sometimes saying no, and I say "so what will you do if you need a wee or a poo" and she says "go on my potty", which she does (well twice so far). I must admit I have enjoyed having her back in nappies, no worry about accidents.

We haven't really had any tantrums this weekend. Mainly because Sophia has been constantly entertained with stuff she wants to do. I am sure it will be a different story tomorrow!

I have signed Sophia up for a gymnastcs class startinf on wednesday, I hope she enjoys it.

Cora is doign ok, I am worried that she is allergic to something else as well as dairy/soya. She had been fine for a while but has started being a bit sick after feeds again and hasn't been putting on weight (or at least not much, I am only weighing on my home digital scales), and tonight I spotted a patch of exzema. I am going to keep an eye on it and if she has not put on at least 0.25 lbs in2 weeks time then I am going to take her to the doctor. Not that she will do anything, she is rubbish. SPidey did you find it difficult to get a doctor to take your food intolerances seriously?

Sleep wise Cora goes to bed at the same time as Sophia. No idea how we go this to happen, she just started needing to go to bed then. So we get both girls washed and dressed in PJ's on our bed, then David reads to Sophia in her bed and I feed Cora and put her down. So she goes to bed at about 7.30pm and will sleep for between 8.5 hrs and 12 hrs. She is really variable and there is no rhyme or reason as to why some nights she wakes earlier than others. But I figure even if she does 7.30pm - 4am and then back down again to 7.30am then that is no bad.

We tried Cora on a bottle yesterday, just a couple of ounces of EBM, because I actually find it really hard to see her having a bottle, so David gives her the couple of ounces and then I grab her back and feed her straight away. Anyway she took it fine (she hadn't had a bottle since christmas eve) so in theory I can leave her with David. I just need to think of something to do now :haha: I don't really have any interests to pursue. I have been looking into getting a personal trainer, just for maybe one session a week for a couple of months. I want to get a bit fitter, I have been doing an exercise video a few times a week (although that was during Sophia's nap time so i don't know when I will do it now), but once I have some fitness back I would love to have someone to completely beast me for an hour at a time :haha: But they are so expensive, like £45 per hour! Which got me thinking...............i wonder if I could get fit then maybe i could study to be a personal trainer over the next few years and then once the girls are at school it would be the perfect job to fit around school hours and I wouldn't have to do too many hours. I thought i could specialise in post natal women. What do you reckon. Prob just a pipedream and would obvisouly rely on me getting really fit which will prob never happen :haha:

SO what else can i ramble about................hmm weightloss has stopped now, so I guess to lose anymore I will have to actually stop eating so much crap. I have been steady at around 9st 4lbs for a couple of weeks now. Which was actually my long term goal, but obviously now i am there i want to get down to 9stone :haha:

My tummy is pretty terrible, when I lean forward it hangs down a serious amount, like 6 inches of hang :)blush:) however if i then tighten my abs (please read that as ab :haha:) it pulls in to about an inch of hang. SO do you think that means that if I really work hard on my abs that it would stop hanging so much?

Well i don't think i have anything else to ramble about...........ooh wait I do.

Do you remember ages ago I told you all about my mum falling out with her family. Well she hasn't spoken to her dad or sisters in about 18months. Well another family member died last week and they will all be going to the funeral on wednesday. Things were not left nicely, my worry isn't so much what my mum will do but what my dad will do when he sees her bitch sisters. Good job I didn't really know the person who died as I was the last person to have any contact with my grandad (her dad) when i wrote him a letter telling him in the nicest possible way that I couldn't stand what he had done to my mum and that I wanted nothing more to do with him. If I saw any of them again I would not be able to bite my tongue that is for sure :haha:

right well I think that really is it now. I hope you all had good weekends.

Oh Spidey, is Kira in her room now?

right that really is it............yep..............I'm off :haha:
Kira has skipped half her daytime naps this past week and its been so tough not getting that break plus she is soooooo cranky in the evening. Luckily I got a 3 hour nap with her Sunday. She doesn't get out of bed yet like naughty Sophia :haha: but she calls for Daddy and says she has to pee. What are Sophia's and Natasha's normal sleep schedules? Kira usually sleeps from 9:30 until 7:20 (so almost 10 hours) and then she'll usually take a 2 hour nap. Kira's not in her own room yet. DH fixed her door this weekend so its not loud when it opens so at anytime we can move her in there... and I have a feeling I'll be unplugging her lamp too :haha:

I like the name Max too, but I think its too short for a formal name as we'd have to name the kid something like "Maximillan" or "Maximus" which I really don't like! Do you think "Max" could be the kids real name?

Thats funny Sophia has peed in her potty a few times again. I guess wearing diapers isn't so fun!

Re: Cora's food sensitivities, do you have any suspected foods? I never found a doctor who took my food allergies seriously. I saw an acupuncturist/ herbalist who did, but all the "regular" doctors blamed my symptoms on other things. I was told that I make too much stomach acid and would have to take prescription antacids the rest of my life. Can you change pediatricians or are you stuck with that one? Kira gets eczema too, but hers only appears in the winter as does DH's eczema. I was going to ask if you thought Sophia had any food issues too. When I was having all my troubles with gluten I felt like crap and I didn't have any real physical symptoms. No vomiting, diarrhea or rashes. But overall I coped with life very poorly because I had general discomfort. I could see how a toddler who didn't feel 100% could be really off on their behavior. Although more than likely its a bad case of terrible twos. I know that Kira understands the difficulty she has in communicating with me so if I don't understand something she doesn't get too troubled and we usually move onto the next thing.

Shiv, I think your idea to be a personal trainer geared towards post-natal women is great! Have you looked into how long it takes to do the education part? I don't think you'll have to be super trim and muscular to be a good personal trainer. If I wanted to see a personal trainer, I wouldn't want a body builder type woman telling me what to do, but seeing another mom who managed to get back in shape would be inspiring. Mostly I would want someone who was really knowledgeable in the specific exercises that would help me, so brains would be more important. My tummy was very dangly when I leaned over (now its nice and tight, lol!) but I never did any workouts to try and help it. I have a friend who volunteered with physical therapists and most of them worked part time schedules and really enjoyed their jobs telling people what exercises to do. I think a personal trainer and a physical therapist are pretty closely related. My friend decided not to pursue the field because she's very uncomfortable touching other people so it wasn't a good fit for her. After this one I'll have some major work ahead of me so you'll have to give me some advice on how to get things back to normal. I really would like to know how to get my muscles back together this time... they're split again and when I tighten my "abs" I can see my innards protruding through the large gap.

I went for my massive blood draw this morning and they took sooo many viles of blood. Kira watched and found it amusing so I had to put on my brave face :haha: I really hope everything is okay. Then we went shopping at the craft store and then to the mall to buy me another maternity top so I have enough to get me through the week. Now Kira is ordering DH around. Whenever she sees that I'm not sitting on the sofa she says "mommy LIVINGROOM!!!" :haha: I don't complain! And now my MIL just rang the bell, so I better get off my computer. Whenever she sees me I'm on the computer so I don't want to get a reputation :lol:

oh, 1 more thing! Kira is a lefty. Isn't Natasha a lefty too? I've been meaning to tell you girls that Kira's feet turn in when she walks or runs. The right one is pretty badly turned in, and the left one turns in a little. I've always described her as a goofy runner, but now I think its because she's very pigeon toed. I'll have to search Dr Google and see if I should call her doctor or wait until her 3 year appointment.

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