--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Kira loves to wrap my bras around her neck and then crawl around the house :haha:

Cleckner- I'm only 5'6" but I have longer legs. Perhaps I wouldn't get a big wedgie, but having to take them off just to pee sounds like a pain!

Heidi- I can't wait to hear how night #2 goes! I hope she goes to sleep faster tonight.

I'm curious how everyone gets their LO's to sleep at night now. Its sooo hard to get Kira to sleep. DH bounces her with a pacifier for 15-30 minutes straight. For naps I only bounce her around 5 minutes before she falls asleep, but night time is so hard. I use to be the one to bounce her but after 20 or so minutes I would be exhausted and not in the mood for any sexy time with DH, LOL, so he decided to be the one to bounce her instead. Once she's asleep we transfer her to our bed and most of the time she'll stay asleep. At some point I hope she'll just lay down and close her eyes and sleep... but I can't see that happening anytime soon!
Feed to sleep and ease out of the bed. I have no clue what I'll do when she weans. :haha:
Before the toddler bed, I would lay in her crib with her nuk and she would fall asleep within 4 to 5 minutes, she always went to bed AMAZINGLY. But as I type, she is knocking at her bedroom door haha so it is not as easy with the toddler bed. We stopped giving her bottles at 12 months and she hasnt needed anything to sleep since.
Toddler bed experience night #2...went to check on her, shes passed out on her Dora couch, with her room torn apart haha. I put her in bed and she is still sleeping, she didnt go to bed until 10:30 though!
oh Heidi shouldn't laugh - but that's hilarious, bless her!
jesses bedtime routine is something like this,

7pm bathtime
7.30pm out of the bath and gets his creams on with daddy
8pm 7oz of milk he doesnt fall asleep with this anymore though
then we sit quietly together normally we watch waybuloo or something else weve recorded for him and read him a story then he will start snuggling down to us in a sleepy kind of way more often than not, if hes still very much awake we just let him sit down a while more
between 8.30 - 9.30 he goes down to bed, mostly he will just go straight to sleep in his cot but sometimes he will cry for a few minutes before gives up and goes to sleep,

hes getting a toddler bed after christmas so im gettin more nervous of how hes going to take to it!
Imogen goes straight to bed with no bother at 8.30, into the cot, cuddle with Mr Dinosaur, tuck her up and off she goes (unless I've locked a cat in with her accidentally, then she'll wake up when the cat gets into bed too. sigh). We're planning on putting her in a big bed when newbaby is born if we can, so that her nursery can become newbaby's changing station and it's free if we need to move him out of our room early and into a cot. I've bought a bed guard for her, as she often flings herself out of bed when she's in with me in our bed, so I don't think I'd trust her without a guard. She'll be in our old double, against the wall on one side and a guard rail on the other. I'm hoping that she'll be ok going to sleep in it, and then amusing herself in the morning when she wakes up (but we don't...). I've also bought an indoor slide to shove against it so she can slide out of bed. It was too cute not to.
O Heidi that pic is adorable. Well done on persisting with the toddler bed. Imogen is still in her cot and i think i'll be keeping her there a while as I am too happy with how she sleeps lol. One of us gets her ready for bed at about 7pm, she has 5oz of milk and then gets put in her cot. As soon as the sleeping bag starts to go on she is reaching for her teddy and dummy and 9.9 times out of 10, she is asleep within 3 mins :)
I'm feeling like I work way too hard to get Kira to sleep! I would love it if I could lay her down in the bed and she would fall asleep like some of your LO's! Sometimes she's so exhausted that I do try. I will lay down with her in bed and nurse her. She will actually fall asleep because she starts having those tiny twitches you sometimes get when you just fall asleep, but then she fights it and starts kicking her leg or swinging her arm around and making sniffing sounds with her nose. Oh well! I'm hoping she matures a bit soon in regards to sleep.

Heidi- I LOVE that picture!
Sophia has a cup of milk before she goes up to get ready for bed (has milk at 6pm and goes up at 6.30pm). Then we get her ready for bed, she comes downstairs for a story and when she has had enough she gets up and walks into the lounge where her sleeping bag is laid out for her and she sits on it ready to be put in! so cute! She gives her daddy a kiss goodnight and i take her up, give her eey-ore and put her in her cot (awake still) she usually just rolls over and goes to sleep, although sometimes she will chat to Eey-ore for up to 15 minutes before drifting off.

It was tough when we stopped breastfeeding but after about 2 weeks she settled into this new routine and now I am scared to change anything in case she stops sleeping so well!
spidey- It's a bit of a battle for us sometimes too. Although Emma still nurses to sleep and you say Kira doesn't anymore. But we have days that Emma just falls asleep without me BFing her so I KNOW it's possible. She will just do it in her own time though. I won't force the issue. I'm SO against CIO or anything like that so I'm keeping my fingers x'ed that I'll never have to resort to it in desperation. :haha:
6.30pm tv goes off and we all read stories, which usually involves the boys homework reading books. 7pm they are all put into PJ's and taken up to bed. Kisses, cuddles and that's it.

Occasionally Amber will start crying and because they are all in the same room (I am slowly clearing the boys new room) she has to come down stairs for a drink and a cuddle. Usually it's only 10-15mins and back to bed.

This week has been harder because her sleeping pattern is all out of whack, slowly getting back to normal but I jump at her every noise right now (traumatised by her recent illness). Tonight, DS1 is staying up a bit later since DS2 sneaked up to bed earlier and fell asleep!

ETA, that all sounds so smug, but then I can be up most of the night with DS2 and the boys get up at 5-6am!
Kiera is now quite good at going down at night she was a bit of a munchkin for a while there tho and refused to settle unless i sat with her till she fell asleep....Our routine now is 6.30pm both girls have bath time, then7-730ish stories then cuddles and down to sleep, she doesnt always go straight off but is quite happy to just babble untill she does. I think i will have Kiera in her cot for a wee while longer just because she seems happy enough as things are just now and the way she throws herself about in her sleep i dont know if i could trust her not to come crashing out of a bed lol

Angelstardust- i like the way you do boys homework at story time ive never thought of doing that?! but it makes a lot of sense!! sometimes it is a nightmare trying to fit everything in at nights especially when kayleigh has extra activities on:wacko: I think i will be trying that from now on:thumbup:

Oh and Cleck- i am more times than not on here every day just prefer to read and run:blush::blush::haha:

Hiedi- your pic of caylee crashed out on her Dora couch is really cute x
Hey Girlies

Said I would pop in and post as it has been forever - am really enjoying keeping up with you all on my phone though everyday when I get a minute - Actually I usually have a read when I am outside freezing my ass off and being bold by smoking (I know I was so silly to go back on them after having Natasha) especially since we wont smoke in the house or car and it is so cold outside now.

Well regarding your questions nutty:

Have you started/finished xmas shopping?
Have done very little - just ordered a few of Natasha's pressies online, but really need to get my finger out and at least get all of her stuff and then we have two big families to cover also, but the usual thing is a mad rush the first two weeks in Dec.

who in here is pregnant or TTC?
Not thinking about TTC until summer of next year

is baby cruising or walking?
Lots of cruising and standing unaided now but no walking yet.

what is babys favourite toy?
She doesnt' really have a favourite - she tends to drift from one to the other - em possibly her Playskool Air-Powered Busy Ball-Tivity Center or carousel toy or sing and learn piano - and she is loving walking behind her pushchair walker thing at the moment. But she actually gets more fun out of a cardboard box or the fridge magnets or plastic bowls and plates.

size clothes?
Natasha is mainly in 12 to 18 months - a few of the shops I have had to get 18 to 24 if they are very small fitting and she has one or two tops that are 9 to 12 months.

size nappies?
Natasha is in size 5 pampers

colour of your xmas tree decs?
A green tree - with gold and red decorations that usually goes into the sitting room, but I think we are going to put it in the sun room this year as Natasha is never in there but you can still see it from the sitting room as there are french doors in between - We also have another silver fibre optic one in the kitchen will silver newbridge decorations on this one

does baby have own room or in parents room?
She is in her own room since about 10 to 11 months - it is still a nursery and next year we are going to change the spare room into her room as it is bigger and dont think we will be thinking about moving her out of her cot until then.

Regarding going to sleep at night our routine is usually dinner at 5 - playtime once we have finished our dinner and cleaned up until about 7 - Then one of us or both of us washes and changes her - Then bottle and some quiet time on one of our knees, then teeth washed and snuggles from both of us and then one of us puts her down in her sleeping bag and lay her in the cot and she has a musical eeyor teddy so we turn that on and she sleeps with 2 or 3 dummys - one in her mouth and she plays with the other two for a few minutes before falling asleep - Sometimes she will winge for a couple of mins but this is rare. We will definitely be leaving her in her cot for the near future as she could end up in any courner or across it or upside down so I'm hoping she might settle a bit before we put her in a bed as I can see it being a nightmare lol

Ash: Big congrats to you on your pregnancy.

Heidi: I hope things are sorted with you and Ross - Love the pic of Caylee

Vici: Lovely to see you, Congrats again on becoming a Mrs.

Andie: Your like me - I read lots but dont get a chance to post these days.

Angelstardust: I hope Amber's illness wasn't too serious.

AuntyE: Hope you are both better after your bug.

Nutty: Great idea on the catch up post, I really enjoyed reading that lol - Congrats on becoming an Auntie.

Spidey: Bouncing for 15 to 30 mins - no wonder you were exhausted, great exercise though I bet lol - Hopefully she will grow out of it.

Cleck: They have had those all in one suits here in Ireland for about a year, they were really big last Christmas They are called Adult sleep suits here - Also they have a thing called a slanket came out too, which is like a big blanket with sleeves for relaxing in front of the tv with - really comfy!!

MJ: I hope the flat sells quickly for you and you and Chris sorted everything out.

Shiv: lol at Sophia loving your knickers on your head - So glad she has settled down for you again now.

Kim: I hope things have settled down with your mam now and that she isn't giving you any more grief.

Booth: Not long till DL now - Have a great time, you deserve it.

Samstar: I hope things are okay with you and Elin

Phew I hope to got I haven't forgotten anyone - this is why I cant find time to post ha ha as I feel bad if I dont write to you all even though I'm sure you wouldn't really care if I didn't lol

Well not much news from us, we have had a cranky baby for the last few weeks, I can feel one ridge of a molar through on the bottom and two little ridges of one on the top and the other two dont feel like they are far from the gum either, so I think this had been the problem. She also had a temp and was out of sorts after her last jabs and of all the times it had to happen - I was away in Edinburgh for the weekend and DH let it slip the first night but then told me she was fine for the rest of the weekend even though she wasn't, I could have killed him for not telling me, but I know he was right as I think I would have camped in the airport until I got a flight home and I wouldn't gotten home much quicker anyway. I just hated to think she was sick and I wasn't here for her, espeicially since she has only ever had two little colds - although she was in good hands.

She is making a lot more attempts at words now - mainly just copying random ones that we say and she is trying to call most of my brothers names now. No walking yet, but lots of cruising and she is getting really brave at standing without holding anything this week and it is lasting for about 30 seconds now. The poor thing does keep getting constipated every time she gets a tooth though, at first I thought it was some of the food was too heavy so I cut out pasta, then rice and even gave her just fruit and veg for a couple of days and then later discovered it seemed to happen everytime she got a tooth but it is one day on and one day off at the moment because these back teeth are taking so long to finish coming in and she looks so uncomfortable pushing so hard and only manages a marble.

I do love the stage she is at now and spend my day laughing at her gestures, or faces or the things she does that are so cute - I really can't wait until she is properly talking and coming out with all sorts.

She is becoming a real daddys girl and poor DH can't leave the room.

I can't really thing of anything off the top of my head and really should go to bed as I haven't been well myself this week and work was hectic, but I still had paperwork to do for work so decided to get it done tonight so as I can relax and enjoy being off with Natasha tomorrow.

Well hope everyone has a great weekend - ha ha I would say this post has to be the mammoth post of all time - even for me lol - just so much to catch up on after being away so long.
Hi Jelr!! Good to see you again! :) How have you been hun? I'm sure little miss priss will be walking all over the place very soon and getting into everything!

Bryson sure keeps me on my toes. He wants to explore everything these days haha. His new favorite thing to do is to play with the trash can. :wacko: We have one of those kind with the lid that has a push the door in to throw trash away and then it swings back into place, kind of trash can and he loves to watch it do that so he will mess with it over and over and I keep making him stop. Telling him "no no, dirty, yuck!" Then he just smiles at me and walks away haha. He also loves his big brother. The two of them interacting together is SO cute! They really make me giggle. I'm so blessed that they are such good friends. :)

Also, I wish I could report that my mother is behaving now but that isn't so. She stupidly insists on going forward with this court case. She's been warned though. We're seriously about to nail her to the wall because she presented a false statement to the court and we have proof of it. We're in middle of writing an "affidavit of truth" in response to her serving me and sending it along with the paperwork evidence to the court. Once they see that she lied under oath, she very well might be looking at jail time for perjury. At this point, that fact doesn't bother me at all. If that is what it takes for her to learn her lessons, then so be it. I know that sounds cruel but if you all knew the half of all of the crap and pain and anguish that that woman has brought into my life over the years, believe me you'd understand why I feel the way I do. As a friend of mine said, "it's like she is a teenager/child and you are the adult". It's sad and pathetic really but once it's over and the court deals with her and this is over then I can relax. Not to mention such a crappy time of year for her to be pulling this crap on me.

Anyhoo, my mind just went blank so I'm gonna end this reply for now and I can always reply again later haha.
Hi jelr nice to hear from you lovely. Aren't teeth a bugger! Sophia gets constipated with her teeth too, such an effort then just a smear in her nappy - poor mite! I'll be quite happy when all her teeth have come in! How is work going for you? Sophia is copying words too, she ocmes out with stuff once and then never again, she has started saying "up we go" when she climbs the stairs (or at least that is what it sounds like, but she is just copying the sounds I make rather than understanding what she is saying)

Kim- you rmother sounds like a nightmare, I hope justice is done and you can relax before Christmas!

As for us, nothing much happening here. What do you all do at weekends when you have your hubby/ partner home? (sorry Cleck i know Corey isn't home all the time, but when he is..........in fact I know you answer anyway - THE ZOO!) I really struggle as during the week I take Sophia swimming and to tumble tots and play area etc, but all those places are rammed full at the weekends and really not pleasant experiences. So David obvioulsy wants to go out and do fun things as a family with his time off, but now we have bad weather it is really hard as Sophia isn't quite old enough to enjoy a lot of activities - any ideas?

Anyone got any exciting plans for the weekend. We have nothing planned, my nan died a year ago tomorrow, my mum is still not coping very well with it so I hope that this milestone brings a little closure for her.
We very rarely get to spend time together at the moment :( I work during the week of course, and OH generally works during the weekend either at home, or out doing shows. We try to do things like gardening or go for walks, and see friends when we're all together. Or in the case of a couple of weeks ago, go and infect friends with a vomiting bug ;) We go to the cinema as a family and take Mog to Pizza Express sometimes. She's pretty good at going to the theatre as well.

Honestly, the thing I do most often with Imogen is go to Ikea. It's pathetic really. We had a super exciting day out at Bluewater trying out the icandy peach the other day. I'm so lame. Imogen's lucky her childminder takes her to the park really, I never seem to get around to it.
Shiv- We go to museums too a lot. Trying to see everything we can see while we live here. :haha: And yesterday we went to the wild animal park which isn't the zoo but it's close enough. :rofl::rofl: It doesn't help that you guys are limited with it being cold out. Most of our activities involve being outside. This weekend we are going to Chuck E. Cheese which is an indoor arcade/play area for kids and they have pizza. Do you have anything like that there?

So we gave Emma her cozy coupe early because DH didn't get it hidden fast enough yesterday morning before we woke up. So she came down and climbed right in it with a huge grin on her face. :lol: It's so cute seeing her in it. I want to take her out and down the sidewalk in it but it was a bit chilly yesterday so we haven't taken it outside yet. :haha:
Shiv- We go to museums too a lot. Trying to see everything we can see while we live here. :haha: And yesterday we went to the wild animal park which isn't the zoo but it's close enough. :rofl::rofl: It doesn't help that you guys are limited with it being cold out. Most of our activities involve being outside. This weekend we are going to Chuck E. Cheese which is an indoor arcade/play area for kids and they have pizza. Do you have anything like that there?

So we gave Emma her cozy coupe early because DH didn't get it hidden fast enough yesterday morning before we woke up. So she came down and climbed right in it with a huge grin on her face. :lol: It's so cute seeing her in it. I want to take her out and down the sidewalk in it but it was a bit chilly yesterday so we haven't taken it outside yet. :haha:

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