--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Merry Christmas Cleck!! Hope you guys have had a great day! Did Emma get all excited!...Im all full of christmas cheer now after reading about Emma opening prezzies... cant wait for crimbo you have put me in a real christmassy mood lol.....How has Emma reacted to your christmas decorations/lights and stuff??...I cant wait to see Kiera's wee face when we put decorations up this year.

OOps i meant to say: Yehay! for Emma using her potty clever wee cookie!! and its just like it that poor mummy who is usually there 24/7 happens to be in the bath when she does it lol thats the sort of thing that happens to me too x

The only thing putting a slight dampner on things for me this year is that for the last 14 years or so we have went to my mums for christmas dinner and she is expecting that this year will be no different but my hubby really wants to just stay at home with the kids and have a nice relaxing day with just us!!...but im so torn because i can see what he is saying it would be nice to just spend the day with our wee family but i really dont want to hurt my families feelings either and i haven't yet plucked up the courage to tell my mum?! The thing is me and my other half have had a bit of a strained relationship with my family over the last year year and a half and i know my mum is going to take us not coming at christmas personally i am honestly tying myself up in knots with worry about this and i get frustrated because i love christmas and im really looking forward to it except for this!! i hate confrontation lol

What does everyone else have planned for Christmas day? and is anyone in or have been in a similar situation?

Oh Andie i am sure your mum would understand, you have your own family now and i think all parents as much as they want to spend it with their children understand that one day that will change! (you will have to remember how you feel now for 30 years or so down the line when your kids tell you they want to spend Christmas with their little family!) I say be honest with your mum, the sooner you tell her the longer you have to get over it and get Christmassy again. Could you not invite her over on boxing day or something?

My mum has said for tha last few years " I know the year is coming when you wont want to come here for Christmas - so just be honest, i'll miss you but I'll be ok"

She'll get over it and teh sooner you tell her the sooner she will gether head around it :hugs:
lol at remembering this in 30 years time when the girls will be saying this to me ...thats such a scary thought hehe....I know im probably making things worse by leaving it so long and not just saying but she is very precious about her Christmas dinners haha and we will be the only ones in the whole family not going i have a brother and a sister too who will be going with their family i think thats why i feel a bit pressured like im the one to put an end to or ruin the family Christmas lol but i know myself that i should just grow a pair and tell her we are not coming and i will!! *uhum cough* (at some point):blush:
My other half suggested the same ..to invite them here instead or to have them over boxing day but ive tryed asking them that before and they weren't keen! We will see though i will have to get a move on aqnd make a final decision :dohh::wacko:
tbh you rmum has been really lucky having you there EVERY year - a lot of famillies have to alternate between in-laws and their parents each year. At least your mum wont be on her own, she will havelots of family around her.

it'll be fine - things change, there will come a time when your siblings will stay home or go somewhere else so you are just paving the way!
Yeah deep down i know what you are saying is right and its quite nice to hear/read someone else saying that actually im not doing anything that majorly evil by not going.... eases my concience a little lol
Thank you:hugs: x
Aww thanks Andie for the lovely comment - I agree with Shiv - you are definitely not doing anything wrong, you are bound to want to stay at home with your own family at some point and it is a good idea to ask them to yours and if they are not keen well at least you have tried and it is thier choice not to go. We always went to my mams for Christmas too and last year we decided that from now on we were staying in our own house, so my family all came here and it is the same this year. I know my mam was disappointed but I just explained that last year we really wanted Natasha to spend Christmas in her own home and this year I have said that it isn't fair to move her out away from her new toys and even though she is disappointed she does understand. Hope you get it sorted.

Cleck: Happy Christmas to you all. Yay for Emma peeing in her potty - but bloody typical that she would do it for the two minutes you are not there. That is one of my fears of working that Natasha will do things when I'm not there and I will be devestated, so far all the big things I have been lucky and it has been here at home with me, so hopefully that will continue.

ha ha at missing bits of my posts, I'd say most people only scim my posts they are so bloody long - Would you know I was a talker lol. I definitely agree with you about us never being happy, when Natasha is really grumpy on a morning I'm going to work or even the day before I am thinking I can't wait for work to get a break from this and then the minute I'm at work and away from her I miss her to bits and feel guilty that I should be the one comforting her when she is grumpy - :dohh: - I think Andie is right I think parenting is just hard and no matter what we do it is going to be hard and I think sometimes the grass is always greener on the other side lol :muaha:

Kim: Thanks for the lovely comment - Sounds like you had a busy day - that is lovely that you got to see some of Bry's favourite characters even if he did cry lol - you may put up the pic when you get it. Hope your tiredness is a bit better.

Hey Shiv and Heidi :hi:
Merry Christmas Cleckner! I can't wait to see pictures :-) Thats cute that Emma gets to play in the dirt too. Kira has eaten handfuls of sand too- yuck!! Congrats to Emma peeing on the potty!

Kimberly- I think Kira would have reacted the same way as Bryson in regards to the stuffed tv characters. When you get the picture I would love to see it!

jelr- I'm just like you when I'm at work- I can't stop thinking of Kira. My mom sends me little email updates during the day which is great. A few times DH has stayed home to watch Kira and he doesn't send email updates so by the end of the day I'm so anxious to get home to hear about her day.

Andie- I agree with what Shiv has said. You have your own family now and even though your mom might be sad, she should understand. You could have Christmas day at home but spend another day at your mom's. I still have no idea what I'm going to do this year regarding my family. In a way I would love to have my parents over so they could watch Kira open her gifts, but with my MIL living next to me, I would feel obligated to invite her too. So we might have Christmas with just our little family to make things easier.

I've been noticing that Kira really understands what I say. Today I told her to stick her fingers in Daddy's belly button, and she did it! And yesterday I told her to put something on my toe, and she did it too! Even though she doesn't say many words she certainly knows a lot!
I wish we could stay at home :( My wretched husband insists on dragging me to the in-laws every year. I just want to stay in my own house, I don't want to drive for two and a half hours, and I don't like their dogs. Or having to spend time with my brother in law. Normally my parents come over on boxing day, which is nice, but I'd rather go and visit them on my own. Also, OH is working on Boxing day, so I'll be stranded with Mog until someone takes me home unless I go home with him. ARGH. POINTLESS WASTE OF EFFORT FOR 36 HOURS.
Can you not play the "I'm pregnant" card and demand to stay home cos you're tired etc?
Spidey- :rofl: @ telling Kira to stick her finger in daddy's belly button. :haha: Emma is the same way. She understands things and will do it but doesn't talk.

Thanks for all the christmas wishes! :haha: Corey and I kept saying merry christmas to eachother and we even went out to the grocery store to get a ham and ingredients for me to cook a christmas dinner. When we stepped out of the house I was like it's a holiday so everyone is home celebrating christmas at this very moment. :rofl: We went to the hallmark store and picked out Emma's Christmas ornament for the year. It was just so funny yesterday. Than when we were getting ready to go to sleep I was like, "i can't believe its new years already next week" :rofl: Emma was very excited all day. We wanted to open one gift, let her play with it, and than open another so it'd stretch through the day. And we accomplished it SOMEWHAT. But every time we turned our heads Emma would be back under the tree and ripping paper off a new gift. :dohh: She was just too anxious and wanted them all right NOW. So we finally just caved and she went one by one ripping them open. She really enjoys everything so it's hard to say what her favorite gift was but she always goes back to that cozy coupe and sits in it with a toy. So no matter what she's playing with, its IN the cozy coupe. :haha:

I'm really glad we did this because years down the road Emma won't ever even realize that her daddy missed christmas. Same with her first birthday. Corey didn't even remember he missed her birthday because we did her party a few days early and kept saying happy birthday to her like it really was IYKWIM. So he's remembering her party and thinks it really was her birthday that day until I remind him her birthday was two days later. :haha: Time doesn't matter anyways. ;)
Thanks everyone for your advice on the "Christmas dinner" dilema im just going to choose my moment and tell her we are staying at home and see how it goes.. i feel a lot better about it now that iknow that it's quite normal to want to stay at home lol xx

Cleck- Glad you Corey and Emma had a great Christmas!!

Spidey- lol at Kira putting her finger in her daddys belly button!!...thats cute tat she is doing things when you ask her...I love the age our lo are just now sometimes i wish that i could freeze time and keep Kiera at this age they are so cute and comical xx
Spidey: Yeah its terrible isn't it - but sure has to be done. Ah that is lovely that your mam sends you the email updates. Id say I have my mams head wrecked I phone so much lol - Isn't it great now that our LO's are understanding so much. Natasha is the same, she is really understanding lots we are saying now.

AuntyE: I agree with Shiv - try and play the I'm pregnant card - I hope it works and you get to stay at home.

Cleck: Aww that sounds like you had an amazing day - I'm really looking forward to Christmas even more now after reading that. It is a brilliant idea to celebrate it when Corey is there - it means you will all have great memories.

Andie: I think you are doing the right thing and I bet you mam will understand, she probably went through the same thing with her parents years ago.

Well AFU: Natasha is really starting to become more interactive now. She spent hours tonight playing hide the doll with DH - She would whisper hide and put her head down on the couch covering her eyes and DH would hide her doll and then she would look for it under the cushions and say there when she found it.

She is also making lots more attempts at words. I dont know if they would be understandable by anybody else, but she is saying hiya, there, hide and all gone. She is also trying to call my brothers and my mams next door neighbours names and if you ask her what does the doggie do she will make an attempt at woof woof and if you say what does oskar do (our cat) she will say eeow for meow.

She also was imitating me putting on deodrant today to and making a shh sound under her arms - it was so funny and if she doesn't want to do something now or doesn't want any more dinner she will shake her head for no.

I really love this age.

Well back to work for me tomorrow and I am internally verifying all the assessments for this period along with my own work so I prob wont be back in for a while as it will be mahem.

:hugs: to all and keep well. Xx
jelr- that is so cute about Natasha's game of hide the doll :cloud9:

I agree that this age is so fun. Kira is so demanding by pointing at everything she wants and saying "that". It's hard work, but so neat seeing what she's interested in.

Clecker- I'm really looking forward to x-mas now after hearing about yours! Thats so cute how Emma retreats to her cozy coupe to play with a toy. Such a sweetheart!
I'm already playing the pregnant card to avoid going away for New Year, not sure it's going to work for Christmas too :( Also, OH sulks SO much, it's easier to give in on this sort of thing. I really hope Mog hasn't inherited that particular characteristic.
been quiet in here the last few days - where is everyone?

Boothh - I hope you are having a BLAST at Eurodisney?

how is everyone else?

i hope you will all indulge me with a proud mummy post...........

Well David has been away since Sunday night (doing his masters at uni) and instead of being at home I thought i would use the time to go and visit my friend up in Harrogate. it is a good 5 hour drive so I left at Sophia's bed time hoping she would just sleep through. Well she only slept for 2 hours but was actuallu just content for most of teh rest (apart from when she dropped Eey-ore and I had to find a services to pull over to get him!)

Anyway Sophia HATES her travel cot and the only way I haev previously manged to get her to sleep in it is to breastfeed her to sleep. now that i cannot breastfeed i was dreading it - so we arrived at midnight and set up her cot - she went straight to sleep and slept until 8.30am - I was so happy! She even napped in it throughout our visit. She was basically a complete treasure for the whole time, she kept my friends 9 month old boy kisses (it was just too cute). She made everyonelaugh constantly and i was just SOO proud that I had such a lovely, happy, funny little girl to show off - i love her so much!

the end x
Aw Shiv u have a real wee gem there!! Glad ur trip was so good...Isnt it amazing how easy looking after our lo can seem when they are behaving ie not teething not having toddlery tantrums lol! ive been caught out with that a few times tho like going out for lunch or dinner can go sooo nicely when the kids are in a good mood service in the restraunt is nice and quick and i think to myself this is great! this lovely! i cant wait to do it again! Then the next time nothing happens as it should you have screeaming! tantrums! a gizillion toilet visits! spilt juice! winging! and ur waiting hours for ur food to come and u think omg im never doing this again haha the joys hehe ...sorry im blabbering way off as usual i only meant to say yehay!! for Sophia being such a wee cutie and making her mum so proud! hehe xx
That's so great about Sophia! She sounds like a total doll to be around!
Glad she slept well for ya! :hugs:

Glad you had an amazing early Christmas Cleck! I bet Emma just LOVED it. You two are amazing parents, you are also very clever to think about doing things early so he doesn't miss out on anything! :)

Nice to see ya Nutty!! :D

I just want to squeeze Kira, she is just too cute!

I hope Booth is having a total blast!!!!

Natasha seems to be doing very well, its awesome that she is trying to talk more, I still keep waiting for Caylee to just start talking haha.

Not much is new, Caylee is still in her toddler bed, usually falls asleep on her bedroom floor haha we just move her into bed once shes asleep. Lily is sleeping through the night, WOOOHOOO!
We got a nasty buggy here though, both girls are on meds for sinus infections and Caylee has infantigo :( booo. So shes on a cream for that, and a cream for her bad eczema. Poor girl.

Also I don't know if any of you mommas use the "First Years" products. They make tons of stuff, they are also Learning Curve, but I talk to one of the head people of the company Jen, she is so amazing..and they have a facebook page for the company and she is trying to get fans and people that like the products to like the page, she does things where she has a think where they have product testers and she puts it on facebook and you just fill out the questioner she posted and she picks people to test and keep the product, I got a new miswivel high chair from them and its awesome. So I told her I would tell my mommy friends about it, its another great place to brag and post pictures of your babies haha. Hope you guys like the page.

Heidi!!!! :wave: You haven't been in here much lately! Booo! I meant to ask you before but how's the breastfeeding going with Lily?! Still good? And is Ross behaving himself now? (I'm completely nosy..:blush:)
No, be nosy..haha! I don't mind.

Breastfeeding was going GREAT until my doctor put me on an anti anxiety medication. It got to the point where I could not leave the house or let anyone hold Lily because I was having terrible fears of people not being able to take care of her the way I could. Caylee and Lily were sleeping in the same room with me for a good week and I would not let Ross touch either of them, so I went in and they said I have anxiety and I have post postpartum depression :( so they put me on a medication that I could no longer breastfeed on. I cried for a good week everyday, I was HEARTBROKEN. But I had to get better because I was seriously going crazy. I feel much better now, but I made it 2 months and one week :( I still get emotional when I think about it though.

Ross is doing better, he is still Ross though. I think there is no changing that haha. He has been great to me, but I told him one more time and were gone, I can not keep going through this.

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