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- May 22, 2014
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Hello ladies! I've been lurking on here for the past few days and decided to take the jump and register. Here is my TTC story...I've been with my lovely fiancee for over 4 years now (getting married this Halloween). We decided a couple of years ago to actively try to get pregnant. We didn't take precaution before, but decided to see what would happen with temping, doc visits, etc. Well let me just say... THIS IS NOT EASY. For some time I suffered with irregular periods where I would go for 3 months or more at a time. I live in the South, and at the time we lived in a small area. The doctor I had, seemed to not care at all about my concerns with trying for a year and no baby bump. She treated me as if I was some lowlife trying to get on assistance (another story for another day so I'll cut that short). We moved to another city, and found an amazing doctor. I explained to her the situation, and how my previous doctor prescribed me progesterone without any explanation other than "it will help". After going through a few more tests, I found out I was pre-diabetic with cysts on my ovaries. Nothing to be alarmed as one was a nabothian cyst, and another I was told not to worry about. I was then put on Metformin (can't remember the exact dosage as it was some time ago and my mind is complete MUSH). I switched jobs so I'm in the waiting period for insurance again, so the visits have stopped. The next step was to have my honey tested to make sure his swimmers were doing their job since everything seemed to be okay on my end. Since then, my periods have become regular again ranging from 28-33 days. We took a break for a while and now we are back at it. Here is my updated information.
I took a break from temping this cycle because I felt as if I was in a constant scientific experiment, and sometimes it clashed with my daily schedule. So I have charted a few symptoms. No OPKS used this cycle-just a lot of ovulation estimators etc. My cycle began on April 18th. We BD'd on CD 8, 14, 16, and 27. Countdown to pregnancy said that my fertile period was most likely from CD 16-21. I had some scant spotting on CD 28 (May 15th) which I thought may have been implantation bleeding. I'm heading into CD 35, and while I've had AF twinges it seems.. she still hasn't shown. I suffered from nausea for a good week during CD 12-18. I was miserable. Didn't think much of it other than I may be coming down with something. Certain foods I love *taco bell* would make me sick after eating..sometimes during. I tested a couple of days ago and BFN. They were so negative, they were stark white. I decided to splurge and order some Wondfo's from Amazon that should be here Friday so I've taken a break from testing. I figure by then either AF will show, or I'll have a BFP. I also ordered some OPK's so I can do this correctly. My bbs are a wee bit sore, and nipples are a tad bit darker, and this week suffering from vivid dreams, slight insomnia (wake up at 2am back to sleep around 5), and the FATIGUE--but as we all well know these could be symptoms of the red haired ninny. SO, with all of that being said..I guess I am here for the camaraderie. There is nothing better than knowing you aren't alone and that your body is a weird, weird thing. Every symptom, every mood swing, every bloated, gassy stomach leads me to think *IS IT POSSIBLE?!*
I appreciate you taking the time to read..I look forward to talking with you all. Have a good night and FX'd and baby dustings!
I took a break from temping this cycle because I felt as if I was in a constant scientific experiment, and sometimes it clashed with my daily schedule. So I have charted a few symptoms. No OPKS used this cycle-just a lot of ovulation estimators etc. My cycle began on April 18th. We BD'd on CD 8, 14, 16, and 27. Countdown to pregnancy said that my fertile period was most likely from CD 16-21. I had some scant spotting on CD 28 (May 15th) which I thought may have been implantation bleeding. I'm heading into CD 35, and while I've had AF twinges it seems.. she still hasn't shown. I suffered from nausea for a good week during CD 12-18. I was miserable. Didn't think much of it other than I may be coming down with something. Certain foods I love *taco bell* would make me sick after eating..sometimes during. I tested a couple of days ago and BFN. They were so negative, they were stark white. I decided to splurge and order some Wondfo's from Amazon that should be here Friday so I've taken a break from testing. I figure by then either AF will show, or I'll have a BFP. I also ordered some OPK's so I can do this correctly. My bbs are a wee bit sore, and nipples are a tad bit darker, and this week suffering from vivid dreams, slight insomnia (wake up at 2am back to sleep around 5), and the FATIGUE--but as we all well know these could be symptoms of the red haired ninny. SO, with all of that being said..I guess I am here for the camaraderie. There is nothing better than knowing you aren't alone and that your body is a weird, weird thing. Every symptom, every mood swing, every bloated, gassy stomach leads me to think *IS IT POSSIBLE?!*
I appreciate you taking the time to read..I look forward to talking with you all. Have a good night and FX'd and baby dustings!