Looking for a buddy!! CD 18

Country- that stinks. Good that she is good, but not helpful when you can't see her.
Country, It's probably your doctor/the clinic. I have never waited for a doc in Edmonton or Halifax, or I got lucky! Haha :)

Hey ladies I just got back from NZ/Australia. Hope everyone is doing well :)
Hey! How was Australia? That sounds like a lot of fun!

Soooo I Heard back from the GYN doctor I was referred to and the soonest I'd get an appointment would be May!!! So frustrating! I'm just hoping and praying that I'll be able to get pregnant on my own. This cycle dh and I had a sex-a-thon- 10 days of bd in a row so hopefully that works for us :) if it doesn't, at least it was still a fun month!

How's everyone else doing?
May??? Wow,that's crazy! I hope all the bding this time worked. Has dh ever been tested?

I've heard NZ and Australia are amazing.

afm- a horrible cold has been going around my school and I caught it, just in time for ovulation. So I think we are prob out this month. We bd the two nights before o and then I got a horrible fever the next day which stayed for 3 days. I'm feeling better now except I have a blocked salvitory gland and need to be on steroids- hopefully it won't affect anything if bd did work this month.
Oh that sucks. Hope you're feeling better soon!

No dh hasn't been tested because 2 out of 3 times we got pregnant on the first cycle trying. The other time was cycle 6 but that was because of my thyroid. As soon as I started meds I was pregnant 10 days later! Now I'm on cycle 4, thyroid is normal with meds, I'm healthy otherwise ... I'm just 30 now (31 in Feb). I'm super thankful for our 3 little boys but I (and dh) just feel like we are still missing someone. But we want them close together (oldest is 3 now) so we're trying for the rest of 2014, otherwise were just done. It makes me sad to think of that but I don't want to be "old" and having kids or have them far apart in age.
I know how you feel. Our son is 3 ( we have been tcc for 2 years). No problem with the first and I am just now 30. Doesn't make any since except the thyroid which is under control.
Your son is about a month older than my first!

I totally know what you mean, it just doesn't make any sense because it was so easy the first time. Thanks for listening though. We don't want to tell anyone we are trying so I don't really have anyone to talk to about how frustrated I am ttc, except dh.
Now problem. That's what were here for. It can be hard to find someone to talk to who understands.
My trip was amazing. I wish I was still over there! :)

Hope you are feeling better overwhelmed!

Are you still able to walk country? :rofl: :)
Glad to hear you had a great trip. I wish I was there too.

I am feeling better but AF came last week as expected. What is odd is it stopped and now I am having a ton of brown spotting- which I almost never have. I should o at some point though just around valentines day so that should be good.

hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy the olympics.
I'm on CD28, so AF should be showing up tomorrow. I'm going home for a week so at least I'll be able to start trying when I get back :)
Do you know you are definitely out?

this is the most frustrating process. I think one of the most frustrating things is that I have an actual endocrine problem but if I go to an reproductive endocrinologist (who would actually know both sides of the picture) its not covered by insurance.

I don't know what cycle day I am on, but I am pretty sure I oed on the night of the 13th and AF is due next Saturday (I guess I could do the math). I was feeling really positive but the extreme emotions have started (crying, frustration, aggravated easily - which could be the Tyroid) which usually means AF is coming.
The funny thing is AF is late by a few days. I've had minimal cramping on and off on CD28 (my cycles are usually 27/28 days), but no AF! Like no spotting or anything. I don't have a lot of hope though because as you know our bodies like to make sure we are paying attention and the minute I take a hpt BAM! AF shows hahaha :)

That sucks. I don't understand the US system at all. In Canada specialists are covered thankfully. Is it expensive to see one on your own??

I am the same way! Before AF comes I am the most miserable person alive, cry easily, and go from 0 to 60 in minutes. I figured it might be hormones, maybe it is also a thyroid thing?
Are you going to test? I so hope this is it, but I know what you mean about knowing your body. Try to stay positive.

In the US each state has different medical laws. Florida doesn't have any laws about infertility treatments, so no one will cover it. I think there are only a few states that require insurance to cover infertility. My ob/gyn does some infertility that is not so expensive (about $200 a month), but I did that for 6 months and nothing. The next step would be a RE and Invetero, but that would be like 8,000-10,000 for each round. I'm not ready for that- nor do I know if I want to do that.
Negativeeee, surprised? Lol.

I'm a 28 day cycle girl and this one was 33. Thanks body! No love.
That's so disappointing- I'm so sorry. I hate when that happens. I am due tomorrow or Thursday. My last two cycles have been super weird and I have been feeling super yucky.
Same with me, the last two have been the cycles from hell. Plus all throughout my cycle I am having menstrual cramps on and off, just had a pelvic/pap and am normal (for lack of a better word haha) doc says I'll need an ultrasound if that continues though...arghh haha

Maybe AF won't show for you :)
Guess what girls. .. I'M PREGNANT!!! Soooo super excited. But I wanted to tell you what finally worked. We went to see a guy named Terry Bell who is a Sho-Tia practitioner. You can check out online, it's like chinese herbs stuff, but not a natural path. Basically he looks in your eyes, under your tongue and taps your arms, then tells you what's wrong. So for me he said it was because of my thyroid. I asked why my levels appeared normal from the lab results and he said it's because doctors only monitor 3 out of 5 of your thyroid levels and those 3 were fine for me ... It was the other 2. So I was on a no cheese, no wheat diet for 6 weeks and took the pills he gave me (natural stuff like "bowel plus") and he said I'd be pregnant in 6 weeks. It only took 5 weeks and cost me about $50 total. I still took my synthroid too. We had been trying for about 10 months with no luck and I got pregnant very easily with 2 out of 3 of our other kids. The only time I've ever had problems was because of thyroid issues. Anyways I just thought I'd share in case this helps someone else.
Congrats! That's awesome.

I was going to try acupuncture this summer (when I may actually have time.) Af showed yesterday right as planned.

haus- Its not a bad idea to have other things checked out. I hope you get answers.
Congrats! I'm not comfortable with alternative medicine, but I'm glad it worked for you! :)

Overwhelmed, I have heard good things about acupuncture, but am kinda eh on it. Needles? No thanks haha

I honestly think my biggest issue is I am too thin, I'm 5'5" and about 108 pounds. I haven't been trying as much either but I have been on the too thin side for awhile now.

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