Looking for Buddies!! TTC#1 in September 2013


Jul 9, 2013
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Hi Everyone,

I'm Jessica.

A Bit About Me: My dh and I are going to be TTC for the first time this cycle. We got married in June this year, but have been together for over 13 years. I'm not quite sure what to expect as i've only ever tried to prevent pregnancy before haha.

Some Background on my Cycle: I had very irregular periods while on birth control, and had my "period" or bled, almost everyday for 9 years. Since i have been off birth control, my cycles are definately better, and are about 25-28 days, but seem to have a period that lasts 5-8 days. YAY!

What I'll Be Charting: I will be charting my temps, as well as CM and that Saliva test. I also have some OPK's that came in a kit that i also may try, although i typically have that "middle pain" as they call it, when i ovulate. So i can also go by that. I'm using the Fertility Friend App on my iPhone to track all of this stuff.

Looking for some TTC Buddies to share my crazy questions with, and of course that dreaded 2WW I have been reading so much about!

Let me know if you are interested in "teaming up" per say, on this crazy journey I'm about to take!

Baby Dust to Everyone! :bfp: here i come!

Welcome and good luck!

Right now I am 3 days from my expected period with a couple confusing pregnancy test results, but if that does not pan out, I will be TTC for September as well :)
I'm hopefully about to ovulate for the first time since coming off my pill, but if I'm not and or if it doesn't work it'll hopefully happen in September and I'd love to be your buddy!
Hi!! We just got married 2 days ago and are going to start ntnp :) I know when I ovulate though so I guess you could call it TTC hehe
My O day is Saturday and that is the first day of our honeymoon so maybe a honeymoon baby :-D
Baby dust to you too!
Hey and Welcome!! I'll be testing within the first week of Sept.. im just about half way though my TWW.. and yeah it sucks lol.. Been trying to convince myself not to test earlier then the day before AF is due to show her face, but with all These HPTs that say they can pick up the HCG 5 and 6 days before just makes it that much harder.. Im wishing you lots of luck and sending loads of baby dust your way :dust:
I am with u. We are trying for baby # 1 too and this is our officially first month of TTC after several months of NTNP. We want to follow SMEP from CD10 and today is CD9. I am so excited.
I'll be TTC at the very end of September! I'm getting married in 10 days and I spend a lot of time now browsing TTC. I'll be over to TTC Shortly! =]
DH and I have been married for 8 years (together for 12) but just decided it was finally time to start ttc this July. This is my third cycle trying. I was so sure last cycle was going to be it but unfortunately got AF two days ago.

Baby dust to all!!
Marqelle93 - Good luck to you in the coming days!

SadakoS - Hopefully your cycle will regulate it self really quick...mine took about 5 months, but my cycles were really messed up. I'm just finishing up AF now, and FF says I should O around the 4th of Sept...and PTracker says the 2nd..so who knows. I think i will use Ovulation sticks to help figure it out exactly.

JBaby90 - Good luck with your O day...don't forget to BD lots before then! Good luck, I hope it's your month!

AshNAmber - You must be so anxious having to wait! Feel free to vent! I think that's the part I will dread...but luckily in Sept we are going to Mexico so i'm not going to bring any tests with me, and i'm going to try to forget about it until i get back on the 20th.

Fairyy - Look forward to sharing this with you!

CantHrdlyWait - We will be waiting here for you! Hurry Hurry! Congrats on your upcoming Wedding!

floridasian - Sorry last month didn't work for you. But glad your joining us for September! Good luck!
Oh My Anxious Is Not Even The word, I ReaD And Reread symtpoms At What DPO I Am Lol The Only Thing Other Then Talking To All You Wonderful Ladies That Gives Me Comfort Is The Bottom Of My Ticker Have That Top 10 Symptoms Lol Because The Last Todays I Had Those Symptoms Lol Coincidence Im.sure But Gives Me hope
Not crazy at all...i'm sure i will be the same way! haha Definately post your symptoms by DPO...maybe there is someone else that had similar symptoms like you and got a BFP!
Symptom spotting is very common/normal. I am 6DPO and trying my hardest not to symptom spot anything. I have done enough research to understand that a baby does not implant until 9-10 DPO and very rarely earlier. GL ladies
Hey Ladies,

Today is CD1 for me (Boo to AF:() and we've been NTNP for about five months now. I basically just guessed that I was ovulating on CD14 and would BD on and around that day. Clearly that's not working so now we're really gonna start TTC. I bought a thermometer today and I made an account with FertilityFriend.
My cycles are a bit irregular but they generally range from 28-33 days. I'm not sure if I O right in the middle or not so I'll have to seeing how the charting goes this month.
My OH and I aren't married but we have been together for nearly 6 years now. We definitely plan on getting married one day but probably something small and inexpensive as we are looking into buying a house and other big financial stuff.
I'm really excited to get to know you ladies and I hope we are all blessed with :bfp: s this month!
Another Day Down, Todays Symptoms Include Sore Boobs And A steady Twing In My Lower Right Sidw Of My Abdomen. Implantation Is due On The 31St But I Read Its Common To Happen A Few Dys Before Or Adter.. So Really Hoping All These Twings And Pinches I Feel Is My Lilttle seEd Getting Snugg For 9Months
AshNAmber - Lets hope so. I have read from lots of other ladies, that they get twinging and cramping with implantation. And i have read a lot of ladies getting their BFPs as early as 3-4 DPO...I know it probably not that common, but it doesn't mean you aren't an early bird! Good luck...let us know how you make out. When do you plan on testing?
So this is CD8 for me...AF is still here...argh...i bought the First Response Ovulation Testing kit...it came with 20 test strips...but convienently (sp) for First Response, they are only good for 30 days...same with the digital tester...stupid...but none the less, i started using it today as it said to start on CD5 and its CD8, so hope that doesn't make too much of a difference.

In June, i know i ovulated as i had that "middle pain" and a lot of CM. It was around CD 13-14, and my Cycles are about 26-28 days. So right smack in the middle.

Of course when i tested today, it said NO, but I suspect i still have about 3-4 days before the LH surge will happen (if it does). I'll keep you posted if and when i do O. Yay. I really hope i do this month!
I have no idea what's going on with my cycle, If I ovulated or not. I had seven positive OPKs but my temping is off because apparently I sleep with my mouth open, so WHO KNOWS!

Currently CD26, could be 7DPO, could be 4DPO...

Have had spotting the past few days and light cramps, so perhaps AF is on her way.

Since coming off of BC in May, I've had a 36 day cycle, followed by AF two weeks later and then a 26 day cycle.

I'm pretty much spinning with confusion, SO I most likely will be joining you in September.
Welcome and good luck!

We've been trying for a couple of months now, and I plan on testing next week. If there's no BFP, we'll keep trying in September.

I may test tomorrow morning, too, since it'll be our 10 year anniversary, and if it comes up positive, we'll both be in for an awesome gift. It may be a little too early to get anything but a BFN, but it can't hurt to try, right? ;)

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