Looking for Buddies!! TTC#1 in September 2013

Another Day Down, Todays Symptoms Include Sore Boobs And A steady Twing In My Lower Right Sidw Of My Abdomen. Implantation Is due On The 31St But I Read Its Common To Happen A Few Dys Before Or Adter.. So Really Hoping All These Twings And Pinches I Feel Is My Lilttle seEd Getting Snugg For 9Months

Really have my fingers crossed for you!
AshNAmber - Lets hope so. I have read from lots of other ladies, that they get twinging and cramping with implantation. And i have read a lot of ladies getting their BFPs as early as 3-4 DPO...I know it probably not that common, but it doesn't mean you aren't an early bird! Good luck...let us know how you make out. When do you plan on testing?

wow I never knew people could get BFP's that early..Maybe that's a good thing because I would start POAS everyday lol I thought about starting Sunday since AF is due on Thursday.. But ill have my god child this weekend so might have to wait till Monday..

[/QUOTE] Really have my fingers crossed for you![/QUOTE]

Thank you Marqelle!! I think i have actually prayed and hoped for you as much as myself..

Today's symptom's include a little gassy and soar boobs (first day without the twings but the day is still early).. which SO says I get that way before AF :( but im not losing hope. so far no colored DC or CM I swear iv never investigate so much when I go to the bathroom.. I usually spot the day before AF so guess this is really just a waiting game..
wow I never knew people could get BFP's that early..Maybe that's a good thing because I would start POAS everyday lol I thought about starting Sunday since AF is due on Thursday.. But ill have my god child this weekend so might have to wait till Monday..
Really have my fingers crossed for you![/QUOTE]

Thank you Marqelle!! I think i have actually prayed and hoped for you as much as myself..

Today's symptom's include a little gassy and soar boobs (first day without the twings but the day is still early).. which SO says I get that way before AF :( but im not losing hope. so far no colored DC or CM I swear iv never investigate so much when I go to the bathroom.. I usually spot the day before AF so guess this is really just a waiting game..[/QUOTE]
From all your posts I've been reading I totally feel like this is your month!!! What promising symptoms you have! You're 8dpo today right? So Monay will be 13dpo? That is an awesome time to test!!! I've most commonly hear of women getting their :bfp: at 12dpo. I'm so excited for you! Definitely keep us updated on any results

wow I never knew people could get BFP's that early..Maybe that's a good thing because I would start POAS everyday lol I thought about starting Sunday since AF is due on Thursday.. But ill have my god child this weekend so might have to wait till Monday..
Really have my fingers crossed for you!

Thank you Marqelle!! I think i have actually prayed and hoped for you as much as myself..

Today's symptom's include a little gassy and soar boobs (first day without the twings but the day is still early).. which SO says I get that way before AF :( but im not losing hope. so far no colored DC or CM I swear iv never investigate so much when I go to the bathroom.. I usually spot the day before AF so guess this is really just a waiting game..[/QUOTE]

From all your posts I've been reading I totally feel like this is your month!!! What promising symptoms you have! You're 8dpo today right? So Monay will be 13dpo? That is an awesome time to test!!! I've most commonly hear of women getting their :bfp: at 12dpo. I'm so excited for you! Definitely keep us updated on any results


thanks sweetie, yep today im 8DPO man felt like id never get just to here lol.. I really hope your right.. I feel like it to.. but I'm trying so hard not to get to excited so the let down wont be so hard if it is.. but staying positive.. you know I will :) oh and twings are back today.. very very light but can still feel them but now they rotate from left to right but mainly stays on the right.. so hoping thats still all good signs
I can't believe no one has written in this thread! Lol AshNAmber how was the test? Was it the :bfp: you were hoping for? If not, don't worry, 13dpo is still really early to get a bfp. Still hoping and praying for you!
I can't believe no one has written in this thread! Lol AshNAmber how was the test? Was it the :bfp: you were hoping for? If not, don't worry, 13dpo is still really early to get a bfp. Still hoping and praying for you!

Hey sweet pea.. No it was BFN.. I tested 10PO.. AF is due to come n 2 days if she doesn't show ill take another test on the 6th ill be 15DPO by then so hopefully will have better luck.. I'm still keeping I my FX and hanging on to hope.. I've had some lower back pain today and very light brown dc.. Yesterday early morning I had a light light pink dc.. My implantation was due on the 31st so I'm really hoping that maybe it's signs of IB... Like I said trying to stay positive... How have you been?
Alright Girls... Its CD13, and AF finally finished on CD11! Super long. Do you think this means i will ovulate later? Normally I would on CD14, but i've been taking an OPK since CD8 and have no positive so far.
I think you will ovulate later because your period comes about 2 weeks after ovulation, and if you ovulate tomorrow that means you will be starting a period about 2.5 weeks after your last one ended. However, it's completely possible.

Ashley* hoping it's implantation bleeding!
lots of brownish pink DC going on over here... really thinkin im out.. if no BRB in the am ill test but im thinkin its over for me this go round..
Hey sweet pea.. No it was BFN.. I tested 10PO.. AF is due to come n 2 days if she doesn't show ill take another test on the 6th ill be 15DPO by then so hopefully will have better luck.. I'm still keeping I my FX and hanging on to hope.. I've had some lower back pain today and very light brown dc.. Yesterday early morning I had a light light pink dc.. My implantation was due on the 31st so I'm really hoping that maybe it's signs of IB... Like I said trying to stay positive... How have you been?
Yeah 10dpo is definitely a little early to be getting a bfp. Sorry about the DC :( Hopefully it stops and it just turns out to be implantation. I still have hope for you!!
September apparently sucks for a me a lot because OH is out of town basically all month for work. Which is sad in general but also puts a big damper in the baby making plans for the month. So I'm just using the month to try charting because I know I didn't ovulate when I thought last month. My only problem is I usually get up to pee at like 5:30am and forget to temp then so I do it when I get up at 7:15am. Do you think it's innaccurate that way?
Anyways keep me updated on whether or not AF shows. GL

Hey sweet pea.. No it was BFN.. I tested 10PO.. AF is due to come n 2 days if she doesn't show ill take another test on the 6th ill be 15DPO by then so hopefully will have better luck.. I'm still keeping I my FX and hanging on to hope.. I've had some lower back pain today and very light brown dc.. Yesterday early morning I had a light light pink dc.. My implantation was due on the 31st so I'm really hoping that maybe it's signs of IB... Like I said trying to stay positive... How have you been?
Yeah 10dpo is definitely a little early to be getting a bfp. Sorry about the DC :( Hopefully it stops and it just turns out to be implantation. I still have hope for you!!
September apparently sucks for a me a lot because OH is out of town basically all month for work. Which is sad in general but also puts a big damper in the baby making plans for the month. So I'm just using the month to try charting because I know I didn't ovulate when I thought last month. My only problem is I usually get up to pee at like 5:30am and forget to temp then so I do it when I get up at 7:15am. Do you think it's innaccurate that way?
Anyways keep me updated on whether or not AF shows. GL


Yep Ugly Ole Witch Showed Up A Day Early Blah.. But That's Ok Going Out Of Town This Weekend And Relax Then Come Home And Get In Touch Witg The Donor Again..Well That Sucks ThatYour Honey Is Out Of Town But The Good Thing Is You Wil Be Ready When He Is Home :) Iv Never Temped Before I Thought About It But My ChartIs Pretty Accurate But IM Sure You Can Find Ou Some Where On here
True, I'm sure I can find out the info somewhere. Did you say donor? Sorry if it's a bit personal but I'd be really interested to hear more about your situation. I find people's TTC journey's very interesting. I know everyone goes through different things and it always gives me hope to hear about other people. I have a friend who went through IVF and it was successful the first time. So now they have an awesome one-year-old boy and seven frozen embyros for whenever they want to try again. Super interesting! Anyways I'd love to hear your story but if you aren't comfortable sharing I totally get it. Good luck for next month!!! Sorry about AF
Hey Ladies!

It's CD 15...still no + on my OPK :(. However, GREAT NEWS at the doctors today. I went to get an ultrasound and blood work back in the beginning of June becuz i've suffered from a long 9 years of periods every day. And funny enough, in June, my cycles regulated after being off BC for 5 months, and now i have regular cycles. So at today's appt he told me everything on my ultrasound was perfect. No cysts or polps, and hormones and everything are great! I'm so pumped!

And he told me that using the OPK was the best method out there for determining when you ovulate. Which i am using, along with temping, and CM.

Can't wait till I "O" now! Since there is no bad signs so far, i hope that means good things in the months coming!

AshNAmber - Sorry about AF! Hope you have better luck in your next TTC cycle! If you don't mind me asking, does your donor provide you with the "Product" every month?
hello! i think i'm 4 dpo and would love to join you ladies! TTC #1 after getting married in July, but this is our 5th cycle. my husband is gone for the next week so i could use some support during my TWW! i DO have my puppies but it isn't quite the same, ha! baby dust to you all!
Hey.... Can I join in too? I have been trying to conceive for about a year now, but I'm really getting serious about it now. I have fertility friend on my phone which has been great for tracking things. I have PCOS and extremely irregular periods. My cycles have be as much as 90+ days to as low as 36 days. I tried metformin for about a month and hated it. Basically on the toilet half the day and passed out! My body tends to be sensitive to medications, so I said forget it. I'm trying my best to learn about my body sense what's going on. Frustrating to have friends who "miss one pill" and BOOM pregnant. I haven't taken birth control in almost two years and nothing :-/
Well, at least we're having fun trying!
Hey Ladies!

It's CD 15...still no + on my OPK :(. However, GREAT NEWS at the doctors today. I went to get an ultrasound and blood work back in the beginning of June becuz i've suffered from a long 9 years of periods every day. And funny enough, in June, my cycles regulated after being off BC for 5 months, and now i have regular cycles. So at today's appt he told me everything on my ultrasound was perfect. No cysts or polps, and hormones and everything are great! I'm so pumped!

And he told me that using the OPK was the best method out there for determining when you ovulate. Which i am using, along with temping, and CM.

Can't wait till I "O" now! Since there is no bad signs so far, i hope that means good things in the months coming!

AshNAmber - Sorry about AF! Hope you have better luck in your next TTC cycle! If you don't mind me asking, does your donor provide you with the "Product" every month?

Hey Jecada, thanks.. I hope we have better luck this go round to.. will start my OPK's this weekend.. Yep my donor is great he lives 10min away and will give me the baby batter when ever I need it as long as he is home. but i try not to take advantage to much so I get it 3 times my 2 OPK positive days and another day.. but this is only my 2nd try so I hope if I have to keep trying he stays being so generous..

I hope you O soon so you can be in the TWW :)
True, I'm sure I can find out the info somewhere. Did you say donor? Sorry if it's a bit personal but I'd be really interested to hear more about your situation. I find people's TTC journey's very interesting. I know everyone goes through different things and it always gives me hope to hear about other people. I have a friend who went through IVF and it was successful the first time. So now they have an awesome one-year-old boy and seven frozen embyros for whenever they want to try again. Super interesting! Anyways I'd love to hear your story but if you aren't comfortable sharing I totally get it. Good luck for next month!!! Sorry about AF

Hey SweetPea :).. Yeah im pretty much an open book. Not shy.. my situation isn't bad I have to have a donor because im a lesbian.. he's a great guy and family friend he's young has 3 little ones of his own and is being a real gem with this whole situation. I honestly would LOVE to do IVF but it's 10k here and my insurance will not cover it because im healthy (thank god) and I don't really have 10k laying round but if I did I would so have it done. My SO does the AI so that way I make her feel like she is part of the process. Anything else you wanna know don't hesitate to ask.. like I said im pretty much an open book..
Hey Girls,

So i got a positive OPK yesterday morning! I couldn't believe my eyes... so we BD last night, and hopefully tonight tomorrow night and Saturday night! I used the FR Digital OPK, and it says you O 24-36hrs after you get the positive.

My temp spiked today also, so i will see if it spikes again tomorrow, and then i'm guessing FF app will put those lines on my graph to show i O'd? I don't know, it's my first month TTC and using that part of the app.

I've also had some spotting a little yesterday and some today as well. But i googled it and it said it happens on or before you O. I also have been feeling a lot of twinges today. So heres hoping I get a BFP! But i don't want to get my hopes up. Babydust!!

AshNAmber - great arrangement you got there. Nice that a friend is able to do that for you. I hope you get lucky really soon!
Hey Girls,

So i got a positive OPK yesterday morning! I couldn't believe my eyes... so we BD last night, and hopefully tonight tomorrow night and Saturday night! I used the FR Digital OPK, and it says you O 24-36hrs after you get the positive.

My temp spiked today also, so i will see if it spikes again tomorrow, and then i'm guessing FF app will put those lines on my graph to show i O'd? I don't know, it's my first month TTC and using that part of the app.

I've also had some spotting a little yesterday and some today as well. But i googled it and it said it happens on or before you O. I also have been feeling a lot of twinges today. So heres hoping I get a BFP! But i don't want to get my hopes up. Babydust!!

AshNAmber - great arrangement you got there. Nice that a friend is able to do that for you. I hope you get lucky really soon!

YAY for the big O!!! you will be in the TWW in no time!! keeping my FX for you and sending loads of baby dust :dust:

Yeah im grateful.. I'm really hoping October is our month!!
AshNAmber - Thanks so much for sharing, that's super interesting! Doesn't it suck that IVF is so expensive! It's really expensive here too which I think is just silly. Poor people who have a ton of difficulty getting pregnant and then have to worry about that crazy expense on top of it all! It sounds like you have an awesome situation going on though. It's really sweet that you get your SO involved.

Jecada - I'm so pumped that you got the positive!!! Hope all the BDing went well last week ;) Now it's TWW time which is the worst!!! Let us know if you start to get any symptoms.

Unfortunately my OH has been away this month so there's no chance for me. I've been experimenting with temping which has been a nightmare! I just cannot get it figured out. But I did order some OPKs off of ebay so I'm hoping next month is the time for us!

:dust: to everyone!

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