Hey ladies, ill join! I'm a but ahead of you but still.
I'm a postpartum nurse with experience in labour and delivery so I know the ups and downs of that and it's not my cup of tea. Ill be having our baby at a birth centre with a midwife which is a pretty rare thing in Canada.
I have read many books throughout my nursing career and I'm passionate about minimal interventions and natural childbirth. I recommend Ina May's books ( guide to childbirth and spiritual midwifery) at the top of my list and Birth Without Fear.
I just finished reading my hypnobirtthing book yesterday and am hopefully gonna start practicing my techniques soon.
Most of all it's about being really comfortable and trusting in your body. I'm not scared at all! I can't wait, and daddy is allowed to 'catch' and of course announce the gender since we're team
just envisioning that moment makes it all worth it!