Looking for bump buddies pregnant with number 4 due July 4th 2010

Me and DH were discussing time flying by last night lol -First tri seemed so long, I got my BFP at 3w+2d lol- crazy early - then I worried about it being too early ,chemical or something lol; then the sicknes started and I threw up regularly for a few weeks (longest few weeks of my life lol), and eventually we reached the glorious 12 weeks and first scan. OMG It seemed SO looooooooooooooong lol. We were actually put forward a week then to 13 weeks and since then time has really flown by. Even with me being off work for most of it!

My midwife phoned yesterday to sy she has put me in for antenatal massage at the end of April, as she thinks it may help my pain. Oh I cant wait, not sure of what position they are going to try get me into though, that'll be fun lol -but it is done by the midwifes so I am sure they are used to dealing with it every day. She has pencilled me in for every 2-3 weeks after that until I deliver (if I like it and want to keep going that is) .Oh I am loving that lady just now -previous mw's were a bit apathetic and didn't give me much hope for getting any appt's booked as they are booked months and months in advance seemingly!!!

Hope you are feeling abit more refreshed today -Iam tired doing very little,can't imagine haing three little ones about too -my youngest is nearly 8 (it's his birthday on Saturday -taking him and a few friends to the cinema and McDonalds)

Have a good day and take care of you and your lovely family xx
Oh happy birthday to your son. Tonight I have a silent house. No kids, my parents took the girls for the night, so I get a break. I'm gonna cuddle up on the couch and watch. Movie with dh. I haven't watched any thing but kid movies in a long time. I really hope that will help with your pain. I can't imagine having that and being pregnant. Bless you. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Oh I had a book on my stomach tonight and noah started kicking it so hard that it was jumping. It was very funny. Made me sad to be home alone. Didn't have anyone else to see it. Dh said he wants to try and see if he will do it again.
Oh happy birthday to your son. Tonight I have a silent house. No kids, my parents took the girls for the night, so I get a break. I'm gonna cuddle up on the couch and watch. Movie with dh. I haven't watched any thing but kid movies in a long time. I really hope that will help with your pain. I can't imagine having that and being pregnant. Bless you. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Oh I had a book on my stomach tonight and noah started kicking it so hard that it was jumping. It was very funny. Made me sad to be home alone. Didn't have anyone else to see it. Dh said he wants to try and see if he will do it again.
Oh I had a book on my stomach tonight and noah started kicking it so hard that it was jumping. It was very funny. Made me sad to be home alone. Didn't have anyone else to see it. Dh said he wants to try and see if he will do it again.

Lol -thats' so funny, because last night I was sitting do the same thing, and my lil man was kicking the book so hard, but when I moved the book to get DH to feel -he stopped moving haha:haha::haha:

Have a great weekend xx:hugs:
That's exactly the same thing that happened to me. He would kick the book, but if you moved and watched my belly he would stop.
Morning Amy. Hope you had a good weekend.

I have spent a lot of hours building with lego lol -lego fire station ,fire engines and half way through a helicopter lol. My son got loads of it for his birthday.

I am so sore today ,have taken my painkillers but to no avail -I have also developed a nasty cold -with a sore throat, chest and runny nose, and a bloody awful cough ~(which wracks my whole body and causes me great pain sob sob) so feeling very sorry for myself today. Cant even jsut cuddle up on the sofa, as I can't get comfy in any position for too long.

Hope you are having a good day xx

p.s Happy Viability to you!!! Yay!! What a fab milestone -8 days more for me lol.
Thanks, sorry I haven't been on in a few days. For some reason I have just been down. Sad and crying. I talked to my doctor and they changed my medicine. So hopefully I will feel like myself again soon. Stupid depression. My husband brought me roses home tonight. He is being sweet. I have my scan tomorrow to see if the placenta has moved. I hope so. Hope you have a great day.
Amy -so sorry you are feeling like this -you'll have much more experience of dealing with it than me; after three previous pregnancies / births with depression but please remember that these feelings can be normal too xx. It's hard sometimes to come to term with the fact that we feel depressed and sad - that we should be blooming and so happy all the time (because we are pregnant afterall- and its such a miracle) so dont be hard on yourself. xx Glad your DH an doctor are being supportive and really hope the change in medication helps some and until the new meds kick in, hope you are doing okay. Take each day at a time.

Realy hope you are okay today, take care of you, your DH, your lovely little girls and of course little Noah -Good Luck for tomorrow -hoping that placenta has moved up for you -but if it hasn't -It's not the end of the world so I hope this isn't making you feel down too.

Have a better day xx
I am feeling beter today. I'm very tired. I think a lot of it is stress. I took a bath last night and a deep breath. Ultrasound went great. Noah looks awesome. He weighs 1lb 8oz. He grew a pound since my last ultrasound. The placenta is still touching the cervix, bit its no longer a complete previa its now a marginal previa. Not out of the woods yet but on the right track. I go back in 4-6 weeks for the next scan. My little. Man has chubby cheeks. It was very cute. hope your doing great today.
Aww -how cute -being able to see Noah's little chubby cheeks. And good news about the placenta moving a bit -fx'd by the next scan it will be right up out of the way.

have a great day xx
Thanks, hey you only have 3 days until week 24. hope you have a great weekend.

Well I had a bit of a mixed weekend, Saturday- DH was very grumpy -due to all the work still to be done on the house, and ended up snapping at me on a few occassions- then that led to me bubbling and feeling even more sorry for my self, so overall not a good day. Sunday was very relaxing, other than a quick visit to a DIY centre to pick up more supplies for the house renovations. DH got loads done, I was on hand for moral support and making cups of coffee for hime, we bought carryout food,as we couldn't be bothered cooking and wow do I feel better for it -the pain is still there but I am moving about much easier today so I'll need to watch I dont overdo it today.

Going to go get my painkillers, have a nice warm bath and then I am going out for lunch with my mum and two of my sisters (belated Mothers day lunch lol). Only thing is I have been made the designated driver -which is fine cos I am not drinking obviously anyway but I get so sore driving AND THEY ALL KNOW THAT!!!!!! Some ppl just make me so mad -great mood to go out for lunch in lol -isn't it??? They have all said -if I dont want to its 'fine'.

Oh well - nice to get out for some lunch anyway

Have a good day yourself xx
I hope you had a lovely lunch. Some days I don't like people or things either. Lol ok so most days. Mainly the carline at my daughters school. Lol oh anathema that sounds nice. Congrats you will be 24 weeks tomorrow. Whoop whoop. Lol hope you have a wonderful day.
Hi -Today I am so jealous of you and your lovely little girls lol - mine is being not so lovely and she has been not so little for a while (she's taller than me now, 16 y.o. this year). Just spent the last 15 mins on the phone to her pastoral care teacher, she thought that one of the last absence letters from me looked suspicious!!!!!! I HAVEN'T WRITTEN ANY!! Not one -the lying wee toerag!!!!! She had an afternoon off last week ,and the week before that it was one afternoon, and the following whole day!!! Actually her teacher phoned to tell me about late keeping (32 times this year) ,and all these other suspicions came up in conversation. So I am going to have to go down there tomorrow, struggling on my crutches, aaarrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhh -I am so mad at her right now -teenagers are horrid creatures I tell you. Also DD has texted me today to say she is going to afterschool study today but I dont believe her - its a subject she is failing abysmally in and has told me on numerous occassions that she is failing and isn't bothering about - and today she decided to go to afterschool study; I am finding it hard to believe tbh -so her teacher is going to check up on that too. She is attending supported study classes 3 times a week as it is, maybe she is lying about them all??

Cherish your little princesses, mine was a star pupil, perfect daughter - just wonderful until she turned 14 and then she turned horrid lol

Oh man, I am dreading when my girls are teens. I'm in for it. Lol. Happy 24 weeks. My dr. Called today and the want to do another scan next week and see if the placenta has moved before the 2nd tri ends. Also my oldest girl had her 6 year check up today. And the Dr. Said she neees her tonsils out.
So she goes to an ear, nose and throat Dr. In may. He said her tonsils are very big and its causing her to snore and he thinks she has sleep appnia.(Sp) so we will wait and see. Hang in there, I hope things turn out ok with your daughter.
Hi there - shame about your daughter needing her tonsils out , but if it's causing problems then better out than left in; and much better to get anything like this done at a young age -its much worse for adults. My youngest son had glue ear and needed to have grommits inserted and his adenoids removed when he was 5 1/2 . He was totally fine, I was a wreck (of course lol) - he woke up after the operation and was so funny -woozy on the morphine -then after a couple of hours was up and about and eating / drinking etc and we got home the same day.

Well been to my daughter's school and hopefully nipped her truancy episodes in the bud lol -Hopefully fx'd. Her pastoral care teacher had a right go at her, about lying to me and the school -forging notes, being late and how importaant this year is -she sits her exams in a few weeks; DD appeared to listen but then she always does; and she is so plausible lol. SHe has been given a 'bad conduct' card to be signed off by every teacher and by myself at night so that's something I s'pose. And she is grounded for two weeks -so plenty of help around the house ofr two weeks and plenty of time for studying too.

Hope all goes well with your next scan -move up move up move up placenta - would sitting on your head help lol???

Have a good day, I am going now to make a nice relaxing cuppa, get my heated wheatbag on my sore bits and have half an hour relaxed me time before myson bounces in through the door from school. xx
I'm glad things are on the upside with your daughter. I have thought about hanging upside down lol. My mother in law is going with me to this next scan. My mom has been twice, so I thought id give mil her glory moment. Even if I don't like her sometimes. On laws are weird at times. I have been busy cleaning out the girls toys. Down sizing and spring cleaning. I am so ready for dh to be home kids are driving me crazy today. Lol
Totaly agree about the in-laws lol. My mil means well but I have totally no patience for her just now, and some of the crazy things she comes out with. I am avoiding her at all costs just now lol and dreading when bubs comes along cos she is always full of unwanted, and often stupid advice -I mean its not like I havenr't had babies before lol.

My sis had a premmie baby last year -he was born 9 weeks early and spent his first 8 weeks of life in hospital -the first 6 in an incubator with collapsed lungs and was really poorly) So, Mil says to sis last week. she doesn't think he is developing the way he should be(she reckoned he should be sitting up by now and babbling more); sis explained that although he IS 6 months, his corrected age is only 4months becuase he was premature. Mil says (and OMG I would have hit her honestly lol) ''He may have been premature pet (pet wtf???) but he has been on this planet for 6 months''. My sis was raging lol -understandably. He spent his first month and a half under sedation, fighting for his life in an incubator!!!!!!

She comments on how they feed him, how they hold him, how they talk to him. And my sis has three other older children too, so she is no novice. And my Mil was no perfect parent herself, as my DH and siblings spent many years of childhood in foster care because she was unable to cope.

Just let her try and say anything like that to me lol, when our lil man comes lol

I shouldn't really go on cos I know she can't help how things were when she was not coping and she does mean well but aaarrgghghhhhh I WOULD have hit her lol (I/m not really aviolent person lol - honest!!!)

Anyways, have a fab day. It is cold, raining and horrible here today - typical really for the west of scotland but still -so depressing. Need some sunshine!!!

Yes when noah is born, it will be very interesting. He is the first grandson on both sides. Only boy to carry on the name. so the in laws most likely wont leave us alone. I just won't answer the phone or door lol. I.just dont want them to treat the girls different. they are all so young and get jealous easy. I have put my foot down before with the inlaws. They know when to back off. Lol. My dh won't put up with them either. I hope you have a wonderful week.

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