Looking for others just under five Weeks...


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2011
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I'm just moving over from ttc forums...I have a great small community over there but don't think it's fair to discuss my fears and joys with two who aren't there yet. I don't have anything unique...this is my very first ... by my calcs i'm 4 Weeks and 3 days....by period calcs i'm 4 Weeks and 5 days (and yes in my crazy mind that's a huge difference :))

I'm scared....so scared that I'll lose this baby...I know it's common and it wouldn't mean anything...and I know that my rate is around 15%...none of that matters...i'm scared. I'm having cramping which I know is common and ok...no blood or spotting.

I'm just looking for others who are in the same place so we can be crazy together :)
Hi, I think that I'm about 5 weeks (ish). I've been having really bad cramping and pains do I'm having an early scan tomorrow and I'm terrified. Would be nice to have someone one to share the journey with =) x
Happy 4 Weeks :) I'm 4+2 having some old blood spotting and will be making a trip to the Healthplex ER tonight after work .. This is our first and I'm petrified of losing it..
Heyyyy, im around 3-4 weeks i think. The only reason i found out i was pregnant was ebcause i had cramping pains and light bleeding, so i decided to go to AnE and they confirmed im pregnant. They also said it may be eptopic but i dont beleive it is, as everythings calmed down now..no cramps and hardley bleeding..if at all. I wouldnt worry..this is my first pregnancy too. Just stay positive. I have an early scan in 2 days to see if its in the right place. When i know its fine..i will relax. :) lol x
Hiya and massive congratulations to you.

In regards to my test and possible ov, I'm about 3 weeks but in terms of my period I'm about 6 weeks! Massive difference I know but I was having really long cycles before I got my BFP!

Know how you feel with all the scariness, it's horrible. I'm getting cramping mostly when I need the toilet. Feel like i need to pee all the time which isn't great being at work. But I can't hold it else it's uncomfortable!

never wanted to count down so much till scan time and 2nd trimester!!
@Sarah2404 - Please keep me updated and let me know how your scan goes! I've thought about calling - but our office is really busy and so I'm trying to hold out. I do have a contact at a scanning company (that makes the ultra sound equipment) and if I get too crazy I may go and get a scan done - otherwise I'm stuck waiting until 10 weeks when I have my first appt.

@2inlove04 - I hear old blood is normal - but it would scare me beyond belief!! Let me know what they say - thoughts and prayers to you to get through the day...

@BlueEyes12 - wow - I am freaked out with the possibility but to have a doc tell you it could be? I'm so sorry! HOWEVER - one thing I know beyond anything else - TRUST YOUR BODY. If your gut tells you its ok - it very well is! I have too many friends that trusted themselves over the docs and were right each and every time...

Flutterfly - I worry that when I start seeing the docs they raise flags because I won't be "as far along as I should be" based on my period - I have a g/f who was sent for an ultra sound - saw no heartbeat and was told she would lose it - but like you she knew she wasn't as far along as they said - and asked if she could come back in 3 days to re look and sure enough - strong steady heartbeat with a now 3 year old :) But oh gosh - this wait is going to kill me - thought TWW was hard? Try 6 weeks!
Opaque- Thank you so much... I hear it's normal and I'm hoping Im one of those that just has a bloody start lol... I'm not headed to the health plex for another 7 hours UGH! It seems to be only when I wipe.. Now I know this is sort of a little TMI but usually when I'm on my period and in the shower I notice drops of blood in the shower and when thoroughly cleaning myself there is major shedding that washed down the drain, with this that I have now.. I'm just getting it only when I wipe and it's more so dried/very little moist.. So it's not mucusy really it just looks like to me if I had to guess "excess lining that is being flushed out" so praying our bean is growing well.. Thanks again for the prayers they are more than appreciated!
Is it brown or red? I've heard that early it doesn't matter - but brown is a better sign...

Hey another question for everyone.. I have a close g/f whose had 9 miscarriages and has stopped trying - but is devastated. I've decided to not tell her until after my ultra sound at 10 weeks (as long as I can safely hide it that long) - but how would you tell her? I work with her - so she's going to see me a lot. My hope is to be able to tell her outside of work before I tell most people at work.

She doesn't work on Mondays so I'm hoping to get a shirt that says - Baby in here or something cutsy like that for a monday when I'm ready to tell :)
Opaque, I have had exactly the same concerns. I am going to drum into their heads that I have been having 40 odd day cycles and therefore I am nowhere near as pregnant as they are going to tell me I am!
Flutterfly - I think as long as you are aware of it and if they start raising flags as the question of - if I was 3 weeks "younger" would this be a concern? THen I think we are ok - but its nice to hear someone else shares this fear.

I don't know about anyone else - but knowing that other people are scared makes me feel validated in my fear and thus less fearful.. is that odd?
That is not odd at all. I am happy knowing that the majority on here are experiencing exactly the same feelings as I am!!
I would like to join you. I'm 4wks+3 today. I've been going crazy for almost a week. I've had cramps and it worries me everytime I get them, but they are not really AF cramps, it feels more like pressure.
Congratulations! I am 4 weeks and 1 day today. I have a prenatal appointment today because I just had a m/c last month. I'm actually scared right now because I think I dont have enough of the cramping. I have slight cramping on and off but thats about it. Last time I had very painful cramping that resulted in an er visit. My hcg level was low at the er so I was sensing that something is going wrong, he told me to take another hcg test in 2 days to see if it doubles, well it dropped and a few days later I had a m/c. I'm just praying for the best this time around. I cant wait to go see an ob today, I want to know where I'm standing!
hello_kitty - I know how you feel. I had a chemical back in April and I had to go to the er because I was spotting and cramping, but AF wasnt due yet. I'm just glad I am late and that the cramping is probably from my uterus changing already because I have already been pregnant once before. Just because your not cramping much, I wouldnt worry about it, everyone is different. Good Luck at your appt.
EVERYONE is welcome - be ware though - If I start seeing not supportive / non productive responses I'm inclined to ask you to get out. I'm sorry but this is my baby in me and I don't need to deal with flippet people :)

I would like this to be a supportive environment! :)

Sigh - I guess we really can't win - cramping enough or not enough :)

I have to say - I'm NOT jealous of you all going through m/c or chemicals at all (I'm sorry for your loss) - BUT I am SUPER jealous that you will get to go to the doc and get some results.. I would kill for an ultra sound and a blood test.. I just THINK it would make me feel better...

But I'm trying to trust me, god and my body - and live each day as it comes.. each day that I don't bleed is another day I'm pregnant.. right?
I will always be supportive, I just think it is rude if your not.

I hated having a chemical, but I am ok now. Now I just have to wait until Feb 13th before I get to go to the doctor. :(

I am praying to God everyday and ask him to please let this be a sticky bean because we have waited a very long time for another child and I also thank him for giving us this blessing.

Your right. Everyday that passes w/o spotting/bleeding means another day pregnant.
Soo.. I have a contact at a company that designs the ultra sound machines and I can go in and get an ultra sound as long as I have a note from my doc (would be interesting to get because I've not seen my doc).

I just am torn on it - I mean everyone else waits 10 weeks unless they have other reasons to go in.. but .. GOSH thats five more weeks! And if I could potentially see the heart beat at 6 weeks that - I would think - would give me a big sense of peace..

I guess I'll wait until next week when I'm closer to 6 weeks and see how crazy I am.. even a heart beat at 6 weeks isn't going to tell me no miscarriage..


Hey hun just thought id let you know i had the same spotting when i went to the toilet, but i was in unbearable pain i had a water infection and it cleared after 3 days when taken antibiotics. mine was more brownish/pinky. x

Blue Eyes 12.

IM the same as you hun i went into hospital with terrible pain when i passed water i mean i coud hardly walk it hurt so much i woud spend 3-4 hours aday in the bath it was so bad. when i got to hospital i found out i was PREGNANT! i didnt have a clue! they sent me home saying i had a eptopic pregnancy!!

the next day the early pregnancy unit phoned me and said that it was rubbish and i was deffo not having a eptopic pregnancy as my HCG was only 9!! and i was way to early pregnant to be in this much pain!!

anyway i started to notice blood when i wiped!! which scared me so much because of a MC i had before!!

i had to have my bloods taken every 48 hours to keep a eye on things.

i seen one doctor and he told me i had no hope as my HCG was way too low!!
He done 2 tests.

1st- HCG OF 9
2nd- HCG OF 28.

then i had a diff doctor and her test showed

3rd-HCG OF 50.
4th-HCG OF 98.

She told me everything seemed to be going okay!! i have a scan on the 7th and im so scared!!

its so worring being told one thing and then another! so i guess there is hope and yeah your know your own body just go by that hun xx
Hey! On my test is says 2 weeks, but with my period calculations I am 4 weeks! We can deffo be crazy together! I feel it already!
Ok.. so when I found out I was pregnant I had just woken up for a very real dream where I had taken a test and it was positive (then got up and did exactly that!) Well thats all good and fine - but last night I had a dream that I was spotting! I don't like that - not one bit!

I know its just fears and such.. but ugghhh.. this wait is killing me..

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