Need your opinions, I feel really silly and sorry if this seems like a bit of nonsense but...
I'm a complete POAS addict, I've got about 20 opks (not IC's but the cheapest kit from the chemist - Ovuplan I think it is) ready to go, but I'm thinking maybe I should go get a ClearBlue Digital one as well? We do fall pregnant easily, first try with all 3 pregnancies, even with our angel that we stopped DTD a couple days before suspected Ovulation as we are hoping to sway for a girl using Shettles method. Now having had the loss, I am not AS worried about the sway (although DH still says we should do our best with it) I just want a happy, healthy baby and ASAP. As much as I know you should be DTD every day / every second day in the fertile window I really want to know as accurately as possible. Even though I can feel Ov coming on and I track my BBT, I've never had a whole heap of luck getting a +opk on ICs that I've had in the past.
Anyway.... do I spend the big bucks and get the digital or not? Am I making any sense?? hahah!