loose episiotomy stitches


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2014
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Hi all I had my baby 8 days ago..he came out with his hand on his face lol which resulted in me needing a episiotomy (I also tore slightly and had a few small cuts) I was sewn up after on a continuous stitch, which took about an hour.

I was getting on fine and felt like I was starting to heal but two days ago it started to sting etc again so I had another look down there and could see the cut was now open! . I went to my GP surgery and saw a nurse who had a look but said she wasn't experienced. She said the stitches were intact but loose. She referred me back to hospital and said as as 23 year old girl there is no way they would leave my bits like this 'you don't want an 80 year old vagina' 'your vagina is very large at the momemt' are just some of the things she said

So off to hospital I go and was seen by a midwife and doctor..they agreed the stitches had come loose however they don't re stitch incase of infection and to let it heal naturally from deep within slowly the skin will attach it self. I don't have an infection but told to shower 3 times a day and have antibiotics just incase.
They said the nurse was completely wrong and not experienced and that mine looks normal considering. They said it will 100% heal but will just take longer. They also said my sex life won't be affected at all as it's muscles that control that.

I just need some reassurance has anyone 3lse been in this position? I spent all day yesterday crying...I'm worried I'll be left with an 80 year old vagina which is just huge.
So sorry you are going through this. Big hugs

I had a 4th degree tear from an episiotomy and forcep delivery so needed a theatre repair under spinal anaesthetic. At about 3 weeks pp I had a look and noticed lots of stitches still there. Two were kind of hanging out and I freaked. Doctor had a look and told me it would heal naturally as the deeper stitches were doing the work. At my smear I asked about the gape I had and was told it was normal and would slowly reduce. 2 years on I've got another child and my lady parts are just fine. Just try to make sure you change sanitary pads regularly, use a squirty bottle after you pee and pat dry and drink plenty to keep your urine from becoming acidic. You will heal, things will go back. Try to keep up with pelvic floor exercises daily, they really do help xxx
Oh my gosh!!! Don't listen to her, I can't believe she said those things, you are only 8 days pp!!!!! I would've cried on the spot.
Sorry I can't really help you because I didn't have an episiotomy, but I did have lots of tearing internally and externally that ended up taking about 3 months to heal. My DS is 6 months old on Thursday and my clitoral tear has only just finished healing.
Everything will bounce back eventually.
I freaked out big time at about 3 months pp because I got a mirror and looked down there, and seriously, the inside of my vagina looked like I stuffed a whole bunch of mince meat inside it. I was terrified. And it FELT like mush too, I couldn't feel any vaginal walls anymore, just squishy meat all up in there :haha:
It's back to normal again. Don't worry, everything will be okay :hugs:
Thanks guys I'm really trying not to think of long term and just take each day. I changing pads regular and taking 100s of showers everyday as I can only wee in the shower :cry:

I keep telling myself it doesn't matter what down there looks like or how big it is as I have my beautiful baby and he was worth everything I'm going through now but still..

I think I've come to realise that nurse was a complete idiot. Knowing how hormonal etc I would be I think her words were completely inappropriate! As a nurse myself I would never comment on something I don't have experience in..

Thanks again I really hope it starts to heal soon and hope that one day I'll be able to look back and think why did I get so stressed over it...
I had the same thing. The pain is awful - I really feel for you. I had mine looked at during my 8 week check up and GP not happy with how it's healed and has referred me to a colorectal surgeon to see if they can do anything to fix it. I've had 3 lots of antibiotics as they picked up an infection at that appointment and I'd already had 2 lots previously. The scar is still sore to touch. It doesn't bother me much during everyday life except when I go for a long-ish walk. Had sex once and was quite uncomfortable. Baby is now 13 weeks. Probably not what you want to hear but I thought my GP might fob me off but they've taken it really seriously.

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