losing 5 stone-70 pounds. looking for weightloss buddies,with,a good bit,to lose

Glad you're feeling better! What is your favorite to to healthy food to snack on? Looking for some new options

I'm exact opposite and have gone up 4 pounds this week :dohh: I know its primarily water weight. I have been so bloated and not watching sodium as close. But still...I have to get it together!
I put up ten in the first 6 weeks!!
It will balance back out.
Mine was water and bloat mostly :)
I love lettuce and chilli relish
I I've a smoothie r two everyday
Hi ladies! been sick as a dog here. I've got the nastiest cold I've had in a very very long time. Got sick the day before Mother's Day to boot. Grrrr. I'm finally starting to feel somewhat better, thank goodness! One big side effect from this illness is I can't taste anything so I think I've managed to stay at my pre-pregnancy weight a little longer.

kk, I'm sure the added weight is just pregnancy related. Favorite snacks are fruit and nuts. Headed to the grocery store today to get food for the week. I don't remember when I last went so we are pretty low on supplies. I've been just eating what I can the past few days. My poor family is going to starve though if I don't get some proper food. :haha:

liles, glad to see your sickness is diminishing and you are able to eat better. I hope the trend continues!
Aw hugs xx
Hope ur fully better soon xxx
Extra sucky to be sick when u cant take anything
Hugs xx

Sorry kk I was in a hurry earlier so didn't type much.
I'm trying to snack less.
Snacking on junk is a big weakness if mine
Ice lols I love and aren't too evil
Cracker bread with different stuff on.
Triangle cheese, jam , tuna.
Pink wafers sometimes.
Sugar free jelly.
Fruit chopped up with meringue nest and a little custard.
Yum :)
Hi ladies!! How are we all doing?

I just got the news that I failed the 1 hour GTT. I'm so bummed. I was hopeful that I would pass it this time (failed with DS). I'm still +/- 1 to 2 lbs total for this pregnancy so I thought I was doing good and had a shot of passing. I know the 1 hr test has a lot of people fail it and some places don't even do the 1 hr test but last time the 3 hr test was so horrible I really wanted to avoid it. I'm going back on Thursday to do the 3 hr. Wish me luck!

Liles, looks like we are sharing second trimester for a week or two. Are you feeling the second trimester bump in energy yet?

Kksy9b, you aren't too far off from 2nd tri too! So exciting!
They don't do the one hr in Ireland
My friend on here failed the one hr.but was fine on 3 hr
Hope that's u hon xx
I had to do 2 hr with ds
I found it fine
Thought I get sick drinking it on empty stomach
But was so hungry I was glad to hve it
Hope it goes better fir u this time hon xxx
Hugs xx

I hve a bit more energy def
But still very tired in patches.
Hayfever and headaches r here everyday
But not constant all day thank god
I never hardly get headaches usually
They r pretty annoying :)
But could def be worse
Hope I haven't jinxed myself.
I saw u on second tri board alright :)
Nice to see familiar face :)
How ye doin ladies?
Had hosp app today
Big bubs again, growing ahead of the curve :)
Which is good
I haven't put on any weight since first tri.
Doing pretty well
How ye getting on?

Trying to decide on c section or not
But its a tough call.
Been told I'm strep b + too
So that's an extra thing

Hope alls well xxx
Hi liles! Glad you and bubs are doing well! Awesome job maintaining weight!!! Good luck with your decision on c-section. I have no input. I'm terrified of a c-section but I can rightly understand given your history why opting for one makes sense.

AFM, just trucking along. Ended up passing my 3 hr GTT! Thank goodness!! Still no weight gain here. I just weighed myself this morning and I'm 1 lb less than the day I got my BFP!! Officially 31 weeks now. I can see the finish line!!

Hope y'all have a great week!!
Thanks hon xxx
Wow that's great going well done.
I'm hoping I wont go up much more for the rest either.
Would be great to stay close to what I am or even lose a tiny bit :)
I put on ten pound first tri.
Which I still hve
But if that was all id be delighted
Well done hon xxx great work
Hi ladies! How are we all doing? I'm doing great! Trying to get this baby out!!! Got a sweep at my 37 week appointment yesterday. So far not much happening. Set to get another one on Tuesday if she hasn't already made an appearance. At my weigh in yesterday I'm officially up 2 lbs total for this pregnancy. I want to hit the ground running postpartum and not get sucked into putting weight back on. I hope to be successful at BF'ing this time so hopefully that will help. Looking forward to all of us having our little ones soon so we can start to really encourage each other in the weight loss department. I'm pretty sure this is our last baby (barring any surprises) so this time I'm in the weight loss game for realsies. I want to be a healthy weight by 40 (March). Are you all done after this or are big families in the plans for you?
Very good.
Is it getting bub out time already!!
hope its soon xxx

I'm not sure if this is my last or not
Could very well be.
I'm undecided though.
Might hve another in a two years r so
Depending on how things go this time
But I'm feeling done qt the mo anyway.
Def want to get the weight down before id even think about going again
So I'm on for the weight watching :)
Yay for being at the end!! Hope baby makes an appearance for you soon!

I am 85% sure this will be our last. It has been a lot more difficult this time around and not sure I want to go through it again. 2 feels right for us but we won't make any decisions until baby is weaned and hormones balance.

Well done on only being up 2 pounds! I've put on..ahem..26..so far...and am only halfway through. Sigh. My doctor isn't concerned at all about it and just thank goodness I lost so much before. On track to put most of it back on :cry: will DEFINITELY be here with you gals as we encourage and support our next weight loss journey post baby!
I've put on 14-17
Fluctuating those three pounds at the mo
So I'm not sure which
Starting to swell a teeny bit too.
I put on 14 in first tri.
Nothing for ages.
Then 3-4 over last two week
Been feeling off though and started to get swelling
Don't think its real weight cos I haven't been over eating

U were great starting kk so ur good to gain xx
Me not so much :)

Hve ketones and sugar in my urine this eve.
Hoping I don't fail glucose test next week
But feeling like I might :)
I'm around 80% done.
Not feeling like I want to do this again at the mo.
But u never know in a few years :)
Hi ladies! How's it going? You both are so far along already. Can't wait for baby updates. I had my girl on September 9th. Its been an adjustment having a newborn and a toddler. I have so little time to do anything. I've been exclusively pumping. Its a huge commitment time wise but so worth it. I'm down 26 lbs so far and so ready for my 6 week post partum appointment to get the all clear to start working out.

Hope all is well!!
Aw congrats hon
On your little beauty and your weightloss
I pumped with Simon for two months
It is hard work but u both reap the benefits
I'm starting to feel the fear on the toddler plus newborn :)
I'm imagining it as bring really tough.
But they r worth it xxx
Congrats again

I'm prob not doing as good in terms of weight
Purposely not weighing myself cos I'm swelling
Don't want to get majorly disheartened :)
Will give myself a shock someday soon and check
If I feel less bloated :)
Lovely names by the way xxx
They suit each other xx
How ye doing ladies xxx

I'm gonna hve bub by section on Monday :)
Cant believe its nearly time

I've gained 2.5 stone
Not hideous but not fab
Looking forward to watching it drop off and more once bub is out :)
I only gained 1.5 with Simon
But wont be beating myself up about it :)
Just fixing it.

How ye doing xxx
Hi! How are you ladies doing? It is so hard for me to get onto B&B lately. I think about you both all the time though.

Lilies, congrats on your little girl! How's it going so far? How was the section? Are you healing nicely?

KK - You are getting so close! So exciting!! Any feelings on if you will go early or over?

AFM, Still holding steady on the weight loss. I can't seem to get past more than about 25 to 30 lbs. I need to start excercising but I just don't have the time. Exclusively pumping is no joke. I have to pump 6 to 7 times a day for at least 20 minutes. Add to that feeding and diapering and all the other stuff you have to do with a baby and a toddler and that equals no time for mama. I barely have time to pee most days. lol I plan on stopping bf in March when Cora is 6 months old and then I hope to have more time to get in shape.

Hope you ladies are doing well! I'd love to hear how you are doing!!

Hi hon.
We r good thanks.
Healing is slow but going well
I was warned it takes 4-8 weeks
She is 3 weeks today :)
Growing mad.
Bf is mostly going well.
But she has a sneaky topup of 2 ozs the last few eve
Cos she was clustering for hours
And shredding my boobs :)
But she took to it well thank god.
I pumped like u with simon
And it is really tough
Takes so much time.
Its constant either pumping feeding or sterilising.
Well done on keeping it up
I know its tough xxx

I gained 2.5 stone
1.5 gone already.
Still a bit swollen at times
So expecting more to go when that comes back to normal.
Still hve 5.5 stone to lose
But cant exercise yet.
So ill start it properly in new year when I'm safe to do that.

U all set for Xmas?
Quiet one here.
But be nice. :)

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