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Losing Weight While TTC


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2011
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Hey y'all! Just wanted to see if anyone else wanted to share experiences and motivate each other while trying to lose weight and TTC. I am 37 so I don't have a whole lot of time to weight. I have quite a bit to lose however I think doing it while TTC is the best option. I don't have any other weight related issues which is good. I recently lost 42 lbs so my cycle has been wonky. I am on CD38 of a normally 30-32 day cycle. I have tested a couple of times and all BFN. Just want AF to show as I am going to be tracking ovulation with OPKs and BBT.

Would love to chat with other ladies with the same goals no matter if you have a lot to lose like me or just some stubborn pounds. We can all motivate each other and hopefully get our BFPs!! :)

5/23/16- 337.8
5/30/16- 334.6
6/26/16- 329.6


50lbs- Get my hair done
70lbs- Pedicure
83lbs (299)- New workout clothes
100lbs- Weekend getaway
120lbs-Hiking trip
140lbs-New clothes
160lbs-Not sure yet
183lbs (Onederland!) Disneyworld!
I'm working on improving my diet and lifestyle more, and yes I'd like to shift some pounds too, but my goal is a liveable healthier lifestyle I can maintain for my whole life, not just to loose weight. So yes, I'm working on that while we are TTC too. :)

I lost about 55lb between conceiving my second and now (two years later), but still a long way to go too.
My main goal is ultimately to be healthier. I am not too concerned about the scale right now. I was obsessively weighing like every day! Now I am trying to stick to about once a week or even every 2 weeks. I find I like the bigger drops instead of ounces lol..

Just found out I am insulin resistant so I am going to have to make some serious diet changes. I am just glad it finally explains why even though I don't eat a lot, it stays on me and is so hard to lose weight. I won't lie though, the diet changes are going to be so hard.

What kind of changes are you making?
Can I join you? I was working on losing the weight while TTC and lost about 30 pounds, we took a two month break from trying and apparently I decided that was a good time to take a break from healthy eating and exercise :dohh: I gained 20 pounds back :nope: So here I am again back to actively TTC and trying to get my weight back in check. I have about 80 pounds to lose right now.
Of course! I need all the motivation I can get! :) I have over 100 lbs to lose. I decided I am going to go for the Paleo diet. It will work the best for my insulin resistance. I know it will be tough but it has to be done.

Do you have any specific ways you want to lose the weight? We can totally do this! Want to maybe do like weekly weigh ins?
I am doing weight watchers although failing miserably. I cancelled it about a month ago and rejoined a couple days ago haha. I am at the tail end of the semester which has been ridiculously busy as it is my last true semester of classes before internship and I have been coping with junk food :blush: Then today I ended up calling my doc to get the ball rolling on fertility testing as this month marks a year TTC and had a couple pregnancy announcements and baby shower invites today which lead me to some emotional eating. PS I love making excuses, tell me to stop and suck it up :haha:

So anyways I am going to stick with my weight watchers and I bought a spin bike that should be delivered and am going to start doing spin classes, I'm hoping it will be easier on my knees than the treadmill.

I think weekly weigh ins would be good! The accountability and motivation will be great! We've got this!! I don't know much about paleo, how strict is it?
Suck it up! Haha :)

I know all about emotional eating. That is a big problem of mine.

Paleo basically cuts out all refined grains, white flours, processed sugars, and limited dairy. Basically no processed foods. If you can kill it or grow it you can eat it. I am also tracking on My Fitness Pal and have a Fitbit that I use to track steps, calories, ect.

Lots of people have had success on weight watchers. Just need to put your mind to it and get er done! LoL

What day do you want to weigh in? Fridays work for me if you are ok with that. Gives me all week to eat healthy lol.
Oofda I don't know if I could handle paleo I feel like that would be very challenging! I am charging my fitbit as we speak, it died a couple weeks ago and I just took it off and left it :dohh: not sure what has gotten into me haha. https://www.fitbit.com/user/38GHSR That's my link if you want to add me!

My weight watchers weigh in's are on Mondays so that I am not tempted to eat like crud all weekend but Friday will work out well as it will keep me accountable during the week as well!
Have you watched "that sugar film"? If you haven't, you need to! Like, seriously, you NEED to watch it! That will help dramatically against sugar, but also will help against the highly processed foods.

I have very very little sugar now, and what I'm working on now is dropping my refined carbs back down again (bread and pasta!) I did have them eliminated but they've crept back in as cheap easy food when we had almost no money...

With Paleo, just be careful that just because it's been tagged as Paleo,modest make it healthy and fine to eat lots of! I've seen SO many delicious raw deserts, sweetened with dates or whatever and all raw whole ingredients blended together. They're technically Paleo, but it is NOT an excuse to go making lots of that sorta thing. I did try Paleo for a while, but I got sick of that sorta false feeling tagging/labelling and it felt like it was getting all "trendy" and so I ditched the title and just ate real food.

The main goal really is to really cut down those processed pre made foods. Eat veggies and meat! Keep it real, buy from the outside edges of a supermarket rather than the packaged stuff in the centre aisles. And learn to read ingredient labels for those hidden added sugars in EVERYTHING.
Oofda I don't know if I could handle paleo I feel like that would be very challenging! I am charging my fitbit as we speak, it died a couple weeks ago and I just took it off and left it :dohh: not sure what has gotten into me haha. https://www.fitbit.com/user/38GHSR That's my link if you want to add me!

My weight watchers weigh in's are on Mondays so that I am not tempted to eat like crud all weekend but Friday will work out well as it will keep me accountable during the week as well!

I sent you a request! :)

We can do it on Monday since you are already weighing in that day. That will hold me accountable for the weekend. During the week I am pretty good, it is usually the weekends that get me! Want to weigh in this Monday?

Are you on My Fitness Pal?
Have you watched "that sugar film"? If you haven't, you need to! Like, seriously, you NEED to watch it! That will help dramatically against sugar, but also will help against the highly processed foods.

I have very very little sugar now, and what I'm working on now is dropping my refined carbs back down again (bread and pasta!) I did have them eliminated but they've crept back in as cheap easy food when we had almost no money...

With Paleo, just be careful that just because it's been tagged as Paleo,modest make it healthy and fine to eat lots of! I've seen SO many delicious raw deserts, sweetened with dates or whatever and all raw whole ingredients blended together. They're technically Paleo, but it is NOT an excuse to go making lots of that sorta thing. I did try Paleo for a while, but I got sick of that sorta false feeling tagging/labelling and it felt like it was getting all "trendy" and so I ditched the title and just ate real food.

The main goal really is to really cut down those processed pre made foods. Eat veggies and meat! Keep it real, buy from the outside edges of a supermarket rather than the packaged stuff in the centre aisles. And learn to read ingredient labels for those hidden added sugars in EVERYTHING.

Is that the name of it? I don't think I have heard of it? Is it on Netflix or something?

I say Paleo so that people can look it up and know what I mean. Basically it is just eating real food. I will be a hunter/gatherer lol. I also don't like the trendiness of it because it sounds just like another fad diet. I am trying to make this a lifestyle change because Lord knows I need it.
Fad or not if it works it's great! You guys are awesome for sticking with that!

I am doing good so far this morning. I haven't eaten anything bad and have made more of an effort to get some extra steps in. Lunch is going to be tough as I am making homemade pizza for my clients and it is always hard for me to not have a piece!
Fad or not if it works it's great! You guys are awesome for sticking with that!

I am doing good so far this morning. I haven't eaten anything bad and have made more of an effort to get some extra steps in. Lunch is going to be tough as I am making homemade pizza for my clients and it is always hard for me to not have a piece!

All in moderation right? I would totally go that route if I didn't have this dang insulin resistance! I have seen recipes for pizza with cauliflower crust and I want to try it!

I did pretty good for breakfast. Had ground turkey, 1 scrambled egg, mushrooms, and a bit of coconut oil. I might just have my protein shake for lunch because I am full! Maybe protein shake and a piece of fruit. :)

My knee is feeling much better today so planning on getting some kind of workout in. Because I work at home I like the Leslie Sansone walking videos on Youtube. They help me to get in my steps. My step goal per day right now is 3k but I want to up it as the weeks go on.
Yes, Google the title "that sugar film" and I watched it on putlocker but you can find it about all over I think. Or pay to watch it even. It's an amazing eye opener film and a MUST watch for anyone even vaguely interested in their health.

I have a Fitbit too, but haven't put a new battery in for ages. I might buy a battery for it today....
Sounds like it is going well! How has the rest of the day been ladies?

I have stuck with it today but now I can feel myself wanting to cheat for supper. I am going to stick with it though and have ham and turkey on a whole wheat wrap with spinach and ranch and probably some sort of veggies
Yes, Google the title "that sugar film" and I watched it on putlocker but you can find it about all over I think. Or pay to watch it even. It's an amazing eye opener film and a MUST watch for anyone even vaguely interested in their health.

I have a Fitbit too, but haven't put a new battery in for ages. I might buy a battery for it today....

I just watched the trailer. I am going to see if I can find it on Netflix! People don't realize how much sugar is in everything. I am sure it will be a real eye opener.
Sounds like it is going well! How has the rest of the day been ladies?

I have stuck with it today but now I can feel myself wanting to cheat for supper. I am going to stick with it though and have ham and turkey on a whole wheat wrap with spinach and ranch and probably some sort of veggies

You have been doing so well! My advice, if you are going to cheat a little, do it earlier in the day so you have a chance to try and burn those calories off. You supper idea sounds great though! I am not sure yet what I am going to make. Just finishing up work and then I will go and check and see what kind of meat I have thawed out and work around that. Is it weird that I am craving brown rice?
Ok I found "That Sugar Film" on Amazon and watching it now since I have Amazon Prime. It is free! :)
I have decided that I am going to cheat and order pizza (I did stay on point for lunch). I am over here making excuses again and saying that I am ordering pizza to celebrate because as soon as I finish the paper I am working on I am officially done with the semester and only an internship stands between me and my degree! I went for thin crust to try and make the point count better.

I am intrigued by this sugar film but I am too scared to watch it! :haha: I am sure it would be very beneficial but those things always scare me straight a little too good lol.

I had brown rice at lunch, I think its a perfectly normal craving! haha
You gotta be able to maintain this shit for LIFE, there is no diet that will work forever if it isn't a lifestyle. So yes, order the pizza! Enjoy it, and don't make excuses. Own it. And then, move on again. One pizza isn't gonna make you fat, just like one salad isn't gonna make you skinny. You gotta focus on the overall things. Cut that sugar, lower the processed carbs and make small but sustainable changes. Enjoy some treats too, and enjoy the tasty healthy food as well.

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