

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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anyone watching lost series 3?

what is going on?? im so confused!

I stopped half way thru the first series :?
Hasn't season 3 just started in America?
It confuses me that they're all seasons and stuff!
Never know where i'm up to! lol

yeah it has, they are on season 3 episode 2, just watched it now and its confusing the hell out of me, nothing is answered or explained from season 2, its just opened up a whole new world and more questions!!!

grrr lol

I haven't started watching season 3 yet
G watched episode 1 last night....
I can't wait to watch it!

They've said they've got enough to do up to season 5 or something!!!
Can you take that much more confusion! lol!!!

how are you watching it? i have to wait till somebody posts it on youtube, watched the first episode it didnt really explain anything just added many more questions!! :?
I have DL the 3rd season have watched first two episodes and i'm loving it. Yeah so its starting up more questions but just think of it this way. Season one was the main fusalage peeps, Seaon 2 was Fusalage and New Peeps from Tail Section now Season 3 is Fusalage, tail end peeps and now Others. Hoping by the end of season 3 we'll know alot more about the Dhama Iniciative :lol:
JustG said:
how are you watching it? i have to wait till somebody posts it on youtube, watched the first episode it didnt really explain anything just added many more questions!! :?

they are shown in america on a wednesday night, so my mate downloads it first thing thursday morning, puts it on a dvd and gives it to me to watch on thrusday nights.

there is going to be a big break over xmas so ive heard, wont be back on till feb! :(

My OH has a link for Lost .. He watched it other night! Will ask him to post link/info :D
You can watch em straight off the net~

LOST Season 3 Ep 1

LOST Season 3 Ep 2: Part 1

LOST Season 3 Ep 2: Part 2
(to watch @ reasonable quality you'll need at least 1MB broadband)

Not Watched Episode 2 - Will probably catch up tomorrow.

I watching lost series 3 its getting very confusing xxxxx
I will stick to My Eastenders then :oops: :lol:
Think I do his head it when I sit with him watching this! "Whats that whos that what hey doing why why why" :rofl:
Ooo am getting a 6mb connection today so i think i'll sit and watch it!
(cos G's mate nash is coming tonight and they've both watched the first episode and they'll do my head in if i've not watched it! lol!)

G just came home for a break and busted me watching part 1 of episode 2!
He's in a massive sulk now!!! lol!
(he threw his gloves at me when i admitted i was on ep 2 not ep 1! lol!)

So now he's having an extended break to watch it so i have to watch it all over again! :roll: what a shame hehe!

Seen this:

we are just mortals, we ahvent got sky, they cant take lost away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sawyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought today was bad enuf knowing the m-i-l is coming to stay, thats just about finished me of!!!!! :hissy:
Well your hormone levels seem fine hun


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