LTTC #1 looking for a LTTC pal


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Jun 30, 2011
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My hubs and I have been LTTC for nearly 2 years. It gets so depressing every friend I have has been able to conceive in a year or WAY less. Not a single one of them understands. I have heard "god has a plan" "it just isn't your time" "just relax" UUUGGGGHHHH. Is anyone else in the same boat??
Unfortuntaely yes. we are on month 19, we are going past the 1 1/2 mark. It' can be very frustrating because everyone around you seems to be getting pregnant with no problems. There are at least 5 familiy member/friends who we started ttc before and they have ALL gotten pregnant intentionally and accidentally. So it can be VERY depressing.

the moment we decided to stop prevention last year, I started have pain pains. Turns out I had severe endometriosis. I had a lap in March and I hoped to get preganant right away but that obviously hasn't happened, I guess I'm not one of the lucky ones since we are 9 months post the surgery. My OBGYN told us to try on our own for 6 mos and then go to a specialist...we tried for 9 and this month we statred with a RE.

I had labs done on CD21 to see what my levels were and today, DH has a SA. I have an appt next week to have an ultrasound to see if my eggs are mature enough and if I'm ovulating properly. Then we will schedule a n appointment for a treatment plan. I'm still sad, but glad to be trying something different.

Have you done any testing to see what's going on?
Hi Praying4bump! I have an ultrasound schedule for 12/20 and they will do day 3 lab work to see quality of my eggs I guess. My GYN thinks I have endometriosis also. She said she will be able to get a better idea from the ultrasound and if that is the case then I'll go in for the lap. She seems to positive that if it was endometriosis and I get the surgery done that I would get pregnant right away. I have been looking online and it seems like as in your case and many others that just doesn't happen, so now I'm all disappointed thinking she was being overly optimistic. I never had any doctor even mention the possibility of endometriosis to me even though I had complained of severe cramping each month, to the point of missing school, work, etc.

Did your DH SA come back normal? Hopefully the RE will come up with a plan that works for you. Weird that we both have ultrasounds next week!
What’s even more weird is that my ultrasound is also on the 20th!!! My RE wants to check and see if the endo affected my egg quality since it was sever…I think in my case it did. 

Don’t feel discouraged about not getting pregnant right after a lap because sooo many people do. One of my sisters have endometriosis (diagnosed at age 17) and she is literally the most fertile person that I know (4 kids under the age of 10). She was told she would be able to have kids or carry to term because of her endo but she ended up having 2 laps and after the second one, the flood gates were open and she conceived naturally for all her kids. She had her oldest around the age of 28 or 29. I suspected that I had endo because like her, I had really bad periods growing up and like you, I missed school and work because the pain was so bad. I would complain about painful periods and the stupid OBGYN I had for 5 years would only tell me get on BC or start taking pain pills days ahead…even though I would take 2 Aleve’s every 3-4 hours some months for the first couple days of my cycle. I get angry when I think about how better my girl part would be if he had given my concerns a second thought. But there is nothing I can do about the past. I switched OBGYN’s around October last year and he suspected I had endo because of the pain I felt. In my case, my endo was so bad that it started causing me pain almost every day before my lap in March. My OBGYN who completed the surgery told me that if we didn’t get pregnant within 6 mos after the surgery then he would refer us to a specialist. So don’t base you getting pregnant on me, mine was really bad and the RE I started seeing this month thinks that there may have been some left or that my body needed more time to heal and recognize that the endo was removed.

I won’t know the results to the DH’s SA until I go back for the plan of treatment, he wants to sit with us to discuss it once we have had the preliminary test(after my ultrasound next week). I might ask them about it at my appointment. We can keep each other updated on our appointments. I hate to say it but I expect bad news next week but hopefully my RE will have a good plan of treatment. He has already suggested if everything on DH and my labs and ultrasound looks good, the next option may be surgery again but with excision versus the ablation that I had.
That is crazy! I can't believe they are on the same day!!

Seriously could have taken the words out of my mouth "OBGYN I had for 5 years would only tell me get on BC or start taking pain pills days ahead…even though I would take 2 Aleve’s every 3-4 hours some months for the first couple days of my cycle. " Mine said the SAME THING take pain pills days ahead..but like you said no sense dwelling in the past. It does make me feel better to hear about your sister! It is so nice to hear a success story from someone a lot of times it is so easy to pick out the worst possible scenario and assume that is what will happen.

We will have to keep each other updated on what happens at our appointments. I wish you the best of luck! I looked up excision vs ablation, I did not realized this disease was so complicated. But I read ablation works best with small lesions, with large lesions it is difficult to get deep enough or wide enough to destroy the entire area of disease. Basically goes on to says for severe cases excision is the way to go. Which would suck to have another surgery but maybe that will be the fix! I will keep my fingers crossed and say some prayers for you!!
Thanks! I'm on CD 5 and I'm supposed to IV sometime next week but I get so sick of trracking becasue sometimes I feel like it's useless to count. I've been tempting on and off for several months! I started again last week....I have this hope that I will record my first ever BFP! It's hard when I don't temp and it's hard when I do.
Ok, I just had a moment :cry: ...praying for the day I finally get a BFP. Most of the time, I feel optimistic that it will happen but I hate these moments when I realize that there may be a possibility that it's not for me. Then all I want to do is :cry:.

It's funny because I never knew how much I wanted to be a mom until I married DH and we started ttc. Now I long to hold something that is a part of me and DH. I pray that 2013 is our year....don't mind me, I'm just venting.
Ok, I just had a moment :cry: ...praying for the day I finally get a BFP. Most of the time, I feel optimistic that it will happen but I hate these moments when I realize that there may be a possibility that it's not for me. Then all I want to do is :cry:.

It's funny because I never knew how much I wanted to be a mom until I married DH and we started ttc. Now I long to hold something that is a part of me and DH. I pray that 2013 is our year....don't mind me, I'm just venting.

I'm sorry I have been so busy with work and getting ready for Christmas. Try not to lose faith! :hugs: It's hard not to have those moments when you have been lttc and it is so easy to get down in the dumps. Especially this time of the year. I know there really isn't anything I can say that can make you feel better. :nope: Hopefully after your appointment you will have a better feeling about it all, I know how hard it is to not worry. Tomorrow is the day though!! I hope we both get good news...
Thanks apple. I feel a lot better today...I hate when I have those break down moments. I'm trying to think positive. I'm hoping tomorrow's news will be a step in the right direction for us.

Good luck and I will keep you updated.
Well, I just got back from my appt and I hope your was a lot more productive then mine.

I had a ultrasound done and they told me that the pain I felt the past few days was probably from my follicles growing. I have two follicles on my right side, one that measured 15 and one that measured 27. DH's SA looked great except for the morphology which was a little lower then average. They want him to do a second SA at the beginning of January. they said all my labs weren't back yet and DH has to have labs done as well...which I asked about before but they told him he didn't have to do.

So no real answers yet as to why we haven't gotten pregnant. They gave me an appt for the second week in January to go over everything with the RE and see what's the plan of treatment for us to get pregnant.

I hope yours went well apple.
Ugh that stinks that you got no answers! What will they do about the follicles? Did they say anything about the endometriosis growing back or not being cleared out with the lap? What kind of labs does your DH have to have? I thought beyond doing the SA there was little else they could do.

My appointment was actually cancelled! They called me at 8 am to say we have to reschedule for tomorrow sooo I go today at 3:30.
Well I had my appointment and ultrasound today. They said the ultrasound looked normal so next step is to do the surgery to see of there is endo growth or blocked tubes. They took 5 viles of blood for blood work and scheduled surgery for jan 4th. I feel happy to be moving in any direction after being stalled so long but I feel in my heart that it won't help! I guess we will see! I have to push DH to get his SA now!
Ugh that stinks that you got no answers! What will they do about the follicles? Did they say anything about the endometriosis growing back or not being cleared out with the lap? What kind of labs does your DH have to have? I thought beyond doing the SA there was little else they could do.

My appointment was actually cancelled! They called me at 8 am to say we have to reschedule for tomorrow sooo I go today at 3:30.

They said the follicles aremore then likely because I was about to ovulate. They didnt mention anything about my endo. They said my uterus looks good except the fibroid that doent seem cause for concern.They want to test dh testosterone levels, b12 and some others.
Well I had my appointment and ultrasound today. They said the ultrasound looked normal so next step is to do the surgery to see of there is endo growth or blocked tubes. They took 5 viles of blood for blood work and scheduled surgery for jan 4th. I feel happy to be moving in any direction after being stalled so long but I feel in my heart that it won't help! I guess we will see! I have to push DH to get his SA now!

Im glad they didnt cancel the second appt. Thats great your ultrasound looks normal. The only way they can confirm endo is through the lap so its great that its scheduled so soon! You are definitely heading in the right direction.

I will sit with the Re on the 8th to go over everything including endo options.
How did your surgery go when you had it done? I am nervous I have never had a surgery for anything before. You're right though I'm heading in the right direction, I know this is the next step.

Do you think you may have to under go surgery again? This whole processes is so frustrating! Do you take any supplements, vitamins, etc. I know you said you are temping how is that going? I tried and could not keep up with it.
My surgery went great. That was the first major surgery that I had, besides foot surgery the year before. I had it on Friday morning and I was back to work on Tuesday...but I could have gone in on monday. I had dull gas pains for about a week. I think I took the pain meds Friday night and Saturday morning because I was told by some people that their experiences were painful but mine was not bad at all. I went in early friday, they prepped me, put in an IV then put me under. 3 hours later, I was out. Mine took that long because the endo was everywhere, my bladder, ovaries, uterus, etc but my tubes were not blocked. I healed pretty fast too, I felt some pain for about 2-4 days post surgery when I would try to get up near my diaphram but I figured that was from when they filled my belly with gas. If we don't get pregant in the next few months, I may have to have surgery again since I'm starting to feel more pain. My pain isn't anywhere near as bad as it was before the surgery but it feels like the endo is slowing growing back...unless it's in my mind.
It can be very frustrating!!!!! I've take fish oil for a couple months to help with my seemed to have worked for a couple months.I tried soy for a month and I thought I felt more pain on my ovaries that month so I stopped. Last month I started religiously taking my prenatals, and b6. I was taking b12 also but DH felt that the amount I was taking was too much. Last cycle I noticed I spotted for a full day and a half before AF started but that's not like me and I heard b6 can lengthen ones LP and help balance out our estrogen and progestorone so I'm taking 50mg a day.

Charting is okay. I have been doing it on and off for the past year almost. It can be so annoying but I want to have a record of my temps the month I finally get a BFP so I started at the end of last cycle again. Either my body is starting to heal or the b6 is helping because my pre-OV temps are higher then usual. I can't wait to see what they are post-OV. I'm supposed to be OV today or early tomorrow morning.

How about you, are you taking any vitamins? When are you set to OV?
It's funny you mention that you feel like the endo is growing b/c I feel like that too! I don't even know for sure if I have endo growth but I'd swear I can feel it, I am pretty sure it is in my head lol! I am surprised you recovered so fast my gyn said when there is a lot to take out usually the recovery time is much longer. That makes me feel so much better though, I felt fine about the whole thing till she started giving me all these details and worst case scenarios.

I need to start taking my vitamins again, lately I have only been taking the b6 and b12. I was taking prenatal, b6, b12, and fish oil. I also took baby aspirin and evening primrose oil for a while, they obviously didn't work so I stopped. I couldn't take swallowing so many pills a day!
Lol! Thats why I stopped taking my vitamins too. I recenty found out that it can take 3 months for your body to really benefit from vitamins and grow new cells. It gets so annoying.

Im hoping we'll get preg b4 I have to have another lap. If not naturally then mayb with meds or an IUI. God knows I am praying that 2013 is our year!
Hopefully this is the year!! I hope you had a great Christmas!

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