Hey! Mind if I join you ladies?
My story;
We were TTC from December 2012 naturally for a year. Took vitamins, used opk's and everything. Then we took a year and a half off to plan our wedding. During that time though we weren't preventing anything. After getting married this past August, we went to a fertility clinic to get tested. My husband was born 2 months premature, and only has one testicle, so we knew that there could be SOME issue with him. Turns out he was diagnosed with azoospermia, which was quite a blow. I also had a polyp that had to be removed. We then went through our first round of IVF, they did a surgical sperm retrieval on DH, and found a few lonely swimmers. We got one 3 day embie that we transferred (bfn) and a 5 day blast that we froze, and then did a FET (also bfn). We decided to use a donor, and try 3 IUI's with the donor (all BFN), and now back to IVF. Absolutely devastating. Dr also found out I have lining issues. It gets thick enough, but not triple stripe (which is better). So I'm taking baby aspirin and viagra (lol) and if by egg collection there is no triple stripe they will do a freeze all and try another protocol to fix my lining. Still feel like I've got a long road ahead of me. Oh, and 2 of my best friends are pregnant, from their first month trying. I can't even stand to talk to them.
Just waiting for AF to start after stopping the PIO after our BFN on Friday.