LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

My tests aren't getting much darker - beta was 100... I don't know if that's normal for 14dpo? I'm so worried here it's like a super-intense version if the TWW... I thought it would be FUN and EXCITING but I'm a bundle of nerves - hope you're all well. Hope you don't mind me sticking around because I don't feel I belong on the pg forums yet :S

I got my first HCG reading at the doctor 13dpo - and that's when it was 42. You're definitely in the safe zone ... I'm not one bit worried about my numbers, the only thing that matter is that they continue to rise. And they only need a 30% increase - it's not longer a full doubling every 48 hours, they just need it to go up 30%, so even if it's a slow rise - as long as it's a rise, that's all that's needed. You'll be fine :hugs: Don't let yourself get too stressed about it, it will not help :flower:

When is your next beta? I hope soon so it will reassure you a bit :winkwink:

I am hanging around this forum until yall tell me to leave .... for sure until the 12 week mark when I know for sure this baby has a minimal chance of leaving us. So yall are going to have to tell me to stop posting .... I will just lurk around mostly, but I don't really want to get too involved in the first tri boards ... most of them only took 2 seconds to get pregnant and I can't relate with that :/
pipilotta, sorry Af came. STAYHOPEFUL!
Myshelsog, any news from your LAP?
BFP ladies! Please stay around with us and let us know how are you doing! You'll remind us that hope is here and miracles happen!
Ella, I already gave you congrats once on another thread, but just wanted to say that 100 at 14 dpo sounds fabulous! :yipee: Sticky sticky sticky!

:hugs: to everyone else. Myshel, did you ever get any lap info?

Good luck testing, Dovkav! :dust:

Pipi, sorry for AF. :hugs: The only nice thing about testing is that she's expected so you get let down a little at a time. At least that's how it seems to me. :shrug:

AFM, can't freaking wait until my post-op consult Wed to hear what my RE thought of the lap results, and to find out what the plan is for the next few cycles. :dance:
Hi all,

After some advice to all you laides who have had an ectopic. For the last few cycles I have had really bad pain to my ectopic site which radiates around to my back always around when I am due to ouvulate and then a few days before AF. I am looking at it with some positivitie i.e. I know when I am ovulating!! However, have any you other ladies had this experience and has it passed over time.

On another note I am now going into yet another TWW but so hoping to join the other BFP ladies. Anyone else in the TWW?
AFM, can't freaking wait until my post-op consult Wed to hear what my RE thought of the lap results, and to find out what the plan is for the next few cycles. :dance:[/QUOTE]

Hoping its good news either way for you and you can start some balls rolling :winkwink:
Hi Ladies!
BFN this morning , 4 days before AF. My temps after O are tool ow. They always stay higher above 36.8-36.9. I was not upset today about the test. 19 months Of TTC why it will happen today. My DH hates all hormone meds and procedures, he still wants to wait for 6months. No way!!!! I have the whole army my family behind my back, they will push me forward!
We need help, and we'll get it tomorrow.
Dovkav, sorry for bfn. What happens tomorrow?

Lorna, I wrote in your journal--not sure about the ectopic pain. I hope you get it figured out!

:hugs: to all!
Hi girls...

I gave in this morning and tested (14dpo - AF due in two days)

and you won't believe it... I got a :bfp:!!!!

4th cycle clomid, cycle before my scheduled lap... I'm nervous though because if I do have endometriosis I know that rates of miscarriages are higher.... wow, I'm speechless. Stick little bean! Praying so hard right now! I haven't had a hint of a BFP for over a year!

Stick baby Stick!!!

Just starting in my fertile phase after the lap and tube flush, so hoping for a fun next 10 days. We are doing SMEP this month again - or at least as close as we can to it - so fingers are crossed.

Called the Drs office and they told me results wont be in until this week ... but NO appointments available on the weekend. Because everyone is on holidays we are on skeleton crew this week and cannot make an appointment during the day so looks like will have to wait until JULY 13TH! :growlmad:
I had a good cry for about 10 minutes when I realized this but am feeling better. As far as I am conserned no news is good news .....
Hi ladies, congrats on the BFP's!!

Those of you who have had Lap and Dyes done, what was your recovery and recovery time like? I go on Monday for my Pre Op assessment but it could be anytime from then to 3 months before i actually get it done! I like to be prepared for these things :haha: xx
Just starting in my fertile phase after the lap and tube flush, so hoping for a fun next 10 days. We are doing SMEP this month again - or at least as close as we can to it - so fingers are crossed.

Called the Drs office and they told me results wont be in until this week ... but NO appointments available on the weekend. Because everyone is on holidays we are on skeleton crew this week and cannot make an appointment during the day so looks like will have to wait until JULY 13TH! :growlmad:
I had a good cry for about 10 minutes when I realized this but am feeling better. As far as I am conserned no news is good news .....

That's so frustrating! :hissy: I thought it was frustrating to have to wait two weeks to ask questions, but that's nothing compared to hearing NOTHING for nearly a month! :saywhat:

Anyway, good luck with the SMEP! :winkwink: Hope this all becomes moot! :dust:

Hi ladies, congrats on the BFP's!!

Those of you who have had Lap and Dyes done, what was your recovery and recovery time like? I go on Monday for my Pre Op assessment but it could be anytime from then to 3 months before i actually get it done! I like to be prepared for these things :haha: xx

Hi Shell! :flower: I think it definitely depends on whether they do much while inside you. So I had a small amount of Stage 1 endo removed, as well as a hysteroscopy, and I was probably at 80% after a week. It's been 12 days now, and I'm not quite to 100%, but getting close. I also caught some sort of virus, so I spike a temperature after 4 days, which probably slowed my recovery down.

Good luck to you! Hope they find no problems (or they find easy fixes) and your recovery is easy! :hugs:
Thanks for the info and on my weight loss pbl_ge :flower: I'm a different looking women now thats for sure lol x

I have signed the consent forms for the procedure and for them to fix anything they might find while in there :thumbup: I'm also on the cancellation list so i could get a phone call anytime after monday but knowing my luck it'll be the full 3 months (when my terms and conditions change for sick pay at work :dohh: )

I figured it would likely be about 2 weeks to be 100% - i need to give my service users a heads up before it happens as i work with families and nobody will take my case list while i'm off, so if i let them know they can be prepared for that x

I always need info - i'm a control freak when it comes to TTC because knowledge is about all i can control with my body lol xx
Thanks for the info and on my weight loss pbl_ge :flower: I'm a different looking women now thats for sure lol x

I have signed the consent forms for the procedure and for them to fix anything they might find while in there :thumbup: I'm also on the cancellation list so i could get a phone call anytime after monday but knowing my luck it'll be the full 3 months (when my terms and conditions change for sick pay at work :dohh: )

I figured it would likely be about 2 weeks to be 100% - i need to give my service users a heads up before it happens as i work with families and nobody will take my case list while i'm off, so if i let them know they can be prepared for that x

I always need info - i'm a control freak when it comes to TTC because knowledge is about all i can control with my body lol xx

Oh, I'm totally the same way! One of the scariest things for me was the not knowing. I think I was more scared of what they would find (the news was better than it could have been, but not great), instead of the recovery, but it scared me too! I don't know how physically demanding your job is, but I was back at my desk on Tuesday following a Thursday surgery. Might have been Monday if I hadn't gotten sick. But my job is not physical at all.

I hope you don't have to wait long! That might have been the hardest part for me. :hugs:
Sorry for your bfn dovkav. It's so frustrating month after month or year after year. Thats another reason why I only test when I'm late.
WE just came from RE. He was great! Lots of info!
He suggests to do LAP to cut ruptured appendix adhesions, but tubes may have unrepairable damage. We talked about going straight to IVF. I suggested to do hysteroscopy, check my uterine cavity before IvF. Dr. agreed, we'll do hysteroscopy next Friday. Did anybody of you, girls had hysteroscopy?
Dr. could do Medicated IVF cycle in August. My AMH number is good. I have very low risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation.
I need to convince my dh. He is A type personality. He beleaves there are other ways to heal. He hates all procedures, hormone therapies which can cause side effects. He wants me to heal naturally with castor oil, serrapeptase enzyme and so on. if I was 20, yes, I would do it naturally, but not now. Help me to convince him!!!!, please!
I just learned that my dh would like to transfer 2 embryos during IVF. He wanted only one child. But he changed his mind!

I did some blood work today. I am on CD 25. This is the time to check the quality of my almost finished cycle and it will tell if I ovulated. I did! progesterone and estrogen levels are perfect! Look at my chart below.
I called my RE office and asked about Natural IVF cycle on July. They will call me back tomorrow.
I didn't even discuss with my DH. aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I'll get in trouble:)
It is a crazy day today! Big plans! I had BFN again this morning.The witch didn't show up yet! I am not out yet!
Tonight we are a cooking goose in the oven. My dad in law is 92!
Have a great day, girls!
WOW - a hysterectomy this month and IVF next? You're a stronger woman than me - I would take a couple months to heal after that. Whoa that's a lot in two months! Good luck with your IVF!!! :)
Hi - It took me about 7 days to feel 100% again.
The first day was so doped up I thought I was fine.
Second day was so tired and achey from the gass it was the worst.
Third day noticed that I did actually have pain and sensitivity in that area, but was not alot of pain.
Went to work on day 4 and although was uncomfortable was not a big deal. I work on a computer and sit most of the day.
By the next friday (had it on a friday) I was feeling completely normal. Although during bding though i would suggest taking it easy and try not to get laid on to much lol.
Myshel, I wonder if there's information in your quick recovery--maybe they didn't do any cutting so you recovered super fast? :shrug:

And weren't you other ladies instructed not to BD for some weeks? I was told nothing for two weeks! Risk of infection from the hystero, I think? :shrug:

Dovkav, sorry for the bfn. :hugs: I think I missed it before. What is a natural IVF cycle? Do they just collect the one egg and fertilize it? Why would they want to do that, as opposed to normal, when they "farm" for lots of eggs and hopefully frosties? I don't know if I have any advice for you OH, except to tell him that your chances decrease slightly every month due to age.

J_Lynn, did you mean hysteroscopy, instead of hysterectomy? :haha:

AFM, I just had my post-lap follow-up. Full story in my journal, but there was really no new info. Official diagnosis now "Female infertility with tubal factor and endometriosis." Unclear how much either is affecting things. Next cycle will either be a) a second Femara cycle, or b) a Gonal-F/Ovidrel cycle, depending on how the timing falls in relationship to some planned travel. The injectables protocol sounded pretty overwhelming, but I think it may be our best shot (pun not intended ) due to what I suspect is a non-functioning right tube.

:dust: and :hugs: to everyone! :hugs:
Wow, dovkav, a lot of new things happening at once. You haven't got a waiting list for ivf, how great is that! Mine is scheduled for January, but i'm not even sure what kind of medication this involves. All it said in my letter was medication to be completed before first cycle. I also would like to know if there is an unmedicated ivf cycle...

Pbl_ge, injectables sounds like a pretty tough regime, its unbelievable what each and every one of us is going through.

Shell, I admire you. 12 years, I feel bad complaining about my situaton when I read your story. It's good to see you are not giving up, and I hope your lap goes well!
I am so excited for you! You have a date for IVF! You are interested in natural IVF also. Will your healthcare cover it? Because it is a low chance of success.
XXshell congrats on your weight loss. Few years ago I lost 15 kg and stayed slim forever! I stopped eating packaged and processed food. Good luck with LAP, I hope your problem wil be fixed and you'll join the BFP club!

first IVF baby was born with a natural cycle, from the first try. My point of view is to start treatment with at least risks for my health. My hormones are perfect and why should I mess my system up with FSH drugs? Dr. would give me FSH 100-150mg. I have a risk of hyperovarian stimulation. Natural IVF cycle: Dr. takes only one egg out. Only one egg mature and very rare two. I could take natural chlomid-soy isoflavones and my ovaries may mature two eggs. during natural IVF cycle, dr. could have a hard time finding the egg (60% a chance of finding it)and also the timing of O is super important. The egg may drop earlier and it can be lost. I O 3 months in a row on CD 12. This is advantage for me.
Remember not every clinic does natural IVF, they don't want to ruin their statistics.

In USA, USC firtility clinic in Los angeles is doing a natural IVF cycle study. The patient has to pay all cost, but it is less than standart IVF. They state:" In the 1992 study, we found that although the pregnancy rate was one half of that in stimulated cycles, the per embryo implantation rate was higher in natural cycle than in stimulated cycles. Now that the typical IVF pregnancy rate is much higher than the pregnancy rates in 1992, we anticipate the success rates with natural cycle IVF will also be higher."[/url]

I pay cash for my treatment, I don't need to wait for a long time. Dr. may do it in August.

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