LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Attention ladies , who have unexplained infirtility. On Babyandbump Lilsluz wrote and I totally agree!:"If its one thing I can help you with, its testing. I mean before you go & spend any $ on IUI or IVF, you should be offered ALL tests first. For instance, you should always be tested for clotting, immune or autoimmune issues before any ART as no matter what, if you are implanting fine but clotting or your body is attacking the embie (immune/autoimmune), then no IUI or IVF or any amount of money or treatment is going to help that, you know? Only meds for those conditions can help. Some lawsuits are now being filed by people in the USA because they weren't offered this standard-but-in-dpeth level of testing before spending GOBS of $$ on IVF. And $15k - mne would have actually cost $30k for 2 fresh & 2froz.

So, my long-winded point (sorry) is Yes - make sure you get the standard list of all the tests that should be done before an "unexplained" diagnosis could possibly be made & you fight for them if nothing comes up on CD3, OK? heck, fight for them anyway as many of us have 2-3 issues. the only people I've seen successful at getting their rainbows are those who demand proper treatment. Its a shame but Dr's, even nice ones, at the end of the day, if you aren't pregnant its not even going to spoil their dinner that night.

This is what I'd tell my lil sister, too.

P.S. - there's a whole list of tests I did on my journal - 1st page in the Spoiler if you ever need a reference
BFP Journal: Lils' Gotta Lil Flo Rida?!"

Postcoital test also is important. It will tell, if the sperm is surviving in your ewcm. Estrogen may help to resolve this issue.
Hope it helps!
XXshell congrats on your weight loss. Few years ago I lost 15 kg and stayed slim forever! I stopped eating packaged and processed food. Good luck with LAP, I hope your problem wil be fixed and you'll join the BFP club!

thank you! x I've pretty much done the same - no processed or packaged food is the slimming world way - it's ingrained in me now and i hope it stays off for life :) It's slowing down now, which is to be expected with only another 30ish lbs to go to target x

I wish i had a date for the Lap & Dye.... the not knowing 'when' is bugging me lol Monday is the pre Op assessment so i'm hoping she will have some idea how long it will be x
Dovkav, Lils is really a WEALTH of information. She's one of my buddies from a TTC #1 after 35 group. The first page of her journal tells the story and provides lots of info. Here it is:
Oh, and very interesting about the natural IVF! Thanks for filling me in!
Myshel, I wonder if there's information in your quick recovery--maybe they didn't do any cutting so you recovered super fast? :shrug:

And weren't you other ladies instructed not to BD for some weeks? I was told nothing for two weeks! Risk of infection from the hystero, I think? :shrug:

I am thinking the same thing actually but I did experienced some tenderness down there but your are right, I did not get a lot of pain. Much less than I had thought I would feel.
When I had my gallbladder removed or my wisdom teeth removed I recovered faster than expected so maybe it is a good sign ..... or maybe there was nothing to fix... UH!

My Dr and Nurses did not say anything about holding off on BDing at all. Last time I had the tube flushing they told me I was ready to go the next day so I dont think it is a tube flushing thing. Maybe they are just being extra careful at your Drs office.

I am trying to seriously loose weight this year. Over the last 2 years I have gained 40 lbs with my new job and the baby making stress. I see you guys have had some success, does any one have any tips that help you be succesful? I totally know I need to cut out the sugar and stuff but am hoping for maybe tricks you used to speed the process along.
Myshelsong - Hopefully the speedy recovery is a good sign - sucks they have made you wait so long for the results!! As for weightloss i swear by (there is a link top right hand corner for US site) Real food, real portions and nothing off limits - it's really worked for me x Gives you access to a 7 day menu so you can see what it's about x
Dovkav, I got my ivf date in april, and i'm lucky it is publicly funded in NZ. But I guess it is only standart procedure. The doctor recommended to do a semen dna scsa test before we start, because of low motility and my dh age. We will do that some time in august I think.
It's great that it is publically funded, but there is a lack of info because it is very hard to get appointments for general visits.
I'm a bit scared of ivf and what it involves, and hope we get lucky before January.
Shell, I admire you. 12 years, I feel bad complaining about my situaton when I read your story. It's good to see you are not giving up, and I hope your lap goes well!

Hun, don't feel bad for complaining! It's such a tough tough journey LTTTC but I have found that actually it's easier for me now, than it was years ago - acceptance of my situation has a lot to do with it x I've done my grieving for a child i may never have. I'm very happy with my life now and it has taken a path it would never have been able to had i had children years ago! I travel the country a lot, i've been to university as a mature student, i have a fab career, i also run my own business which takes me around the country and soon abroad to pastures new. so for me if it never happens, yes i'll be sad about that but i accepted that years ago and once i had that acceptance i got on with living my life and enjoying every minute of it :) IF a baby ever does come along i will happily settle down to raise a family and will have no regrets about where my life has gone :) xx
Myshel, there is a great app for android called noom, it helped me lose 13 kgs after I stopped smoking. It gets you active, and helps you eat better. It was so easy losing weight with the app, without completely leaving out things I love. They also have a nice forum section. They used to have good articles and little tasks you would get every day, but this is only for pro now. It's completly worth though, but I don't need it anymore. It feels good to be and stay at my old weight again, and my eating habits are really good as well.
Dovkav, I got my ivf date in april, and i'm lucky it is publicly funded in NZ. But I guess it is only standart procedure. The doctor recommended to do a semen dna scsa test before we start, because of low motility and my dh age. We will do that some time in august I think.
It's great that it is publically funded, but there is a lack of info because it is very hard to get appointments for general visits.
I'm a bit scared of ivf and what it involves, and hope we get lucky before January.

You are very blessed that you don't need to pay for IVF. Infirtility is a disease and need to be treated like any ordinary sickness. Smokers ruin their lungs and healthcare pays for their meds and treatment, and a patient saves money for more cigaretes! It is harsh statement, but it is a truth. Infirtility hurts too. We did nothing wrong, nothing intentional and we are infirtile.
Have you tried vitamins,zinc, VitC, Selen or maybe antibiotics to increase sperm motility?

Can RE perform ICSI? He needs only one sperm.
I am glad that genetic tests will be done on your DH. To rule out an underlying condition.

Is there any statistics in NZ. Success rate of IVF? My RE told me that natural cycle 10-20%, medicated 40%.

I am scared of IVF too. Everything can happen when you interfere with nature. Also I don't like that RE will put me to sleep for a few minutes for an egg retreaval. I have a high tolerance for pain. 12 years ago dr. removed my tonsils and I had only regional anesthesia and I sat on the chair and saw my Dr. bloody tools. (sorry TMI)eeeeek!
Bloodly tools that is so gross lol

Thanks for the info ladies. Will look into both of those options!

At this point I would do ivf in a heart beat but it is totally a personal decision and I understand both sides.

looks like I od a but early this month, since started taking vitamins o date has gone from day 17 or 21 to day 13 or 14 so did not quite do SMEP .... Oh well
Hi everyone!!

My name is Ella and I'm an LTTC-er. :) Dovkav told me I should check this thread out, as it is a great place, and so here I am. :)

I've been trying for 27 cycles and about two years. I was one of those young, naive women that thought that when I was ready to have kids, it would just happen. Wham Yeah...I was wrong.

We managed to catch an egg once, after 6 months of trying, but I lost my angel pretty early on at 5w5d. After that, nada. Though I blame some of that on the northisterone that the doc gave me to help with the mc bleeding. Apparently, it can reduce your fertility for at least 6 months after you take it....which would have been nice to know before I went down that road. I think it hung around for longer than that...and now my hormones are completely whacked right now.

At the moment, I just started fertility testing. So far, it's all clear. I'm ovulating, no polyps, cysts or fibroids. I've got a Day 3 blood test next cycle and I'm supposed to try to schedule an HSG in the next couple of months around Day 7-10. (Any ladies with HSG experience willing to share?)

I figured that I would be thrown into the unexplained category because there isn't anything obvious at the moment, but as Lils said, they should exhaust the possibilities before they give that label. She is really a great resource to have and I'm glad her advice can be useful to others too!

I guess that's it. I look forward to going back and reading everyone else's stories. :)
Hey DBZ Welcome and I am sorry. I know what it is like to be labeled Unexplained. Wishing you all the baby luck with your HSG.

I dont want to scare you with my HSG experience. In the end it was totally worth it and would do it again in a heart beat. But my DR did it at a different time in my cycle (like day CD 24, 5dpo) and had a very hard time getting the Cath into the cervix (in fact he put it in and took it out multiple times) and I found it overal very painful.

Hoping my Lap results will give us some answers as I ovulate regularily and via HSG and ultrasounds everything looked fine.
Welcome Dbz:hi: I'm sorry about your miscarriage:hugs:

Dovkav, my Dh started taking fertility vitamins about 3 weeks ago, we will see if that will increase his quality. Would be great.
The doctor recommended doing ICSI I think, but because of the lack of appointments and information i'm not sure. That's probably the down side of public health funding, but I'm really greatful, and i'm sure I get all the info I need before January.

Myshel, I would also do Ivf in a heartbeat, but it's still scary to me. I was never on the pill, I hardly took any medication in my life, and I never been in hospital. Just the thought of the egg retreaval makes me a little scared, and probably the meds they make you take you to produce as many as you can...:argh:
DBZ - my HSG was pretty painless, even thought they had 5 attempts to get dye through (and they took everything out and back in each time). I took painkillers 40 mins before and to be honest i've had worse AF cramps than i had with this. I did feel worse for a few days after, the cramps did get stronger and i felt achy... but again that was just an AF like feeling for me x I would have no worries having it done again. My advice is to take painkillers before, stay calm and relaxed i really do think that helps x
What a good idea for a thread.

My name is Polly, I'm 33 and have been ttc DC1 for 29 months. In that time I did get pregnant after 9 months TTC but I lost that baby at 10 weeks. That was 17/18 months ago and I haven't managed to get pregnant again since. In the time I started ttc every single woman I'm friends with or related to of child bearing age has got pregnant, along with countless women at my work. Of the ones I know about, all but one of them got pregnant within 1-3 months trying. One of the women I know at work who got pregnant has actually told me in the past that she hates children and I found out she only did it for her husband.

Ive known from the start that somethings not right because I spot for days and days before my period every cycle and I get lots of random cramping throughout the month. Initially my GPs were reluctant to investigate and I was told to wait a further year after the miscarriage (that hurt) before I would be referred to a fertility clinic. I managed to get an earlier referral and have already had a couple of tests including day 3 & day 21 bloods, ultrasound and HSG. I am going for a hysteroscopy in a couple of weeks because an abnormality showed up in my womb at my HSG in April. I've also been given Clomid to take but without scans and progesterone to take in the luteal phase. I noticed an improvement in my cycle last month but don't know if this is a one off. If anyone has any questions about progesterone, Clomid HSG etc please let me know.

Personally I feel very cheated because I've known all along there was a problem and here I am 3 years older than I was at the start of ttc and I feel that time is running out. I think I have endo but so far have not been offered a laparoscopy to check and I keep being told there is nothing wrong!

Sorry that was a bit of a rant!
:hi:Welcome Polly
I'm sorry about your loss! I hope we all don't stick around too long here, but while we are here it's nice to know there are some nice ladies here who know what you are going through.

I like your chart! Very nice and early O this month. I think it's a good thing! Half a year ago I also had irregular O. Also I suffered a very crampy and painful AF. Now I have less pain and flow and my O is on the day 12CD for a 3 months in a row.
What is SPEM?
Why your dr. did HSG on CD24? You could be pregnant? Blood test could be too early to tell? After O cerrvix also is closed tight.
My RE also forced 3 times and couldn't go into my cirvix for HSG(procedure with sugar and salt solution), so she posponed for later and I canceled. I read a horoscope that my second appointment was my the luckiest day in decade! Maybe I'll get preg. without this HSG. Maybe it is good that I canceled!
I went to a second RE opinion. He told me that this HSG is not a great test. You see shadows and dark spots, but with hysteroscopy(it is not a surgery), with a camera you'll diagnose right a way or maybe fix the problem too. You also can see if the tubes are open! I am having it on Friday, if my period will be gone on that day. RE is not going to dilate my cervix, if he can't fit there, he won't do it. It is wise to get hysteroscopy done before IVF, make sure there is no scarring or polyps and embryo can implant. My RE is against HSG with an iodine because radiation can ruin egg quality and increase scarring.
Sorry if I am repeating everything over and over again.

DB234 Warm Welcome to our nest! Your chart looks fantastic! ARE you testing soon or are you waitng for AF?
What test did you get to rule out your polyps and fibroids?

pipilotta, please test your DH sperm in 3 month after taking supplements. It takes 90 days for a new sperm to develop. The same with eggs. Lils increased her AmH after taking suplements!

Buninmyoven, Warm Welcome!
I am very sorry for your loss.
I am so glad that you got an early refferal to RE. You need to push and fight for what's good for you! During Hysteroscopy RE will take care of your uterus and you'll get preg in no time! Please let us know, how it went!
I am 33 too(Jesus age, when he died), we are in good health and that's what is the most important!

Have the best weekend ever everyone!
:hi:Hello to all the new ladies on here. Wishing you all lots of luck and baby dust :dust:

Was wondering who of the ladies on here is in the TWW, I am about 4dpo, what about everyone else?
:hi:Hello to all the new ladies on here. Wishing you all lots of luck and baby dust :dust:

Was wondering who of the ladies on here is in the TWW, I am about 4dpo, what about everyone else?[/QUOT

You are going high tech here! I can't beleave it! All those numbers are crazy! I have chills!
Where are the numbers of :cry:? I think those are countless.
We are going through a lot and only we can understand each other's pain. I am so blessed to have you all here in one spot from around the world!
Hugs and kisses

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