Good luck to our TWW ladies! FX we're on a roll!
Tearful, 8 IVFs sounds terrible. Is some of that FET? Do you still have frozen embryos? I agree with Dovkav--make sure you've been tested for the potential autoimmune problems. If you do have frosties, it might be worth checking out all systems again before one last attempt at FET. Also, what do you think about your egg quality? If you're not getting good blastocyst growth you could think about donor eggs. I can't tell where you live, but if all your IVF have been at the same clinic, it might be worth switching to another clinic for a different protocol. While one protocol might not be "superior" to another, women respond differently to them, so another doc might use a protocol that would fit you better. I hope some of this is helpful.
Dovkav, have you tested again? If the CH are right, then you're 15 dpo!

Here is SMEP:
Lorna, hope the TWW speeds by! Do you like to symptom spot? I do it shamelessly.
Hi Bun/Polly!

Sorry your docs made you wait so long for testing--that's terrible! I'm a chronic spotter, too, but my hysteroscopy was clear. Sounds like the abnormality found on the HSG might be the culprit. FX it will stop after that! And don't worry about ranting--that's what we're here for!
DBZ, I second what Shel said. I took 800 mg ibuprofen before my HSG and I think it helped a lot. Mild cramping while they dilated my cervix, but otherwise it was not much different than a normal lady part exam. I'm sorry that your journey has led you to this place, and I hope you get a sticky bfp soon.
Myshel, is your dr's appt next week? I'm really anxious for you to get some answers! (And share them with us

Sorry if I missed anyone. This thread has gotten busy!
AFM, I have a favor to ask of you ladies! I need everyone to send anti-AF vibes for me until at least Monday or Tuesday.

I'm hoping to be able to start injectables next cycle, but I have an out-of-town wedding on 7/20. I figure if that's CD12 or less, I can do them. Otherwise, it's another Femara cycle for me. (For the new ladies: I'm pretty sure I have a non-functional right tube paired with a dominant right ovary, so I want meds that will make my left side O.)


to all!