LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Hi. I'm new to this forum. Just wanted to share my story. I have tried IVF 8 times without success. Before I started IVF, I have been trying for over 2 years to conceive. I found out both my tubes were blocked and I had them cleaned twice but unfortunately they continued to remain blocked. I recently had them removed and in the process had a D&C and biopsy of my uterus. I found I had an infection in my uterus. Started on antibiotics and we (myself, husband and doctors) that it was treated successfully. I just got finished with my 8th cycle of IVF and found out today it was negative. What other options do I have? Surrogacy?! Please!! Someone help! I need advice from someone that can give me other options than the ones I have already tried. So devastated!!
Hi. I'm new to this forum. Just wanted to share my story. I have tried IVF 8 times without success. Before I started IVF, I have been trying for over 2 years to conceive. I found out both my tubes were blocked and I had them cleaned twice but unfortunately they continued to remain blocked. I recently had them removed and in the process had a D&C and biopsy of my uterus. I found I had an infection in my uterus. Started on antibiotics and we (myself, husband and doctors) that it was treated successfully. I just got finished with my 8th cycle of IVF and found out today it was negative. What other options do I have? Surrogacy?! Please!! Someone help! I need advice from someone that can give me other options than the ones I have already tried. So devastated!!

Warm welcome!
I am sorry that you have to got through this. Did your dr. checked blood clot disorder? and immunology test Antiphospholipid Antibodies (APA) and Natural Killer cell activation (NKa)? THis condition may kill embryo. What is your AMH?
hope it helps
:hi:Hello to all the new ladies on here. Wishing you all lots of luck and baby dust :dust:

Was wondering who of the ladies on here is in the TWW, I am about 4dpo, what about everyone else?[/QUOT

You are going high tech here! I can't beleave it! All those numbers are crazy! I have chills!
Where are the numbers of :cry:? I think those are countless.
We are going through a lot and only we can understand each other's pain. I am so blessed to have you all here in one spot from around the world!
Hugs and kisses

Lol I know those numbers look rediculous but found the ticker and thought it puts my journey into some perspective!! I agree with you it's great to share this with other people from around the world who can understand each other and hope I can at least be of some help or comfort at times :hugs:
I'm also 4dpo today - temp nosedived this morning... pretty usual for me at this point, nothing new.. chart looks like it always does... doesn't give me hope lol I would love to see it do something different that would spark some sort of hope x
Good luck to our TWW ladies! FX we're on a roll!

Tearful, 8 IVFs sounds terrible. Is some of that FET? Do you still have frozen embryos? I agree with Dovkav--make sure you've been tested for the potential autoimmune problems. If you do have frosties, it might be worth checking out all systems again before one last attempt at FET. Also, what do you think about your egg quality? If you're not getting good blastocyst growth you could think about donor eggs. I can't tell where you live, but if all your IVF have been at the same clinic, it might be worth switching to another clinic for a different protocol. While one protocol might not be "superior" to another, women respond differently to them, so another doc might use a protocol that would fit you better. I hope some of this is helpful. :hugs:

Dovkav, have you tested again? If the CH are right, then you're 15 dpo! :happydance: Here is SMEP:

Lorna, hope the TWW speeds by! Do you like to symptom spot? I do it shamelessly. :shhh:

Hi Bun/Polly! :hi: Sorry your docs made you wait so long for testing--that's terrible! I'm a chronic spotter, too, but my hysteroscopy was clear. Sounds like the abnormality found on the HSG might be the culprit. FX it will stop after that! And don't worry about ranting--that's what we're here for! :hugs:

DBZ, I second what Shel said. I took 800 mg ibuprofen before my HSG and I think it helped a lot. Mild cramping while they dilated my cervix, but otherwise it was not much different than a normal lady part exam. I'm sorry that your journey has led you to this place, and I hope you get a sticky bfp soon. :hugs:

Myshel, is your dr's appt next week? I'm really anxious for you to get some answers! (And share them with us :haha: )

Sorry if I missed anyone. This thread has gotten busy! :happydance:

AFM, I have a favor to ask of you ladies! I need everyone to send anti-AF vibes for me until at least Monday or Tuesday. :af: :ban: :af: :ban: I'm hoping to be able to start injectables next cycle, but I have an out-of-town wedding on 7/20. I figure if that's CD12 or less, I can do them. Otherwise, it's another Femara cycle for me. (For the new ladies: I'm pretty sure I have a non-functional right tube paired with a dominant right ovary, so I want meds that will make my left side O.)

:hugs: and :dust: to all!
So I finally got a hold of someone at my DRs office that would let me know how the procedure went. The nurse let me know they did find some mild endo and they removed it and sent it to pathology just to double check they aren't cancerous.
Looks like my Tubes are normal and healthy .... so I think this means they are free and clear, where last time my right one was blocked.
I will have a Dr appointment once the pathology comes back to discuss options and go from there if I am not yet pregnant. Very excited that at least I know something happened and was potentially fixed.

Tearful that is so tough, I am not sure what to say. Good luck hun.

Pebble - Hopefully you get injectable. my cousin had real success with those.
Good luck to our TWW ladies! FX we're on a roll!

Tearful, 8 IVFs sounds terrible. Is some of that FET? Do you still have frozen embryos? I agree with Dovkav--make sure you've been tested for the potential autoimmune problems. If you do have frosties, it might be worth checking out all systems again before one last attempt at FET. Also, what do you think about your egg quality? If you're not getting good blastocyst growth you could think about donor eggs. I can't tell where you live, but if all your IVF have been at the same clinic, it might be worth switching to another clinic for a different protocol. While one protocol might not be "superior" to another, women respond differently to them, so another doc might use a protocol that would fit you better. I hope some of this is helpful. :hugs:

Dovkav, have you tested again? If the CH are right, then you're 15 dpo! :happydance: Here is SMEP:

Lorna, hope the TWW speeds by! Do you like to symptom spot? I do it shamelessly. :shhh:

Hi Bun/Polly! :hi: Sorry your docs made you wait so long for testing--that's terrible! I'm a chronic spotter, too, but my hysteroscopy was clear. Sounds like the abnormality found on the HSG might be the culprit. FX it will stop after that! And don't worry about ranting--that's what we're here for! :hugs:

DBZ, I second what Shel said. I took 800 mg ibuprofen before my HSG and I think it helped a lot. Mild cramping while they dilated my cervix, but otherwise it was not much different than a normal lady part exam. I'm sorry that your journey has led you to this place, and I hope you get a sticky bfp soon. :hugs:

Myshel, is your dr's appt next week? I'm really anxious for you to get some answers! (And share them with us :haha: )

Sorry if I missed anyone. This thread has gotten busy! :happydance:

AFM, I have a favor to ask of you ladies! I need everyone to send anti-AF vibes for me until at least Monday or Tuesday. :af: :ban: :af: :ban: I'm hoping to be able to start injectables next cycle, but I have an out-of-town wedding on 7/20. I figure if that's CD12 or less, I can do them. Otherwise, it's another Femara cycle for me. (For the new ladies: I'm pretty sure I have a non-functional right tube paired with a dominant right ovary, so I want meds that will make my left side O.)

:hugs: and :dust: to all!

Yep I certainly like to symptom spot but by doing that it certainly drives you crazy after a while :wacko: I am not getting any symptoms just yet but by previous experiences I don't until about 3 days before AF is due and the biggest symptom for me usally is very sore BB's :winkwink: Will wait and see.
Sending lots of anti-AF vibes your way :dance:

I'm also 4dpo today - temp nosedived this morning... pretty usual for me at this point, nothing new.. chart looks like it always does... doesn't give me hope lol I would love to see it do something different that would spark some sort of hope x

Hi Shell really hope this is your month and be good to share the TWW with someone, when will you test? I dont chart my temps only because I do shift work including nights and it proved to difficult. Hoping your temps throw a curve ball your way :hugs:
Myshel, i'm glad you got some answers, I can't believe how incredibly rude they have dealt with you. Hoping that the mild endo they took out will give you your bfp this cycle.

Dovkav, when is af due? Do you have a long luteal phase? Your chart looks good, have you got any good signs?

Pbl_ge, sending lots of :af::af: hope she stays away until you get back.

I'm basically waiting for my fertile phase, lots of overtime at work for me and dh, and we will only have a week for bd, as he has to go out of town for work. So possibly not the best timing :nope:
Myshel, i'm glad you got some answers, I can't believe how incredibly rude they have dealt with you. Hoping that the mild endo they took out will give you your bfp this cycle.

Dovkav, when is af due? Do you have a long luteal phase? Your chart looks good, have you got any good signs?

Pbl_ge, sending lots of :af::af: hope she stays away until you get back.

I'm basically waiting for my fertile phase, lots of overtime at work for me and dh, and we will only have a week for bd, as he has to go out of town for work. So possibly not the best timing :nope:

Sending you lots of good vibes and hope you get lots of :sex: in that week you never know that may be all it takes and :spermy: can last up to five days :hugs:
I had a very light migraine yesterday. This is ussual for me 1- 2-3 days before period. I am fully prepared! I am cramping like crazy since yesterday and this morning. Continuos cramping and burning. I have my pad in and nothing, still nothing.... This is new! Everything what is new and strange is good! I woke up at 8:30am, temped (low 36.5) and I did my abdominal massage and fell asleep. Woke up in 2 hours. My luteal faze is always 16 or 17 not earlier, not later. My LH is 17 today.
Pbl-g, fingers, toes crossed for you- abra kadabra- I am opening :af: compaign. Anybody interested? :)

myshelsong, did dr. told you the stage of endo? I am so happy your tubes are clear!
I am sure we''ll have BFP in JUlY in this thread. We just need to beleave and stay possitive.
I am not testing. I'll buy 2 kg of strawberries instead!
The worst thing is that now my lap. is cancelled and I have to wait to book a new one. This was the month I didn't really even want to conceive in! When it happened, I thought 'Wow, I don't have to go through a lap...' and now I do, I just have to wait longer to get it done :( Plus if I do have endo, this mis. will probably be really, really painful.
The worst thing is that now my lap. is cancelled and I have to wait to book a new one. This was the month I didn't really even want to conceive in! When it happened, I thought 'Wow, I don't have to go through a lap...' and now I do, I just have to wait longer to get it done :( Plus if I do have endo, this mis. will probably be really, really painful.

That's frustrating. FX they'll be able to get you in soon so you don't have to wait. And I hope the m/c process isn't too bad. :hugs:
Today i found out my SIL is expecting #4.... unplanned and they are still in shock! I'm happy for them but gutted it's not me :cry:

I went looking for my horoscope for this month in a vain attempt to find some hope from somewhere... here are some extracts!!

I so hope this is a good sign!

Pop the champagne, dear Pisces! Some amazing changes are taking place in the heavens, now that Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, just recently moved into Cancer and your fifth house of true love, children, and creativity.

This benefic planet, Jupiter, is set to stay in this part of your chart for nearly thirteen months, until July 16, 2014. This has to be reason to celebrate! It matters not what your marital status happens to be, for every Pisces, of every birthday, will partake of this wonderful trend.

Not only will Jupiter enliven your love life, Jupiter will also bring blessings for conception / pregnancy or to the children you have now.

Do you long for a baby? Jupiter can see to it that you are buying - or knitting - baby booties very soon! Whether you hope to conceive a child or adopt one, both ways are favored as a path to motherhood and fatherhood. This year and the first half of 2014 will be your best year in twelve years to start the process.


Now is that 12 years line just a coincidence?? or fate! God i hope this has a true meaning!
Hey DBZ Welcome and I am sorry. I know what it is like to be labeled Unexplained. Wishing you all the baby luck with your HSG.

I dont want to scare you with my HSG experience. In the end it was totally worth it and would do it again in a heart beat. But my DR did it at a different time in my cycle (like day CD 24, 5dpo) and had a very hard time getting the Cath into the cervix (in fact he put it in and took it out multiple times) and I found it overal very painful.

Hoping my Lap results will give us some answers as I ovulate regularily and via HSG and ultrasounds everything looked fine.

Thank you for the welcome! I'm sorry your HSG was so painful. But thank you for sharing with me. I'll make sure I take something for the pain beforehand.

It does seem like CD24/5DPO is a odd time to do one though. Were they at all concerned about a potential pregnancy or worried what fluid in your tubes might do to an egg? Or was it one of those ones where you had to schedule way in advance and that's just when it fell in your cycle?

DB234 Warm Welcome to our nest! Your chart looks fantastic! ARE you testing soon or are you waitng for AF?
What test did you get to rule out your polyps and fibroids?

Have the best weekend ever everyone!

I'm going to wait for AF to come. If she's late, then I'll test.

I just had a vaginal ultrasound to rule out the internal polyps and fibroids. There weren't any visible on the u/s and the doc was pretty pleased with that, since I think he assumed that was my problem. The HSG should make that more clear as well, right?

Hi. I'm new to this forum. Just wanted to share my story. I have tried IVF 8 times without success. Before I started IVF, I have been trying for over 2 years to conceive. I found out both my tubes were blocked and I had them cleaned twice but unfortunately they continued to remain blocked. I recently had them removed and in the process had a D&C and biopsy of my uterus. I found I had an infection in my uterus. Started on antibiotics and we (myself, husband and doctors) that it was treated successfully. I just got finished with my 8th cycle of IVF and found out today it was negative. What other options do I have? Surrogacy?! Please!! Someone help! I need advice from someone that can give me other options than the ones I have already tried. So devastated!!


I'm so sorry to hear that your TTC journey has been so tough. But I admire your strength. It must have taken a lot to go through 8 IVFs. :hugs:

Have you considered IVF with Donor eggs? Have you had testing for autoimmune issues or anything else that could effect implantation? Did they change the protocols at all? Do your docs have any suggestions?

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