LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

My name is Joh. I am 20 years old. I fell pregnant at 14 to my then boyfriend and before realising I was prwgnant I was working riding horses and by the time I realised I was pregnant I had a miscarriage a week later at 8weeks. I got engaged at 17 and tried for 2 years with my fiance to fall pregnant and no luck,I could never ccarry full term :(. After I called off my engagement I started dating my current boyfriend and we have been trying now for 1& 1/2 + years and to no luck. My partner is 27 and epileptic, he is on eplim, dilantin and keppra to control hes seizures and im scared they may be a factor in our heart break :( going to talk to my gp about clomid this week and see if there is any chance I could get a little more help :(
So do I. If not we will have to go private but I could have already had an IVF cycle by now if we had gone private from the start :( It was our private consultant who told us to apply for the final tests we needed for funding. I will find the money for a private cycle from somewhere if i need to though. Sadly the getting pregnant part is only the first stage of my problems :(

That is so frustraiting, I hope you get funding soon for this. I know IVF can be so expensive. We are already saving up for the part that is not covered and we aren't even discussing this yet with Drs.
It is crazy that we have been saving for when I go on mat leave for over two years and now and will probably have to use that money just to get pregnant.
Hi ladies I am new to this thread. My story is long but I will make it as short as I can. Without trying I became pregnant in 2005 but miscarriaged before I actually found out how far along I was. Was on and off birth control for a while due to birth control not working to regulate my periods. I had very irregular periods and in 2011 was placed on pills that didn't effect me getting pregnant. I took the pills day 1-10 of every month and would get my period on day 11 or 12. I was also put on metformin which made me sick as a dog. I did lose 15 lbs while taking it. Doc finlally did day 21 test and found I was not ovulating. He put me on 50 mg of Clomid which worked. Stayed on that for 2 months and was taken off it when HSG showed tubes were blocked. Me and doc went back and forth with him saying he would do surgery and then saying he dont do the surgery. 2012 me and hubby separated and divorced. Met current OH September 2012 but didn't start officially dating till February 2013. In November 2012 my period finally got it together and now I have 24-25 day cycle without any pills. I also no longer take metformin. FINALLY my OBGYN made recommendation to fertility specialist. My first appointment was yesterday. I left the office feeling so encouraged and satisfied. The doc was amazing. He explained everything and made sure I understood by making me repeat what he said. He showed the pics from the HSG in which he explained both tubes were blocked but the lady was able to get one tube open by pushing dye through. The other tube did not open. He explained pregnancy can occur with one tube. He drew blood to run some tests and did a vaginal ultrasound. He showed me everything he was looking it. I do have 3 fibroids but since they so small and cause me no pain they are nothing to be concerned about. He made sure I have eggs in both ovaries in which I do. I go back on Friday to take more tests. I start testing on cycle day 9 (found out since cycle is 24-25 days i would ovulate sooner than obgyn stated, which is sad bc obgyn should have known this) until I get a positive ovulation kit. I go back when I get a positive or on the day they have me scheduled to test for ovulation. Surgery would be a last option because doc feels although OBGYN referred me to have the surgery there are so many other steps to be taken before we get to surgery. This journey has been so emotionally filled I am truly happy to finally get to this point where I feel I am getting real answers and I have a doc and his staff that really care.
Welcome joh and jiggy!

My temps going down, no sign of af yet. Should be here any moment though. I don't think I will test lorna, unless temps will go up again or af is not here by the weekend!
Serenix, how about planing vacation to Germany?
It costs 2000 euro stimulated IVF. Discounted meds you can get in France for about 1100 euro.
I hope it helps.
pipi, I am rooting for you! No AF!
Lorna, wash your hands in Chamomile tea before sighning an IVF paperwork. It will sure brings you succcess.
pbl_ge, I'll meet my RE team during my 8CD ultrasound. Probably around 15th-17th of August. I am sure we'll not stimulate my ovaries and they will retrieve only one egg without anesthesia. I am reading a brochure and it states that I'll need to take progesteron to increase chances of implantation. The egg will be retreaved out of follicle and that follicle produces progesteron. Why do I need to take hormones? My hormones are OK. But I beleave if retreaval damages follicle, I'll need to take some progesteron incase....
Hi Girls,

I am 27 and was TTC on and off for 6 years. After all the tests and waiting. I have had my tubes clipped due to hydro.

I need to lose a few pounds, stop smoking and plan to opt for egg sharing.

Big hugs pipi, that sticks.

Dov, I love how you have a natural remedy for everything. Hopefully singing will work!

Still waiting on O ...

Welcome Wonderland, Jiggy and Jon. Sorry to see you here but hope you find comfort in our group.

Feel free to vent or share what you are going through daily.
Stay strong pip, I am thinking about you. Yesterday very early in the morning I saw a silver lining on the black cloud, I hope you'll see too lines soon.:flower:

Jiggy, let us know about O test at your Doc. Castor oil may help with fibroids. It really helped me to have pain free periods.

more info

Joh, I am so sorry for your loss.Please check your partner's SA. Konowledge is power. You'll be at ease, when you know...

myshel, it looks like you'll have a long cycle, be patient, any symptoms?

wonderland,,:thumbup: for changing your lifestyle. It's so worthy for a little miracle. I like your plan. Find a buddy and you can succeed together.

I am 6 days till my AF. I'll test in a week, when my family is here with me.
2 days ago, I had a very bad craving and I went for it. You all know that I am on endo, inti-inflamm diet. I ate a smoked, fat, pork sausage with cucumber and I didn't feel bad about it.
I am very hopeful this month. Maybe hysteroscopy cleared my uterus and tubes. I am sure that saline solution went high up too.
Dovkav, I keep my fingers crossed for your test next week, your temps look great so far.
Myshel, not long and you will have the o date confirmed!

On top of af I had two friends give birth and one pregnancy announcement of a #2. Not feeling too cheered up at the moment.
Pregnancy announcements suck but it is worse that AF came.
Cannot wait to give my own birth announcement just hoping it happens ............ sometime? Right now it feels like it is never going to happen.

Had a huge HUGE fight with DH last night over nothing and everything. I think we are both really stressed at work - busy season with everyon on holidays - and then TTC and waiting for the referral and everything that we both just blew up at eachother. First time we fought so hard that I made him sleep in the couch, his things were thrown down the stairs it was crazy. We did talk it out this morning but now I feel like balls and I just want this to be over with you know. I want the waiting and the living in two week increments to be over.
I want the old Michelle back. The one that can laugh at funny movies, and that will go out on the weekend and hit the patio in the summer and enjoys life instead of postponing everything until we get pregnant.
Anyone else feel like they have put their live on hold?

I hope you don't mind me joining this thread. Until the past couple of months I one of seven girls who I knew to have TTC problems. Most of them knew each other and the support was great - we could bitch and moan together, but also be sympathetic to one another's problems.

So in February 2012 the first of us got pregnant after the removal of a significant cyst and an ovary. Her baby arrived in November. In September 2012 the second was pregnant, as a lean PCOSer and two early miscarriages. In January a friend with unexplained infertility found out she was expecting. In February 2013 my best friend got pregnant on IVF round 2, having had three rounds of clomid, again a PCOSer... and another who did not have problems got pregnant her first month, with TWINS having had sex a total of 3 times.

Then I miraculously found out I was pregnant. My husband and I were excited, terrified, it was completely unexpected, not least because I found out on a 50+ day cycle and I'd never ovulated naturally before. Sadly it was short lived and I lost my little one naturally somewhere between 5 and 6 weeks.

Cue pregnancy number 5 - a friend with a blocked tube had it removed and post surgery insisted that IVF was the only way forward for her. However, she must've known it was possible because she found out just after four weeks. I was the first person she told and we exchanged her good news for my bad. Her baby is due within a week of when mine would have been.

Somewhere between numbers 5 and 6 I found out I was pregnant again, but had refused to pee on a stick until I'd gone past 5-6 weeks. I started bleeding so I peed on a stick and sure enough it was a BFP, but it was gone again in the coming days.

Cue pregnancy number 6 - a really close friend has a series of fertility issues and has had six rounds of IVF and one round of egg donation, which she went overseas for. She had the most turbulent start to her pregnancy that I have ever known, but thankfully had a successful 12 week scan this week.

In addition to all this, one of my friends has just announced she's expecting her second. She had a mc at 12 weeks, so I'm delighted she's not had to struggle again.

Ultimately, I've been aware of problems since early 2011, got diagnosed with PCOS in November 11 (5 wks before my wedding day, what a lovely present!), but started TTC as soon as the GP referred us for tests and scans etc to see if nature was going to be kind to us. Nature is a BITCH.

So two years down the road, everyone is either pregnant or at home with their first or fourth baby. The ones with babies, whether they've had problems themselves or not, have told me it's a good thing I've miscarried because it means I can get pregnant. Oh right - you try waiting this long and miscarrying twice within two months when you thought your ovaries and uterus had packed up and left town.

More's the point, try going through this when all your friends are pregnant, when you feel guilty for talking to them because it's the last thing a pregnant woman wants to hear, but more's the point, the last thing you want is to be saying this stuff to a bump.

Bottom line is I have two friends left - one has just bought a 4 bed house with a view to TTC any time now and the other is single. Neither has a concept of how hard it is to be here.

While all my preggers friends say they're still here for me, they're really not - they're at home eating gingernuts, complaining about the heat, saying their tired, uncomfortable or need to save money for when the baby arrives. If the baby's already here, I'm viewed as free childcare and the pity means I get presented with a child/baby the moment I walk in the door - thanks. They think they've not changed, but each and every one fundamentally has. They've joined a club and I'm not invited.

I've been on and off and on and off the surgery list for ovarian drilling because I didn't respond well to clomid. The metformin cleared my acne, but did little else. Apparently they're not sure if I'm a good candidate for IVF because of the way I responded to clomid. I was supposed to have surgery last week, but it got cancelled because of the miscarriages. I'm now deemed a recurrent miscarriage risk and have had blood taken for genetic and antibody testing.

Bleurgh. Sorry, I feel a bit better for getting all that out.

I'm lonely and hoping to make some friends who can help me to get a grip on all this TTC stuff. PCOS is evil and it's ruled my life too long.

So hello. Thank you for reading. I hope I've not just drained all your energy and I look forward to getting to know you better...

:hugs: I know how you feel myshelsong. I am a teacher and i really want to move schools some of it because im not completely happy where i am and also for career progression. Most jobs are for the start of the school year in september but to get one i have to give a terms notice which means handing it in by April. When your ttc thats just not practical. I feel as if it is all on hold unti i have a baby as i would rather have them than progress my caree but i hate the fact i have to choose. I do feel that everything is on hold until we have a baby. I want to move on with my life and feel more like me!
Pregnancy announcements suck but it is worse that AF came.
Cannot wait to give my own birth announcement just hoping it happens ............ sometime? Right now it feels like it is never going to happen.

Had a huge HUGE fight with DH last night over nothing and everything. I think we are both really stressed at work - busy season with everyon on holidays - and then TTC and waiting for the referral and everything that we both just blew up at eachother. First time we fought so hard that I made him sleep in the couch, his things were thrown down the stairs it was crazy. We did talk it out this morning but now I feel like balls and I just want this to be over with you know. I want the waiting and the living in two week increments to be over.
I want the old Michelle back. The one that can laugh at funny movies, and that will go out on the weekend and hit the patio in the summer and enjoys life instead of postponing everything until we get pregnant.
Anyone else feel like they have put their live on hold?

I know how you feel. It is so stressful when your TTC. My DH and I have gotten in a few those since we've been trying. I feel like everyday I'm putting life on hold. But I think we all need to relax and have a glass of wine once in awhile. Cheer up. :flower:

I'm sending you lots of :dust:
Hi All! Especially a warm welcome to our newbies. My heart goes out to everyone who is LTTTC. :hugs:

I think Mars must be in Saturn or something like that--seems to be a lot of fighting with OHs going on these days. :growlmad: My OH and I rarely fight, but I'm furious with him at present. Long story. :grr: Trouble is he's supposed to start giving me shots tomorrow. Hmmmm....not sure how to handle that one. I know some of it started because hanging out with my niece and nephew is hard. Nephew even asked if we're going to have kids. :cry: Can't get mad at an 8 year old, but sheesh. And I definitely feel like things are on hold. It's so hard to plan! And it's so hard to do my favorite activity, which is backpacking. Can't dotrips during the FP because of cycle monitoring. Can't do long trips during the LP because it might affect chances. So, can't go backpacking. :hissy: :brat: And for how long? :shrug:

I'm sorry you've had so many pregnancy announcements, pip. :hugs: And right after AF came--that's the worst. :cry:

Myshel, hope the O happens soon! :dust: Any signs?

Dovkav, hope you get some good test results soon! :winkwink: Are you doing the progesterone suppositories? Those are no fun!

Oops--ran out of time. Big hugs to everyone. I hope we all get sticky bfps soon.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Tell us your story, sometimes it feel good to get it out and share you deep and darkest.

Thanks ladies it has just been such a long month! No signs really for O but temp did spike but havent had any cramping and I normally get that so not sure what is goign on. I think Soy completely dried me out so cant use CM this month .... Hoping that spike was O and not the anger leaking out of me.
hey ladies :flower: I'm reading along but not posting much - i was having a 'don't give a %&^* about ttc month.... worked well, nearly missed O day i was a little too relaxed :haha:

Just had a phone call from hospital and my lap and dye is on Monday 12th august! I'm scared as hell now! Worrying about what they will or will not find :dohh:

I'm still reading along and wish you all the very best xx
hey ladies :flower: I'm reading along but not posting much - i was having a 'don't give a %&^* about ttc month.... worked well, nearly missed O day i was a little too relaxed :haha:

Just had a phone call from hospital and my lap and dye is on Monday 12th august! I'm scared as hell now! Worrying about what they will or will not find :dohh:

I'm still reading along and wish you all the very best xx

Good luck i hope it goes well for you and if they do find anything it is easily sorted for you.

I can tell my body is gearing up to O. Probably in the next few days. Just hope to catch that egg.

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