Hi, Ladies! I’ve been travelling for the past week with very little internet access. Sorry to miss so much!
Myshel, soy sounds like a good idea! Hope that it is helpful to you. Hope you can catch the egg before OH leaves town!
Dovkav, glad the hysteroscopy went well. So now you have a lap scheduled, too? Sorry, I got a little confused by your post. Good idea to talk about how to deal with stress during TTC! For me, BnB is a big part of it. I haven’t told very many people about it, and there are only a couple who know up-to-date details (like that I had surgery or will do injections—not the symptom spotting stuff that I only share on BnB!), so it really helps me to get support and feel like I’m normal and not a crazy person. Beyond that, I just try to take care of myself: exercise, good eating habits, focusing on work, and trying to have fun. I love cooking, which helps on the healthy and low stress fronts, and I love hiking. My life isn’t very high stress at the moment because of summer break, but I’m worried about how I’ll manage monitored cycles when I’m back in classes this fall. I (stupidly?) agreed to teach part of an extra course, and I’m worried that’s going to make my life much more stressful. I may need to go back to yoga to deal with it all!
And I’m sorry about your cousin being pregnant.

That’s always hard. I hope your turn is coming soon!

And I know nothing of willow’s bark, but I do take baby aspirin. My RE said he thinks everyone over age 35 should be taking it.

Did you know that acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is found naturally in bark?

That’s where people first isolated it. Not sure what tree, though.
Welcome, Steph!

LTTTC isn’t always the happiest of places, but we all understand each other and are here for support! I hope your doc is able to help you get a nice, sticky, bfp.
Flou, glad the spa went well! Sorry about your bad day more recently. I definitely have those hopeless days, and they’re usually right before AF! For me, once she finally comes I start to feel more hopeful again and think about the next cycle.
DBZ, I’ve never heard of needing to wait after an HSG either. I might ignore your doc.

Did it go okay? All tubes clear?
Pippi, how are you?

How’s that TWW going?
Ella, I haven’t made it to your journal yet.

Looks like you’re still in limbo hell.
AFM, scan to check on cyst is Thursday. I generally feel hopeful at this point, although anxious to get things started. Unfortunately I might have to extend the BC pills because of complications from our travel dates. I was impressed at the wedding over the weekend: only ONE person asked if we were planning on having kids any time soon!

I still had to choke back tears in the loo after, though. OH tried to make me feel better by telling me that she didn’t think she could have kids before she got pregnant, so they weren’t even trying.

I had to explain to him that “we weren’t even trying!” is about THE most obnoxious thing to a LTTTCer!
Big hugs to all the ladies here.

And don't turn on the news. You'd think Kate was giving birth to the second coming or something.