LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

I love moms cooking. I live very far away from my folks so only get to see them once a year and parents are coming in a few weeks! So excited going to hang out and spend time with the folks.

Had a great movie night. Ended up seeing Red 2. Loved it, and was totally relaxed.

Last day of taking soy tonight. So far no side effects although did have weird tummy one day, but that could have been diner coming back. Going to feel positive this month!
CD 6 & sex week is coming up fast. Hope out didn't delay ovulation. Hubby is going away for a week after day 21.
I had my HSG on Thursday and the doctor advised me not to TTC until I've had a period to reduce the chances of a ectopic (the dye makes it stickier in there and if all of the dye doesn't come out of the tubes, then you could have an ectopic).

Did any of you ladies take a month off after you HSG or did you keep TTC? I'm trying to decide what to do this month.... I don't want to pass up a chance to TTC, especially when I hear about women falling pregnant afterwards because the dye makes it stickier in there, but I also don't want to chance an ectopic or losing a tube and delaying TTC even more because of it. My desire to have a baby may trump the doctor's orders...but I just don't know.
That is so crazy, I was not told to give it a break. I was told that the next three months would be your most fertile. I wonder if they are just being over cautious ...
I was told to keep trying as well because the HSG makes you potentially more fertile. Thats really odd I even did a little reading on it and never heard that anywhere. My af came late last night, Ive noticed its been really dark in color the last period as well is that normal?

As far as emotions go, good lord I went through hell with mine! I was on depo for quite a few years and when I went off over two years ago it took a very long time to get out of my system. My doctor said that being I've been on birth control steady since I was 14 so nine years, I was going to have a lot of issues with hormones. And I cant lie, I went through hell having them balance out. I swear it was probably 20 months before anything calmed down really. I would cry alot be angry alot periods all over the place. I hated it!! I am crossing my fingers its all over now! Any one else have similar issues?
I was told to keep trying as well because the HSG makes you potentially more fertile. Thats really odd I even did a little reading on it and never heard that anywhere. My af came late last night, Ive noticed its been really dark in color the last period as well is that normal?

As far as emotions go, good lord I went through hell with mine! I was on depo for quite a few years and when I went off over two years ago it took a very long time to get out of my system. My doctor said that being I've been on birth control steady since I was 14 so nine years, I was going to have a lot of issues with hormones. And I cant lie, I went through hell having them balance out. I swear it was probably 20 months before anything calmed down really. I would cry alot be angry alot periods all over the place. I hated it!! I am crossing my fingers its all over now! Any one else have similar issues?

We are all very emotional in the past few days. The full moon will be gone and we'll be fine again.

I can relate to you steph.
I got of my BC (progesterone) in 2008, (I was for 2 years on it). I complained to my dr. about spotting in the middle of my cycle and he gave me different pills, but they cost double. I decided to quit BC because I had strong PmS anyway. After quitting them I started experiencing very long 7-8 days lasting periods, horrible cramping, migraines, O pains. All this lasted for 5 years. I blame BC for all my mysery.
Only This year I am feeling very good emotionally. My periods last only 6 days and the flow is light and I have minimum cramping.
I made a good decision to quit them, and we used a pull out method instead. My physician told me this is a pull and pray method! :haha: LOl
Never got preggo.
But now we are praying for a baby.
Other couples are on BC for 10 years and then they find out that they have firtility issues. That is not fair!
Baby dust to all! It is a berry season! Vitamins will make us super firtile!
I was just looking at some charts and my periods last year were crazy! In november my period lasted 15 days! Lots of cramping and clots, then Jan rolled around and ive been on a set 28 day cycle until this month I was five days late, started my period yesterday morning. Who knows maybe my obgyn will shed some light for me tomorrow :)
I was just looking at some charts and my periods last year were crazy! In november my period lasted 15 days! Lots of cramping and clots, then Jan rolled around and ive been on a set 28 day cycle until this month I was five days late, started my period yesterday morning. Who knows maybe my obgyn will shed some light for me tomorrow :)

It is a very good progress. WE both are healing. I used to have long lasting 37 day periods fewtime a year. Now I am having regular cycles too. My O is on day 12 for the last few months.
Anit-inflammatory diet helped me super! The blood during period is not black dark anymore, not stinky anymore. Clotting is minimum and painless. Please watch my video.
It is your time steph. I am sure you'll get you BFP soon. Your hormones balanced out. Your body is healed and ready to accept your sticky bean.:dust:

Good luck to you tomorrow!
Hi ladies,
Did anyone think of taking willow bark? It can help with firtility. It can help to prevent spontenous miscarriages. It is a blood thinner, helps circulation, more blood will flow to uterus and ovaries. It make sense. Some women take aspirin, it is processed from willow bark. Aspirin can ruin your stomach lining. I urge you not to touch it.
I take other natural blood thinners like: ginger, garlic, fish oil, red clover, oregano, chammomile, cayene pepper during my period.
Hi, Ladies! I’ve been travelling for the past week with very little internet access. Sorry to miss so much!

Myshel, soy sounds like a good idea! Hope that it is helpful to you. Hope you can catch the egg before OH leaves town! :dust:

Dovkav, glad the hysteroscopy went well. So now you have a lap scheduled, too? Sorry, I got a little confused by your post. Good idea to talk about how to deal with stress during TTC! For me, BnB is a big part of it. I haven’t told very many people about it, and there are only a couple who know up-to-date details (like that I had surgery or will do injections—not the symptom spotting stuff that I only share on BnB!), so it really helps me to get support and feel like I’m normal and not a crazy person. Beyond that, I just try to take care of myself: exercise, good eating habits, focusing on work, and trying to have fun. I love cooking, which helps on the healthy and low stress fronts, and I love hiking. My life isn’t very high stress at the moment because of summer break, but I’m worried about how I’ll manage monitored cycles when I’m back in classes this fall. I (stupidly?) agreed to teach part of an extra course, and I’m worried that’s going to make my life much more stressful. I may need to go back to yoga to deal with it all!

And I’m sorry about your cousin being pregnant. :cry: That’s always hard. I hope your turn is coming soon! :hugs: And I know nothing of willow’s bark, but I do take baby aspirin. My RE said he thinks everyone over age 35 should be taking it. :shrug: Did you know that acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is found naturally in bark? :shrug: That’s where people first isolated it. Not sure what tree, though.

Welcome, Steph! :hi: LTTTC isn’t always the happiest of places, but we all understand each other and are here for support! I hope your doc is able to help you get a nice, sticky, bfp.

Flou, glad the spa went well! Sorry about your bad day more recently. I definitely have those hopeless days, and they’re usually right before AF! For me, once she finally comes I start to feel more hopeful again and think about the next cycle.

DBZ, I’ve never heard of needing to wait after an HSG either. I might ignore your doc. :haha: Did it go okay? All tubes clear?

Pippi, how are you? :flower: How’s that TWW going?

Ella, I haven’t made it to your journal yet. :hugs: Looks like you’re still in limbo hell. :hugs: :nope:

AFM, scan to check on cyst is Thursday. I generally feel hopeful at this point, although anxious to get things started. Unfortunately I might have to extend the BC pills because of complications from our travel dates. I was impressed at the wedding over the weekend: only ONE person asked if we were planning on having kids any time soon! :thumbup: I still had to choke back tears in the loo after, though. OH tried to make me feel better by telling me that she didn’t think she could have kids before she got pregnant, so they weren’t even trying. :dohh: I had to explain to him that “we weren’t even trying!” is about THE most obnoxious thing to a LTTTCer! :grr: :grr: :grr:

Big hugs to all the ladies here. :hugs: And don't turn on the news. You'd think Kate was giving birth to the second coming or something. :rofl:
Pbl - Glad the wedding was nice, and just one person is impressive!
I am pretty sure it was Birch bark .... about the headache/blood thinners ... I am sure I could google it but that is what i remember from history class anyways. We had birchs in my back yard and I use to want to boil the bark to see if it would cure my headaches lol.

Steph - Hopefully your obgyn will be able to figure out why you are all over the place.

Last night was my last night of soy! Feeling really good no side affects that I can think of so hping it does something! my FX
Thanks for asking pbl_ge, we had some earthquakes, minor damage in town, but very frightening. I didn't get much sleep, so I didn't really pay attention to my 2ww. Thankfully no one got hurt badly.
My temps look good, but they always do in the beginning, I cross my fingers that they stay up.
How much longer do you have to be on bc?

I'm glad I was never on bc, so my cycles were always regular, and apart from more cramping which runs in my family everything is ok with me. Reading the stories here about depo and the pill and ttc and cycle problems are scary sometimes, and i'm glad I never had to experience that.

Maybe this is the reason I'm a bit afraid of ivf, it looks like you have to take heaps of meds before egg collection.
Hi, Ladies! I’ve been travelling for the past week with very little internet access. Sorry to miss so much!

Myshel, soy sounds like a good idea! Hope that it is helpful to you. Hope you can catch the egg before OH leaves town! :dust:

Dovkav, glad the hysteroscopy went well. So now you have a lap scheduled, too? Sorry, I got a little confused by your post. Good idea to talk about how to deal with stress during TTC! For me, BnB is a big part of it. I haven’t told very many people about it, and there are only a couple who know up-to-date details (like that I had surgery or will do injections—not the symptom spotting stuff that I only share on BnB!), so it really helps me to get support and feel like I’m normal and not a crazy person. Beyond that, I just try to take care of myself: exercise, good eating habits, focusing on work, and trying to have fun. I love cooking, which helps on the healthy and low stress fronts, and I love hiking. My life isn’t very high stress at the moment because of summer break, but I’m worried about how I’ll manage monitored cycles when I’m back in classes this fall. I (stupidly?) agreed to teach part of an extra course, and I’m worried that’s going to make my life much more stressful. I may need to go back to yoga to deal with it all!

And I’m sorry about your cousin being pregnant. :cry: That’s always hard. I hope your turn is coming soon! :hugs: And I know nothing of willow’s bark, but I do take baby aspirin. My RE said he thinks everyone over age 35 should be taking it. :shrug: Did you know that acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is found naturally in bark? :shrug: That’s where people first isolated it. Not sure what tree, though.

Welcome, Steph! :hi: LTTTC isn’t always the happiest of places, but we all understand each other and are here for support! I hope your doc is able to help you get a nice, sticky, bfp.

Flou, glad the spa went well! Sorry about your bad day more recently. I definitely have those hopeless days, and they’re usually right before AF! For me, once she finally comes I start to feel more hopeful again and think about the next cycle.

DBZ, I’ve never heard of needing to wait after an HSG either. I might ignore your doc. :haha: Did it go okay? All tubes clear?

Pippi, how are you? :flower: How’s that TWW going?

Ella, I haven’t made it to your journal yet. :hugs: Looks like you’re still in limbo hell. :hugs: :nope:

AFM, scan to check on cyst is Thursday. I generally feel hopeful at this point, although anxious to get things started. Unfortunately I might have to extend the BC pills because of complications from our travel dates. I was impressed at the wedding over the weekend: only ONE person asked if we were planning on having kids any time soon! :thumbup: I still had to choke back tears in the loo after, though. OH tried to make me feel better by telling me that she didn’t think she could have kids before she got pregnant, so they weren’t even trying. :dohh: I had to explain to him that “we weren’t even trying!” is about THE most obnoxious thing to a LTTTCer! :grr: :grr: :grr:

Big hugs to all the ladies here. :hugs: And don't turn on the news. You'd think Kate was giving birth to the second coming or something. :rofl:

LOL! It's true, Kate watch was everywhere...especially here in the UK. Now its name watch. Some woman had been camped out in front of the hospital since Saturday over this baby....someone obviously has no life.

Anyway, my HSG actually went really well. I was a little freaked at first because I forgot to take pain killers, but it was actually fairly painless. I made myself relax (closed eyes and deep breaths at the start) and I think that was the key. But I also have a highish pain tolerance. The doctor kept telling me what she was going to do and I kept waiting on her to do it...and then I would realize she was done and had moved on to the next step.

I kept waiting to feel the dye but didn't until it was really in my tubes and judging from what I felt, Lefty is definitely open, I'm not so sure about Righty. The dye wasn't as noticeable on that side. I have to call back later this week for the results. So I guess we'll see.

It's good to hear that you ladies kept BDing/TTC after the HSG. I kept saying that I hoped that we could take advantage of the stickiness in there after the dye this month...and then I got there and she said no TTC. I was disappointed, but then I was pretty sure that I would probably go ahead and do it anyway. I'm just glad other women weren't told the same thing. I wonder why it's different...Oh well, I think I'll follow steph and Myshel's doctors orders instead of mine. lol. ;)
Im glad your hsg went dbz. I think i would opt to ttc if i were you.

Been doing some research on the internet this week. I have a retroverted uterus and because of it i have painful periods especially in my back. And i am prone to constipation in the week leading up to AF. Anyway i was trying to find ways that may be i didn't know to help with the pain this month when i also read that women who have a tilted uterus can take longer to conceive. I am wondering if this could be the reason why it took us 19 months to conceive. I also found out that bding doggie style is supposed to be a better position to conceive if you have this and that you should lie on your stomach after rather than your back. Going to give it a try and see. If it works and i manage to get pg quicker than 19 months why could i have not found this out over 2 years ago when we started ttc!

Im also in the UK and its royal baby crazy in the media at the mo. When we all finally get our much longed for little ones do you think so much fuss will be made of us?
No harm in giving doggy style a try! Always nice to switch things up anyways while TTC that is for sure.

OMG Pipi earthquakes sound terrifying. Thankfully you are fine but how scary is that.
I have never been in an earthquake and the idea of them scare the Be-Jeez out of me!
We are the troopers! We are so brave! We deserve a monument built for us!WE are going through all those medical tests, procedures and our Honeys provide only sperm.

DBZ, I am so glad that your HSG went smoothly. I hope yur righty is ok. You have hope and you should be very excited about this cycle.

Myshel, I am happy that soy didn't give you any side effects, we'll see if your body responed to it. I hope you'll get Bfp before that. But Please take a willow bark extract next month (salycilic acid is extracted from it and made to aspirin). There is a hope, every little thing you do, will make a difference.

pipilota, I am glad that everybody are OK after the earthqauke. I felt it only once 5 am in the morning in California, the windows shaked and I jumped out of bed. I put TV on and it was a 5 point earthquake. The other one I didn't feel, but during microbiology lab we had to shut the gass and run out of the building. Funny, some students felt it some didn't, even we were in the same room.

About me,
I am calling my RE office tomorrow to set an appointment with a green firtility IVF Dr. I'll make it around August 9, by that time my period should show up. My mom asked me: "when are you doing your IVF?", I told her "July we'll do naturally.....and ..." she interupted me "July doesn't count!":dohh:
My hubby is the only one optimistic this month. He wants to do it naturally so baaaad! He feels the deadline is here. He wanted to BD every day. He even didn't drink alcohol before BD, first time I didn't need to remind him. WE played doctors. He checked my blood pressure, blood oxygen, temperature. He examined my pelvis. He masssaged all my body in and out:haha: WE orgasmed at the same time.
We used preseed for the first time.
In all 19 months he was so passive in baby making, "we'll get preggo don't worry,"but this month he "gave his life" for this little one. Finally he wants him. I told him many times you need to want it too really bad and we'll have it.

Funny, but yesterday during BD, 2 girl names came up to my head: Aurelija and Emilija. I told him and he loved them!

I beleave that baby making should be not a job, but fun too!

Congrats Kate and Will!
DBZ- I was not to told to wait either. Maybe she just had experience with an ectopic and related it to the HSG. Hope you hear your results soon, and hope both tubes look good.

PBL- Fingers crossed that you are cyst free on thursday!

Dov- Sounds like you guys are giving it all you got...and that is awesome! You will know whatever happens next... that you guys tried with everything!

Had my WTF appt w.RE regarding failed FET. Went in to talk about existing embie quality, husband's SA and if it is really bad and if he can assure me that my fibroids aren't impeding with pregnancy. He said that the problem fibroid doesn't seem to be impeding on my uterus but since they are causing me a lot of pain, pretty much all the time, that not only medically, but also for fertility purposes, that he would take them out. 3 months after myomectomy, we could do the FET. He did mention that due to embryo quality, and my issues and age, that he would transfer all 3. Due to financial issues, we can not afford another round of IVF. We talked about going donor embryo route. My egg quality is poor with DOR and 1 fallopian tube patent. And DH's SA isn't excellent. He said he thinks another round of IVF w ICSI would be great, but he understands that a donor embryo is at greater odds for us. 3 round package with a refund option. Lots to think about, but I feel good because I feel like we have a plan. Just wanted to update you all and see if any of you have had a myomectomy and what were your recoveries like. I had a laparoscopy last year.
Wow this forum is great! Im really glad I started talking here, Im reading all your stories and emotions and finally feel like I can talk and click with people. It feels so weird talking to friends and family that just feel sorry for you all the time. Sometime we just wanna talk and not want sympathy!

Anyways, im on day 1 of the clomid so im crossing my fingers for the new drug, DH seems really positive and excited as well and that really helps keep my moods up!

Dovkav those names are really cute! How weird is it you think of these things just out of blue, way cool! :) My dh is was also big on the doing it naturally the last few months, I really hope it works for you! :)
Hi all just an update. Have been a bit awol and just trying to catch up where everyone is at. We have a date for consent signing etc and picking up drugs so our wait is almost over. Cannot believe we will be starting IVF so very soon. As pipi said been a bit hairy in NZ last few days especially in teh areas where we both are with all the uqakes but all good so far :wacko:.

Hope everyone is good and hope to see more BFP's soon :hugs:
Glad to hear you are ok lorna and good luck with IVF. Exciting times ahead!

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