Im glad your hsg went dbz. I think i would opt to ttc if i were you.
Been doing some research on the internet this week. I have a retroverted uterus and because of it i have painful periods especially in my back. And i am prone to constipation in the week leading up to AF. Anyway i was trying to find ways that may be i didn't know to help with the pain this month when i also read that women who have a tilted uterus can take longer to conceive. I am wondering if this could be the reason why it took us 19 months to conceive. I also found out that bding doggie style is supposed to be a better position to conceive if you have this and that you should lie on your stomach after rather than your back. Going to give it a try and see. If it works and i manage to get pg quicker than 19 months why could i have not found this out over 2 years ago when we started ttc!
Im also in the UK and its royal baby crazy in the media at the mo. When we all finally get our much longed for little ones do you think so much fuss will be made of us?
We are the troopers! We are so brave! We deserve a monument built for us!WE are going through all those medical tests, procedures and our Honeys provide only sperm.
DBZ, I am so glad that your HSG went smoothly. I hope yur righty is ok. You have hope and you should be very excited about this cycle.
About me,
I am calling my RE office tomorrow to set an appointment with a green firtility IVF Dr. I'll make it around August 9, by that time my period should show up. My mom asked me: "when are you doing your IVF?", I told her "July we'll do naturally.....and ..." she interupted me "July doesn't count!"
My hubby is the only one optimistic this month. He wants to do it naturally so baaaad! He feels the deadline is here. He wanted to BD every day. He even didn't drink alcohol before BD, first time I didn't need to remind him. WE played doctors. He checked my blood pressure, blood oxygen, temperature. He examined my pelvis. He masssaged all my body in and outWE orgasmed at the same time.
We used preseed for the first time.
In all 19 months he was so passive in baby making, "we'll get preggo don't worry,"but this month he "gave his life" for this little one. Finally he wants him. I told him many times you need to want it too really bad and we'll have it.
Funny, but yesterday during BD, 2 girl names came up to my head: Aurelija and Emilija. I told him and he loved them!
I beleave that baby making should be not a job, but fun too!
Congrats Kate and Will!
DBZ- I was not to told to wait either. Maybe she just had experience with an ectopic and related it to the HSG. Hope you hear your results soon, and hope both tubes look good.
PBL- Fingers crossed that you are cyst free on thursday!
Dov- Sounds like you guys are giving it all you got...and that is awesome! You will know whatever happens next... that you guys tried with everything!
Had my WTF appt w.RE regarding failed FET. Went in to talk about existing embie quality, husband's SA and if it is really bad and if he can assure me that my fibroids aren't impeding with pregnancy. He said that the problem fibroid doesn't seem to be impeding on my uterus but since they are causing me a lot of pain, pretty much all the time, that not only medically, but also for fertility purposes, that he would take them out. 3 months after myomectomy, we could do the FET. He did mention that due to embryo quality, and my issues and age, that he would transfer all 3. Due to financial issues, we can not afford another round of IVF. We talked about going donor embryo route. My egg quality is poor with DOR and 1 fallopian tube patent. And DH's SA isn't excellent. He said he thinks another round of IVF w ICSI would be great, but he understands that a donor embryo is at greater odds for us. 3 round package with a refund option. Lots to think about, but I feel good because I feel like we have a plan. Just wanted to update you all and see if any of you have had a myomectomy and what were your recoveries like. I had a laparoscopy last year.
Hi all just an update. Have been a bit awol and just trying to catch up where everyone is at. We have a date for consent signing etc and picking up drugs so our wait is almost over. Cannot believe we will be starting IVF so very soon. As pipi said been a bit hairy in NZ last few days especially in teh areas where we both are with all the uqakes but all good so far.
Hope everyone is good and hope to see more BFP's soon![]()
Hey Ladies how was everyones week?
So along with the soy I decided to try to improve CM and have been taking Guaifenesin (active ingredient in Musinex i bought the brand name of this ingredient only) and a little bit of Evening prim rose and HOLY COW DO I HAVE EWCM!
Not sure if this is the soy or everything together but honestly haven't seen this much in YEARS. Hubby even commented on it. Going to be a fun Sex Weekend!!!
Pebble: So excited your cyst is gone! I hate having a cyst it feels like everything is just on hold when that happens. Not fair or fun. Good luck on Injections, hopefully this will be the one!
Pipi - do you have an appointment for the SA yet?
like most of us without children me and my husband have a few animals we have a dog we got this year and we love she is a big mutt we wouldn't change a thing about her and we got to hilarious cat. So the other day we decided to buy a mixed breed dog DNA kit just because she's our baby we want to know a little bit about her.
so I told my boss at work when we got it because I thought it was kind of funny and I know that she has a dog so I thought she would be interested in it. What I was not expecting was her reaction. She ended up laughing at me and then told me "you really need to have children" and then that she said "When maybe the last time you went shopping and bought yourself some new clothes"
I just have no idea why she would say something like that when she knows that we're having fertility issues because we had to take some time off work to get lots done and things like that and she still that something so hurtful to me for no reason. I'm so annoyed so mad I just want to punch her in the face for being as insensitive and cruel I she's been. Who is she to tell me what I should and should not spend my money on and how dare she tell me that I need to have children because I am obviously bored and spending too much money on my animals.
Anyway I am still so upset about it I don't know what I should do. There is a part of me that just wants to quit because it would seriously f up her summer. anyways thank you for the rant hope everyone else's weekend is it doing a little bit better
You are in the same situation I am in. I have polycystic ovaries but not PCOS as I do not have the other symptoms (hormone levels are within normal range, not overweight, no excess hair or acne, regularish menses etc). If you come to do IVF then it will mean you are more at risk of developing OHSS though.I had an internal a few months back and was advised I had PCO, the counted 20 on one and 25 on the other ovary. Well was told today because my periods are regular I can't have PCO...which was a bit of a shock...
So do I. If not we will have to go private but I could have already had an IVF cycle by now if we had gone private from the startSeren hope you get the funding. Be great to have an IVF buddy![]()