Hi Ladies!

Seems like we're mostly in a rough space these days.
Serenyx, I don't think they even let women go straight into a FET, right? Even if there hasn't been OHSS, I think they want your body to rest for a few weeks. It probably seems like forever, but I bet it will pass quickly. Time for a new project? Hope you get to transfer soon.
But I know what you mean about never seeing the same nurses twice. I just found out that I probably won't see my doctor at all during my IVF, as they rotate the IVF cases by month. I'm not really crazy about the other docs on the team, so this is disappointing. It does, however, seem to be the norm.
Ella, I'm so sorry you're struggling so much, but I honestly think it's completely normal and to be expected.

Do as much or as little as you can for your SIL with grace, but don't feel guilty or as though you need to hide yourself from BnB. I think we've all felt something like what you're feeling. You're not even a little bit selfish! Women who get pregnant easily fill me with urges towards violence these days.

It's only momentary, but I mean, really--I would have thought there was something wrong with anyone who wanted to punch pregnant women before I was in this LTTTC boat, but now I think it only makes sense.

None of this is flipping fair, and we have to accept the awful emotions (*of course* without acting on them

), and just try to take care of ourselves. I'm sorry your OH was put in that position, too.

It's just crappy, and there's no way around it. See if you can find a way to be supportive that isn't too painful, but don't blame yourself for how you feel.
Stork, I'm so sorry you find yourself here, and that your TTC journey has been so long and difficult. I hope your IVF isn't cancelled, and that it brings you a nice sticky bfp. Do you know if they'd cancel before or after ER? Anyway, welcome to the thread.
Senny, I'm sorry you have to be here, too.

I think we all know something about how you feel. It's hard to respond to the ignorant people, isn't it?
Pipi, did you perhaps just O?

Did business get taken care of? Hope OH ended up being in town!
Dovkav, I think you have ER again tomorrow, yes? Good luck!
How's everyone else?
AFM, day 2 out of 27 for the birth control pills. Time is going to draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.