My BIL and SIL just had a baby boy. I feel like such a jealous cow... I'm not even a drop happy for them, just crying my eyes out here... it's my DH's identical twin brother... and the baby is a boy... so it might look exactly like my DH... I'm scared to see pictures, it's just reminding me of what I haven't got...
I feel so bad for not being happy for them... I mean, I feel jealous that everything went so smoothly. She got preg. after only a few months TTC, no morning sickness, tiny neat baby bump, was totally happy and had an uneventful pregnancy, she even managed to keep going to fitness classes when she was in her 9th month! Then she gives birth on her due date, in a record breaking only a few hours of labor, even though it's her first, and the baby is perfect, dainty and small... to top it my BIL called my DH to say he was so worried about his wife being in labor and my DH had to give him support... really rubbed it in

- to think about what we have to worry about.
And here I am after 2 m/cs in 2 yrs TTC and a bunch of clomid, and who knows what's to come?!
Sorry for rambling, being selfish and negative. I think I'll stay away from bnb until I feel better, you don't want my crazy lady rambling lol