Good morning, all! Were waiting on my FIL, so Im taking the opportunity for a little BnB catch up.
Sam, congrats on quitting smoking! I smoked from age 15-30, and it seems very weird now. Once youve been quit for a while smoking will seem soooooooooooooooooooo gross! I never think about it anymore, unless Im *really* stressed or something. But I havent really been tempted to pick up a cig in years. You wont regret quitting, but you gotta stick to it! It does take a while for the effects to reverse, so be patient with yourself. So sorry youve been waiting so long. I hope you get a bfp soon! Perhaps looking into cleanses and such would be helpful?

I sometimes wonder if my smoking is the problem with TTC
For the IVF waiting list ladiesthere are a couple of LTTTC ladies who got sticky bfps while waiting on IVF, so heres hoping!
Myshel, hope AF stays away! Will the docs move your lap based on your cycle? Since Im doing the hysteroscopy at the same time, they want me between CD6 and 12. But I think you're just doing the lap?

Good luck to you!
Ella, looks like you have lots of juicy follies! Are you going to trigger or just go on your own? Good luck!

Is your lap scheduled yet, or will you do that after AF arrives?
Pipi, way to go for the BD marathon! OH and I used to try to BD every day during the fertile window, but we just got too tired

They say every other day is just as good, but it hasnt worked for us.

Hope you caught that eggy!
Hi, Bluebell! So sorry youre in this situation. Ive never even heard of an AMh of 42!

Does that mean you have gazillions of eggs left? Do you have PCOS? When my AMH came back at 6 they suspected PCOS, but follow-up tests ruled it out. So are you a super-responder to stimms? Good luck to you!
Serenyx, I take baby aspirin in the AM with all my other vitamins and supps.
AFM, were hanging out with the family (my in-laws) and Im trying to keep my sh!t together. Theres an adorable small child staying here, which is breaking my heart. We also told FIL & MIL the whole FS story yesterday, including upcoming surgery, and I was really fighting tears the whole time. Im currently holed up in our room because I burst into tears after seeing ANOTHER pregnancy announcement this AM on FB.

I know I havent been trying as long as most of you, so I hope youll forgive me for saying how tired I am of all this. I hate that other peoples good news makes me cry, but I cant seem to stop it.

At this point Im really anxious for the lapI hope they find something easily fixable that wont affect future chances!

Most of all I just hope they can fix this d*** pain I've been having!
Best of wishes to all of you!