LTTTC #1 w/pcos - Buddies?

Mandac - let me know how you find the acupunture I really enjoy it and think it defo helps with the stress.

Hope everyone has a good weekend

Hey. I went Saturday for my first acupuncture and really enjoyed it. She has a good reputation for getting ppl prego to I am crossing my fingers:) I go back on Tuesday.

Glad you enjoyed it and fingers crossed it does the job and you get your BFP soon. I'm waiting for my phone call to see what time out iui will be!
Pink: That sounds so crazy to me that you have no monitoring until June and IVF. I know a others that so that too though. Good luck! What dosage do they have you on?

Natashaa1: Yikes! Sorry they were closed, did you BD just in case? I hope you catch that egg.

MandaC: I am glad you enjoyed your acupuncture! I may just have to look into it.

AFM: AF came Friday night/ Saturday morning. I called yesterday to get my appointment set up and see if I will get to be back on Femara this month. The stupid nurse couldn’t find my file so she said to call back today. Ugh! If I am taking the Femara I have to start it today. Good thing I don’t take it until bed time.

Getting AF was harder than I thought it would be. I knew there was no way I was pregnant, that was the whole point, but I think just the finality of it all set in and I have a rough weekend. I am really ready to move on and get my BFP that will result in my little one. We will see what the doc/nurse says today. They don’t open for two more hours.
Iui's all done, the clinics always closed on a Sunday so I knew if I surged on Sunday id have to wait till today. Was still having o pains so I think timing was ok and yes we bd just incase anyway :-) please work!!
Good, I am glad it went well. I hope this is it for you.

My SIS is scheduled for Monday at 3:15. The nurse said I can't start Femara this cycle, I have to wait until me next one. Bummed about that, but oh well. No pressure on our cruise I guess.
karenh- Do you O without meds at all? Or are they just going to give you some progesterone/provera in a few weeks? Did they say anything about the HSG results? My doctor said to just star with 7.5mg/day since that is what I took mid-cycle last cycle and that I can take a booster dose at CD12 since that has been necessary in the past. If I haven't O'd by ten days after the booster, I call in for provera and try again next cycle.

Natashaa1- Glad you got your IUI done. I'm keeping my FX'd for you. <3 The average time for a woman to O after her first +OPK is 36 hours, so it sounds like you timed things perfectly!

AFM- I'm awful sick again from the meds. Oh well. What can you do. I don't get why I have such terrible symptoms compared to other folks, but it is what it is. Been pretty much just laying in bed and trying to sleep through as much of this as I can. Today is CD10, so I'll be doing my booster Femara dose on Thursday. For the booster, I take a few days worth at once. Apparently research has shown that taking it all in one day does the exact same thing as taking it over several days, but it also makes sure the meds will be out of my system by the time I ovulate so that it doesn't affect a possible pregnancy.

I really want this to work, but I know the odds are stacked against us. I'm just glad to be doing something and it's reassuring to know that we'll be doing IVF soon. I'm going to try not to POAS this TWW, though I doubt I can stop myself, but I'd really like to be able to hold off on it. It's just upsetting getting tons of BFN's over and over.
I don't O without meds so I don't know what they are going to have me do. They haven't said. I will try and remember to ask my DR on Monday at me SIS.

That seems like a lot of Femara, I have never heard of a booster. Hopefully that will be just what you need!
Yeah, it definitely is more than most people have to take, hence why we're moving onto IVF sooner rather than later. It takes a LOT to make me O, and every month it takes more, so I'm spending more and more time really sick. I did two rounds of Femara last cycle and finally got one okay follicle, but even hCG wasn't enough to make me O. Finally did O naturally 80+ hours after trigger. Insurance refused to cover Follistim, and if we're going to be paying out of pocket for fertility meds, we may as well do IVF instead of IUI. A 10% chance each month isn't worth how crappy this is. 35-40% chance is. Not sure if I'm going to even do another medicated cycle before IVF if this one doesn't work, the last couple days have been absolutely awful. Just thankful that IVF is so much cheaper overseas.
Gosh, I am so sorry you have having such a rought time with it. Good luck this cycle, if it doesn't work I really hope you only have to do one round of IVF.
Hey ladies just thought I'd check in, how's everyone doing? TWW for me and we've have really deep snow this weekend!! It's meant to be spring, the weather is crazy! Blood test to check for o tomorrow. Hope everyone's having a nice weekend :-)
Hey hun. Good luck w/tomorrow's progesterone test. :) When do you start POAS? Or are you going to wait until AF is due?

AFM- Not much new. We got a bunch of snow here, too. Thought we were done with it, but nope. 4 inches today, more last night, and more due Monday. Wish I could go out and play in it, but I'm still really, really sick. I know, I know, I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but that really is about it. I'm pretty sure this will be our last try before IVF. DH and I have been talking about it, and I've been talking to my mom a lot, and everyone is urging me to stop the meds for now- my mom because I'm so sick and DH because I'm so bitchy (and sick, but mainly because I can't seem to stop being a real jerk). At least if we don't get PG this cycle, I'll have IVF to look forward to. I've heard that the meds for it aren't as bad (well, except for the needles) so I'm hoping that goes better.

Oh! But I did manage to get out of the house today and run some errands. Got a bunch f stuff we needed for getting the house ready to sell. Things are really starting to come together. We're not going to make our April 1 deadline, but I think mid-April is looking really good. That's fine because the trees won't start getting leaves until at least then and the yard looks crappy until the leaves open up.
Natashaa1: Good luck with your blood test! Let us all know how it goes!

Pink: Good for you for being able to get out a little bit. I bet that was hard. I really hope the IVF meds are easier on you. You deserve a break from all this. Good luck!

AFM: I have my SIS today. I am a little nervous but not too bad. I hope everyone has a great day!
My SIS went well. It was a little painful, but I am really sensitive in my reproductive organs so that was to be expected. RE said everything looks normal. He put me on BCP starting last night even though it was CD10. He said my lining was still small so it should be ok. I will start my Femara April 19th, and I have my mid cycle U/S May 2nd. This means I will get my results 2-3 days after my birthday. It is so funny. It will be the same timing after my birthday as it was with DH and his birthday when we got our BFP. I hope that is a good sign. It is going to be a long two months though.
Hey everyone, bloods came back and confirmed ovulation I'm 11dpiui today and my LP is 15 days I don't like to test early so I'll just wait and see if AF turns up. Broken up from work for the long Easter weekend and I'm feeling rubbish sore throat, cold and blocked ears bloody typical!!

Pink- how you doing? So sorry the meds don't agree with you. We will be moving to ivf too next cycle if no BFP.

Karen- fingers crossed the timing is a good sign :-)
Hey ladies. :flow:

Natashaa1- Sorry you're feeling crappy, but glad you are a good chunk of the way through the TWW. How you feeling?

karenh- I'm happy to hear that the SIS wasn't too bad, even if a bit painful. And wonderful news about the BC and starting Femara. It sounds like you are getting right back on track and that is awesome! I bet you are feeling so relieved at this point.

AFM- I'm just sitting around hoping to O. Did my trigger yesterday, but turns out the hCG was total crap. It was hCG, I know that beccause I tested it before injecting it, but found out today the concentration was super weak. Nowhere near what I needed. It was supposed to be 10,000iu, but now way it was. I POAS this AM to test it as I always do after trigger, and normally get a DARK second line, but today I got a barely there line instead. So yep. No trigger for me. I just hope that the super weak trigger doesn't mess anything up. +OPK yesterday, but -OPK today, -OPK the day before yesterday. Not sure what to think. Usually I have two fulls days of +OPK.

At this point I'm' just worried the weak trigger could cause issues with my body trying to O on its own. Temp is behaving oddly the last few days. Got a rise a couple days ago, but hasn't gone anywhere near as high as after O, and is kinda stalling out, so everything is just insanely confusing. If temp stays up where it is for the next week, I may go in for a progesterone check next Friday. I have a standing order, so I wouldn't have to get doctor approval. Have to wait and see. DH and I are continuing to BD every third day until we have some idea of what is going on. OB/Gyn refuses to give me an ultrasound which I really want, and it is making me SO MAD.
Okay, this is crazy, but from my chart, I think I O'd 5-6 days ago. No O pain, no EWCM (just watery), cervix never went soft, nothing to indicate O. But temp is definitely up, and though at first I thought it was just hot flashes, it has now been up since Wednesday and so it's got to be something more. Can't believe I may be waking up to day 7 of the TWW tomorrow. I'm still trying to believe I even O'd!! I think I'll go in to the lab on Tuesday for a progesterone check. I have a standing order for it from my OB/Gyn's office.

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