LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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I threw up today too! Ridiculous. I had just eaten breakfast and was rushing around trying to clean up and I think I was bent over too long. Grapefruit too.

No plan as of yet for the babies. One doctor said they would induce around 37 weeks, so I guess that's our only plan so far. I peaked at the results of my u/s from last Friday and it said I had a low lying placenta so hopefully that will change and I won't need a c section. I think the cervical length was good. I believe it was 3 or 3.5. Can't quite remember, but I see the doctor on Wednesday.

I'm really started to get more uncomfortable by the day. My belly is so stretched---I feel like it is growing constantly. Oddly, I'm rarely hungry. I don't think my appetite has ever been so light. Weird. I'm just full very quickly.
Oh gosh, grapefruit? Blurg...that would be gross. It could also be too acidic if that's all you ate.
I don't have much an appetite these days & don't eat a heck of a lot. Not like I did in second trimester. I think space is a lot to do with it.
I have lots of aches and pains. I feel for ya...wait till you get into third trimester!

As for your Placenta, I believe that could mean C-Section if it doesn't move up but defo discuss all this with the doctor. I'm also not sure with twins, where your cervix should be. Mine was longer at your milestone but I am carrying one baby. It started shortening slowly towards 26/27 weeks.
Well I went this Am for a Beta cuz I got a really dark HPT yesterday HCG 167 P 182!!! :shrug:

Everyone is clueless as am I!!
Hi sis I really hope it's good news!! Have they checked its not an ectopic? Or a blighted ovum? I really hope that it's just slow rising HCG - how many weeks would you be? Or dpo? Keeping fx for you!!
Idk anymore really I think 5-6wks so my numbers are really low but going up they won't do a scan until my HCG is around 1500 or I have pain which my right ovary was throbbing yesterday but that is how it felt w my 7wk pregnancy so iDK I'm so lost and confused!!! :(

I go for another beta Tue the only thing I'm hopeful about is that the spotting stopped and that's when my numbers jumped so maybe it just took that long to get a good spot for LO!! :shrug:
That is so weird...I am hoping for the best possible outcome for you, sis! Hopefully next beta the numbers will be in the 300's or more and soon enough they can get you in for a scan.
Just read your 35 week update, Barb and I never had much of a plan with Claire. I didn't want an epidural but my contractions came on without warning (never even had any Braxton hicks) and at that point I was already 4 cm's from the last check up. So I went into labor with contractions every 2 minutes apart if that. I still remember that night X'D DH was playing Final fantasy 11 or 14 (can't remember which) on the PC and I'm in pain on the phone for about 45 mins talking with the hospital trying to get ahold of a doctor to say YES come in. X'D The nurses where like..well we need to check with the on call doctor and while I couldn't talk through the contractions and I was in tears, DH was still playing his game not comforting me...XD Anyway I went in and when asked for the epidural I went YES! I went with the flow for the 11 hours total of labor/pushing. I plan to do the same with this one.

I am going to hope that I wont need an epidural but if I feel I need it again I am asking for it. For me I know my body knows what it needs to do to give birth. You can't plan for it but your body just knows, if that makes sense. And eek already 35 1/2 weeks for you! Exciting.
Barb I just read your blog and I'm so happy for you. You are so close to 37 weeks! :dance: As for a birth plan when I had DS I was the same as you - go with the flow type thing as I had no clue really what to expect when it came down to it. One thing we did discuss however was what to do if I needed a c-section (which I did in the end)... and I was SO happy that we did! Things like I wanted DH to be with the baby once born and not stay with me.... and I didn't want anyone else to hold the baby (family etc) before me.... and so on. Turned out I had him in the middle of the night so didn't need to worry about any family visiting at that point!!! But you just never know!

Can't wait to hear more updates. Look after yourself and baby x
Got everything crossed for you Sis!

butterfly, my labor with DD1 started much the warning just sudden contractions really close together. I'd hoof it to the hospital once you feel ANYthing this time, or you might be giving birth in a parking lot like me. :haha:

Barb, so excited for you that you're so close! I had to chuckle a little bit about what you said about the constipation and giving birth, but not really because I only had that off and on and I know it's miserable. TMI warning:
I did have something like that happen, slightly, with EVERY CONTRACTION past a certain point. Yeah embarrassing. For a minute. Got over it though. :-P

I do think going with the flow is often the best birth plan, but maybe find some sample ones online somewhere. Because I found some things I cared about that I had never even thought of. (Not that it ended up mattering in my case. Safe to say my birth plan went out the window!)
LOL thank you Erin for that :) I know it's very common but I'd rather it not happen :)
Prior to giving birth last time, my body naturally cleansed itself and I was going regularly. Having said that, I could have pooped and not have known!

I started to drink Prune Juice & eating dried figs as of Saturday and I have had a frequency of BM since there. Fingers crossed.
I also stopped taking Progesterone so I hope that's helping as well.

Yes, your birth plan didn't quite work out LOL
But that's what I'm thinking - who's does? I know I want an epidural and give birth naturally. Other than that, I don't know that I have a preference. I just want baby out by that point.
White Orchid/Butterfly, thanks for those tips and your stories.
I agree with you both. I just want to go with the flow, for the most part.
And likely will ask for an epidural. I remember how hard it was the last time and its just not worth trying to be brave for me.

Yes, 35.5 weeks! I have done some reading and it's better that I make it to 38/39 weeks or more. But 37 is "safe". But longer baby bakes, the better so I'm just crossing fingers my body will handle this pregnancy normally.
As I told my sis when she was pregnant...go with your body, do what you can but remember you don't get a medal for going pain-free! Be open to everything and if you need it fine, and if you don't great! :)
As close to 40 is the best. However, there are many babies that come at 37 weeks and are fine and ready to go home. I was born at 37weeks exactly and was a healthy 6 lbs 8 oz. Though mom says she swears I was bigger than that XD But I know what you are saying. I personally don't want to give birth before 38 weeks and am paranoid that I will have another large baby and my doctor will try to induce early since he doesn't want me to have another large baby like Claire was. He said we'll talk more on the matter if it comes to that. Who knows maybe this little one will only be a 7 lb baby.

I still can't believe 35 1/2 weeks for you Barb. I really can't. I know you're going to get at least the 37 but I personally think baby boy wont come until 39w 2d that is what I feel for you. Don't take my word though I don't have the best track record on when baby is going to come. Though I was right with Claire X'D I often had told DH and family that she will come one day early. So maybe I should look into predicting actual dates X'D

What is your body saying?

Also I agree what Orchid just said. Be open to everything.
Sis, you know I'm stalking you XP And I see that your numbers went up by about 60% if I figured that out right in 48 hours. Which isn't bad. I know there are some doctors who are content with at least a 60% rise. I'm glad to see that they have risen and I hope the next draw they'll keep rising.

Have you had any more spotting or ovary pain?
What's up Sis? How are you stalking her Butterfly? I want to be a stalker too!
Yes my beta was 270 yesterday it was 167 Sun!! My nurse didn't seem too pleased just said we have to wait and see WTF!!

I had a tiny spot last nite after decorating the tree and pushing the ladder and today it's very dark brown so IDK!!

I have my DS2s Bday on Fri and party on Sat so it's a busy week I just hope everything stays calm inside my body until after at least!! ;)

She really didn't mention another beta I think she's kinda giving up on me but I was texting her so maybe I will send a email today!!

I wasn't going to acupuncture as I was afraid it caused the drop but I think I will go today to see if it helps!!! I'm really lost and confused at this pintand afraid to do anything or Not do anything if that makes since! :shrug:
Mowat, I go to their username and hit 'see more posts from this user'.

Sis, Wait and see isn't doing you any good though! Maybe see if your nurse will let you do two beta's a week instead of every other day. Have three or four days in between instead. I just wish we knew what was going on.

Sorry about the dark brown spotting hopefully it was just your body's way of saying you did too much.

I hope your DS2 b-day is going to go great! Any special plans for his b-day?
Well I had an appointment for a new FS on 12/10 but they just called and I told them what is going on and they will not see me until this issue is resolved WTF!!

They would push me off on a OBGYN anyway cuz they suspect I have an Etopic and suggest I see someone immediately BUT NOT Them :nope:

My Old Dr won't do a scan and keeps telling me to wait and see WTH what if my tube ruptures I swear if it does I will sue them and they will pay for IVF w a different Dr this is BS!!!
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