Sorry I haven't posted in awhile!!! Glad all is well with people. Thumpette, sorry for your loss

*hugs* I hope you have your rainbow real soon.
We are well here. Logan is almost 5 months old (will be on the 4th of Nov) can't believe it. We have been on solids now for almost a month here. He's doing AWESOME and isn't messy for the most part. He loves the 'thicker' foods better I'm finding. So he loves apple, chicken, rice, or oatmeal pears. He loves his veggies too and when he gets just the fruit he does okay with those. As of Oct 9th he was 26 inches and 20 pounds. He's about 4 pounds heavier than what Claire was at his age but same height.
He loves to sit in his chair and loves to roll all over the place. He also loves to grab the dogs tails and my hair.
Claire is such a sweetheart with Logan, often giving him his passy when he cries. She wants to help feed him though which is a big no no. She doesn't understand that you can't just 'shove the food in his mouth'. I can't believe I will be taking Claire out for her first actual trick or treating on Saturday! She's growing up so fast which is a good thing and a bad thing lol. She's learning to talk so much more and already understands so much.
DH is getting a new job or more than likely. His current work place is expecting him to work 50-60 hours (and has been since spring) and he only gets paid for 40 due to salary. He also has to work many Saturday's and he's finally had enough. The place that he's hoping to get in (which by the sounds will have his 2nd interview next week) pays 10k more and he works only 40 hours a week with one Saturday every 6 weeks and no ono call phone. He's happy about that cause he is missing out on SO much with the kids.
Then we're still hoping to move come spring so busy trying to sell crap we don't want to move. I've already sold the bassinet which

is sad and good all at the same time. No more little babies, but it's for the best. Been trying to sell the swing too and in probably another month or so the bouncer will be up for grabs too. The tiny little baby things are going away