Hi ladies,
Im a first time user and first time poster..
My name is Heidi and i will try and make my very long story short..
I am 32 years old with PCOS and Hubby and i have been ttc for almost 7 years now..
Had a terrible experience with our first Dr...
Found a wonderful Dr, and started treatment.. We had 3 Cycles and no luck.
In august 2011 on our 4th attempt we were so thrilled to find out that we were finally expecting our first baby. Things were going great and we were over the moon. Just before new years we were elated of the news that we were having a little girl.
But at 22 and a half weeks, i went into pre-term labor Due to incompetent cervix. Our princess was with us for 5 min and passed away in mummys arms. Also that i had very high levels of Group B Strep in the placenta.
After taking 6 months to grieve and process we went back to our Dr to discuss where we go from there. Between then and now we have learned that i also have natural killer cells in my uterus just to make it that much harder. Since july 2012 and now we have had 10 more attempts. 4 positive results all followed up by miscarriages at 5-6 weeks.
Has anyone ever lived through or know someone who has gone through similar issues and gone on to have healthy babies??
Feeling so alone, like the universe doesn't want me to have a baby..
How do you stay strong through so many failures and negative results. And how do you put all your failures behind you and stay upbeat and hopeful with new cycles and not live in the past..
Thankyou for reading my post..
Im a first time user and first time poster..
My name is Heidi and i will try and make my very long story short..
I am 32 years old with PCOS and Hubby and i have been ttc for almost 7 years now..
Had a terrible experience with our first Dr...
Found a wonderful Dr, and started treatment.. We had 3 Cycles and no luck.
In august 2011 on our 4th attempt we were so thrilled to find out that we were finally expecting our first baby. Things were going great and we were over the moon. Just before new years we were elated of the news that we were having a little girl.
But at 22 and a half weeks, i went into pre-term labor Due to incompetent cervix. Our princess was with us for 5 min and passed away in mummys arms. Also that i had very high levels of Group B Strep in the placenta.
After taking 6 months to grieve and process we went back to our Dr to discuss where we go from there. Between then and now we have learned that i also have natural killer cells in my uterus just to make it that much harder. Since july 2012 and now we have had 10 more attempts. 4 positive results all followed up by miscarriages at 5-6 weeks.
Has anyone ever lived through or know someone who has gone through similar issues and gone on to have healthy babies??
Feeling so alone, like the universe doesn't want me to have a baby..
How do you stay strong through so many failures and negative results. And how do you put all your failures behind you and stay upbeat and hopeful with new cycles and not live in the past..
Thankyou for reading my post..