Luteal Phase Defect

I couldnt be more thrilled for you!!! This is so exciting!! When wil you be able to get in for an ultrasound? They are so amazing, you're going to love them!! Seeing your LO moving around is so great, always brings tears to my eyes!!

I'm going in tomorrow for my gender scan. I'm a little nervous about the baby being ok, but I'm trying to tell myself I need to get over that and be excited!! Which I'm so excited! I don't care what the sex is. I'm thinking boy and just feel like thats the news ill be sharing, but i did have a dream it was a girl. We're not finding out at the doc office, we're having the tech write it in an envelope then picking out two outfits and having the cashier match the one that's in the envelope. Hopefully that plan doesn't fall through and we can contain our desire to know right away! I just think it will be more special with just the two of us
They don't tend to do early ultrasounds here unfortunately - i'd love to see what is going on in there. I have FS appointment on 15th October and i'm going to keep it and tell them when i am there and see if they will offer me an ultrasound FX!!

Hope today goes well for you and how exciting to find out if it's pink or blue you need to buy eeek xx
Shells that's fantastic news congratulations bet you've got the biggest smile.

Stacer so spill the beans pink or blue?

Im off for a growth scan today make sure all is ok can't wait to see the babies i still get nervous but once i see them moving around its magical.
Imm-I totally understand your nervousness!! It is very nerve wrecking, I was so nervous going to my appt yesterday!!

Well I'm happy to announce we are team BLUE!!! Very excited! You know, I wanted a girl but I'm actually excited its a boy even though I kinda knew all along it was a boy. I guess I just had a feeling and it was right!!! It definitely feels more real now! I can start picturing what HEs going to looks like and be like and everything! No better feeling! Everything went so perfect to plan yesterday too! The ultrasound tech was great and we were able to still see the baby without revealing the secret. So then I went and picked out a "daddy's girl" outfit and a "mommys lil man" outfit and had the cashier pack one up without showing me the price etc-she was excited to be doing this for me! She told me to come back and tell her what I think! Lol then went home and we video taped us unwrapping it and it was do much fun! I liked doing it just me and dh and especially having an outfit for baby as well bc it was just that much more exciting!! Then dh and I went to dinner. We mailed gender reveal scratch off cards to some family out of state and gave a few to friends and they loved that as well! So I'm happy! Just wondering if and when someone at works going to ask me if I'm preg bc only 2 ppl know, but I'm obviously ok with sharing it now!!! :)
Oh wow i'm so glad you got to do your plan with the cashier- she must have loved being a part of of that special moment :)

I hope your shouting from the roof tops now about your special little man :thumbup: xx
Shells, I am very excited!!!! Just for the simple fact it seems real now, finally!! I think that's why I've been hesitant to tell anyone bc I just don't feel pregnant...but it's 16 weeks and the babys still going strong and we know the sex-it's really happening!!! Ahh! I don't feel like working, just researching baby stuff! Lol I'm researching strollers right now, it's a big task! Lol

Have you had any symptoms yet? I still get up in the middle of night to use restroom and stretch legs and wear a sports bra to bed but that's it for me...I've been very lucky! Can't complain! :)
Only thing i have is cramping - pretty bad too and my sticks are not getting darker - went to the DR today as i also had diarrhoea (been up since 4.30am) but they won't run any blood tests to reassure me, just a urine sample to confirm the pregnancy and told to relax, if it's meant to be it will be, basically! Boobs are a little tender but not extreme like i've read about, no nausea... if i just had something to reassure me everything is ok in there and my miracle beany is sticking around xx

I hope i get to look at strollers and nursery furniture soon :) x

It's been so long and I've missed you guys :hugs:

Shells, many many congratulations hon. I am so so pleased for you!! I knew it would happen at one point and it looks like it has :happydance: I had loads of cramps in the beginning. I think that's normal. What test sticks are you using? Xxxx

Stacer, YAAAAAAAAYYYYY on team blue :cloud9: I'm so pleased for you hon and what a relief to see bubba doing well! Now it's time to relax, enjoy and spend, spend, spend!!
I can't believe how far we've come. I started this thread on a real downer and now most of us have our BFP's. ES, YOURE NEXT HON!!

Imm......eeeeeeeeek 7 weeks!! Oh my gawd! Time has gone so quick!

Im 16 weeks today but I've had a bit of a rough one with All Day Sickness and tiredness. I was away for three weeks and felt ill throughout the whole time I was there. Completely zombiefied!! It was really awful but all for a good cause :haha: Its only now I'm starting to feel better......finally!

Keep me updated girls xxxxx
Spockette-wow didn't realize we're only 3 days apart, how cool! And wow I can't believe your still sick at 16 weeks. Sorry to hear that, but hopefully your getting closer to it subsiding! When will you find out the gender, or are you going to?

Shells-well the good news is the urine test came back positive as well. I've never heard diarrhea to be a bad sign unless you become dehydrated, so just try to stay hydrated. And try not to worry about symptoms. My boobs hurt super bad but I was also on progesterone which contributes to that. I honestly don't feel preg one bit other than those small few things I have going on, so hopefully that's a little reassuring!! Try to stay positive and take it easy, stay hydrated and rest! Yourr still really early so youve got time for symptoms to kick in! We're all rooting for you!!!
Hi girls,

Stacer, I'm feeling loads better now, thank goodness. It subsided a couple of days ago. At last I feel human again. Yep, I am 16 weeks and 4 days today. Due March 12th 2014 :happydance: How about you hon? When are you due?
Also I am not going to find out the sex this time. I did with my daughter but I think I want a little surprise this time.

Shells, just wanted to see how you were getting on hon? My symptoms kicked in big time at 6 weeks! Please let's us know how you are xxxx

my hpt was almost negative tonight- got blood work done today and i know it's not going to be good and the inevitable is going to happen - i'm devastated right now and have no idea how i'm gong to tell DH i poas against his wishes and it's now negative...
my hpt was almost negative tonight- got blood work done today and i know it's not going to be good and the inevitable is going to happen - i'm devastated right now and have no idea how i'm gong to tell DH i poas against his wishes and it's now negative...

Oh Shells :hugs: :cry:

I am so so so sorry. I can't imagine how devastating it is. I only had to see a bit of brown blood on my knickers to burst into panic and crying mode, let alone what you're going through.
I hope this doesn't come across as patronising and it can't take away the upset you're feeling but these shitty things happen quite frequently and it's absolutely nothing you could have done.
Please, please, take it easy the next few days and I'm always here.

Lots of love xxxx
Shells-that's not the news I was expecting to hear!!! I'm
So sorry hun. I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything comes back good and it was just a false test. Thinking of you! Let us know and try to hang in there! I hope you get the results back soon so your not being tortured. Hugs!

Spock-that's nice you're doing a surprise, there's no way I could wait that long! Lol
Plus everything at the stores is either pink or blue, there's hardly any neutrals. I'm due march 10! Glad you're feeling better.
I lost my baby today :cry: devastation is the only words i can find right now...
Shells-I'm so sorry! That is the worst feeling! Take the time you need to heal. Sending jugs your way! The only good news is that you were able to get pregnant naturally, so hopefully it's not too long before you get your rainbow baby!
Shells im so sorry i no what your going through take time to grieve cry lots and look after yourself lots of hugs x x

As for me I've broken my ankle!!! Im in a cast up to my knee really struggling to get about spending most of my time in bed got to go back next wk for xray see my consultant next wk too hopefully they can tell me what will happen im only 5wk from giving birth don't think my cast will be off by then have no idea how i will manage with 2 newborns and a 4yr old but trying not to worry about it just yet.
Shells, I'm so very sorry. I'm heartbroken for you. No woman should ever have to go through this. The only thing I can say is that give yourself sometime to grieve, then you and hubby can try again. You've conceived now so you are more fertile. All the best honey and lots of hugs from me :hugs:

Imm, gosh, you poor thing. That's the last thing you needed. I hope you're not in too much pain? I agree that the timing is awkward but do you have anyone who can help you? I am so sure if you speak to the midwife and explain the situation they can get you some help. Take it easy :hugs:

Stacer, hope you're well my lovely?
Hi ladies just wanted to see how everyone is doing?!

Shells-how are you Hun?

Imm-not too much longer for you? Hope you're going ok with your injury!

Spock-how are things?
Hi ladies well the twins have arrived they are 3wks old and settling in to a routine i feel like its one long feeding session at the min but im enjoying it. Hope your all ok.

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