Hi girlies 
Shells, I agree with Stacer! If it is just the cervix then maybe they can open it for you! It actually makes a lot of sense. I know one of your tubes is slightly blocked but you can ovulate from the other. You can take some Clomid to ensure you do ovulate from that ovary.... Keep us posted hon!
Stacer, I'm 6 weeks today and feeling very tired, on and off nausea throughout the day and wake up with headaches. Other than that, I'm fine. I did have pains on my side a few days ago, so I went to A & E. They didn't scan me but they checked my HCG levels and it was 33,000! I've got a scan booked for tomorrow just to rule out ectopic.
I'm so excited for you Stacer. I am sooooooo sure there are two cooking away in there. Please let us know how you get on!!

Shells, I agree with Stacer! If it is just the cervix then maybe they can open it for you! It actually makes a lot of sense. I know one of your tubes is slightly blocked but you can ovulate from the other. You can take some Clomid to ensure you do ovulate from that ovary.... Keep us posted hon!

Stacer, I'm 6 weeks today and feeling very tired, on and off nausea throughout the day and wake up with headaches. Other than that, I'm fine. I did have pains on my side a few days ago, so I went to A & E. They didn't scan me but they checked my HCG levels and it was 33,000! I've got a scan booked for tomorrow just to rule out ectopic.

I'm so excited for you Stacer. I am sooooooo sure there are two cooking away in there. Please let us know how you get on!!