Shells-been thinking about you and hoping the lap and dye went well! Keep us posted!
Spock-you seem to be having such a difficult pregnancy, I'm sorry to hear! Hope you start feeling for like yourself soon!! How far along are you now?
Afm-I'm doing ok, trying everything I can to get excited about this baby which it's starting to happen, I just think I'm protecting myself in case something does happen. But I've read so many stories about women losing one twin and going on to deliver a healthy baby, so I'm hoping that's my case. I'm 11 weeks tomorrow, my doc says the first trimester ends at 13 weeks do I've only got 2 weeks to go, I'm counting down the days. Once I've had my scan sept 3 and everything looks good, I'll start getting really excited bc it is then that we will be able to actually feel like this is real! I haven't had any spotting or anything so that's good, I think it'd be more devastating to see the blood. I'm going to try to get in next week for an ultrasound just before i go on vacation so i can rest assured. I still have very little symptoms-just fatigue, bloating, big/sore breasts, although I'm not complaining as long as everything's going well in there!!
Es and imm-hope you're well!