Making up bottles



Does anyone still make up a few bottles for the day/night and keep them in the fridge? I know they say now to make them one at a time as there is a risk of gastro-something or other from made up bottles but as far as I know this has just become a recent thing and people have been making up bottles for years and had no problems. I know my mum did it with us. Is it another case of doctors and Midwives covering their own backs? And does anyone know how big the risk is? They're always changing their minds about everything including babies sleeping position so I just keep getting confused!
i do it (making bottles in a batch), was told not to and i followed the guidelines with ella but making up a freash one each time took the piss. i did it with my first ( i was told it was fine) so carried on doing it with ella , much easier then making freash ones everytime they are hungry!
I know what you mean it's been 6 years since i last had a baby as such and at that time i sterilised a bulk load of bottles made up 6 feeds for the day and refrigerated them to be warmed as i needed them, sometimes i'd go through more, some times i'd end up throwing them away but i think it was 24hours as a rule and anything over that was deemed unsafe.

I never had any problems with my children doing the feeds this way and have no plans to change the way i do them for this one, i can't see how it is soo different now than it was back then, althoguh i think it may be a ploy to make breastfeeding seem the easier alternative (if you know what i mean)
It's a pain in the arse isn't it? Having to boil up a kettle fresh and leave it to cool for half an hour for 1 bottle while bubs is crying because she's hungry. Would it be bad to make up a batch then as long as I threw out any I didn't use? I don't want to make her ill but like you say it never harmed anyone else
i know a mum who's putting the sterile boiled water into the bottles and cooling them down and then storing those in the fridge, when she warms the water for the feed she then puts the powder in then.

don't know if that would be a better idea for anyone
Wobbs once gave me this idea, and I've been following it lately because Mia loves formula at room temp. I just have boiled water ready and measured and add the powder when needed. No need to warm up, and you know it hasn't been standing with a chance for something to grow in it.
Wobbs once gave me this idea, and I've been following it lately because Mia loves formula at room temp. I just have boiled water ready and measured and add the powder when needed. No need to warm up, and you know it hasn't been standing with a chance for something to grow in it.
I do the same as aqua, both my LO had it at room temp x
And also, I found that Mia spits up less when the bottles are not warmed up.
I cannot make Colton's up. It makes him sick when I do. I still make all his fresh. We dont have to boil our water though, it's filtered before it comes to the tap.
However, if I lived in the country and had well water; I would probably do what Aqua does. Just boil it and leave it at room temperature.
we boil the water wait for it to cool then plonk them in the fridge then when he wants a bottle just add the milk cause some days he will only have 3 bottles so if we make them up all at once its jsut a waste
i asked midwife the other week about making up bottles and she said that they advise you to make up say 6 bottles in the morning with boiled water (add water to bottle but not the milk formula) and then store the bottles on the kitchen side or cupboard and then when baby needs a feed all you have to do is add the formula to the bottle then if baby needs it warmed up then you can warm it or otherwise baby can have bottle at room temp.

so thats what im gonna do,im not pratting around boiling the kettle evry time my baby needs a feed. xx
we do the same as what Mrs-N described and Aqua i think - make up all the bottles and at the powder as and when she wants a feed. seems to work well for us and not as time consuming as waiting for boiled water to cool etc :)
As i am breast and bottle feeding i make the bottles when needed (as i rougly know when bub will want his milk however his night ones i make in advance...i boil the water...put the water in a steralised bottle, seal it and add powder when needed. I then warm it in a warm jug of water...just ike most mumsxx
My pediatrician told us to just use plain tap water, not to boil it or anything, so I just make bottles up every time. Charlotte hates it when they're cold and spits up a lot less when they're just room temerature. I don't mind making them up everytime, sometimes the crying gets frustrating when she's really hungry, but it only takes a minute for me to do cause I don't heat them.

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