Making your own baby stuffs!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2012
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Hello! Is anyone else weird like me and making their own baby stuffs? Wipes, creams, etc? Aside from the cloth diapers (which I may try my hand at :lol: ), the only thing I don't plan on making is laundry soap, because I"m addicted to soap nuts. Are there any weirdos like me?
I am having a cloth diaper making day with a few of my friends soon :) I knitted a bunch of stuff for the baby in the beginning but haven't knitted anything since first tri...I should get back to that!
I am also making my own wipes, but its really just the solution I am making. I plan on using this recipe for my wipes:

1 roll of organic paper towels
1 1/2 C boiled water
empty baby wipe cylinder
2 tsp favorite lotion
2 tsp favorite bath gel
2 tsp baby oil

Bring water to a boil in a clean saucepan. Remove water from heat. Add baby wash and oil to the water while still hot and mix well. Allow mixture to cool some before pouring it onto your wipes
Cut the roll of paper towels in half so that you now have two short rolls. An electric carving knife or hacksaw works best but any serrated knife will do.
Pull cardboard tube out of the middle of one roll.
Place the now-flexible roll into the cylinder and pull the innermost sheet up from the middle.
Pour the cleansing solution over the paper towels.

Hope someone can use this DIY recipe :)
Sine you really only need water and oil, I'm just doing that! lol I have tons of various oils on hand (I make my own salves, lotions, and soaps) I'm going to just use sweet almond oil and water. I'm going to use fleece for the wipes (hey, if I'm using cloth diapers, why not wipes? :lol: ). I'm going to be showing this guide to my Dr./Midwife to see if there's any truth to it: and add EO's if they also agree with it.

Do you happen to have a pattern for the cloth diapers? I'd love to try my hand at it, but I suck at sewing. hahah I have some friends who are good at it, so I may be able to convince them to help...

There's also this recipe: But, it seems more complicated than it needs to be.
I've done some cloth diaper sewing. I have made diapers from both of these websites (free patterns). I think I like the Rita's Rump Pockets the best, but of course I haven't used any of them yet so we'll see.
Wow, I hadn't even thought about this. I'm not a crafty person, so I can't see me actually sewing anything, but I really might think of making some of my own lotions and oils. I'm going to make a stretch mark oil at home (all the nice commercial ones are so damn expensive).
Oh! I make one that my MIL *loves* it won't make them vanish forever, but she said it's helped a lot with hers. If you'd like the recipe, I'd be happy to post it.
First, you'll need olive oil.
Then, you'll need a clean glass jar (I use a half gallon, but if you're making it just for you the smallest mason jar you can find would be perfect)
You'll also need beeswax, vitamin E oil, and the following dried herbs: Rose, heal all, lavender.

Since I make half-gallon batches, I use 1 ounce (by weight) of each herb, adjust accordingly to the size of your jar. If using a small jelly jar, probably no more than half-full of herbs. Fill the jar with olive oil, put the lid on, and shake everything around. You want as little air in the jar as possible. Leave the jar on a sunny window and shake occasionally. Let sit for at least two weeks, but I frequently let mine sit for 4 because I tend to forget about them. Using a mesh strainer and cheesecloth, strain the herbs from the oil. You'll want to melt beeswax down before adding the infused oil, usually about 1Tbsp beeswax/8Tbsp oil is good. Also, add the vitamin E oil once the beeswax has melted. Using the ratio I just mentioned, 1-2tsp should be plenty. Pour into a container that's easy for you to get into (you can use a small wide mouth mason jar, tupperware, whatever so long as it has a lid. Let cool, and use! You may need to play with the beeswax ratio a bit depending on how hot it is where you are, how hot you keep your home, etc. I usually keep a little bit of the infused oil out of the mix in case it turns out too hard, and you can always add it back in with a bit more beeswax.
Thank you for the recipe, this is awesome. It seems every one of my fav cosmetics / lotions has some kind of endocrine disruptor/paraben so this is perfect.
That's why I make my own. I love having 100% control over everything from antibiotic cream (like neosporin) to lotion and shampoo. I feel blessed that I have the time to do it all.
I just use cloth wipes. I'm not making anything myself, but I have friends making me knitted seaters, hats, booties, etc.
I have a salve that works as Neosporin. Let me dig it up for you.
I use dried herbs (if you have fresh, they'll work, too. My batches sit for a long time, so the extra moisture doesn't work for me). Anyways... I'll attempt to scale down as best I can, though.

Using say, a small jelly jar, fill with about .5 ounces (by weight) of each of the following: St johns wort, self heal, comfrey, chickweed, and plantain. Fill the jar with pure olive oil, put the lid on, and shake. I usually let this sit for about two weeks shaking when I think about it, otherwise just keep in a cool dark place. Strain out the herbs using cheese cloth and squeeze out as much oil as you can. Melt probably... 1/2Tbsp of beeswax (it really depends on how much you made, so you may need to play with the amounts a bit) with the oils so they all heat evenly together. Let cool and see if it's hard enough for you. If not, add a little more beeswax until you get the desired consistency. I make my batches about 1 pint at a time and it's approx 5oz by weight in wax to 16oz by volume in oil. Not sure what that actually translates to. :lol:
Here's another one, too! "Non-petroleum jelly" ;) I'm going to be a dirty hippy baby wearing mommy. :lol:

1/8 c beeswax
1/2 c olive oil (I make my own infused olive oil, but plain will work)

Melt together, let cool, keep in a sealed container. Lovely lovely stuff. You can, of course, substitute any other liquid oil of your choice. Coconut oil *might* work, but it probably won't be as spreadable... unless you keep your house at 80 like I do, and then it will be fine. :blush:
Great trend.

The natural parenting section is also brilliant for info on cloth wipes, natural products, cloth nappies etc.
Oops... :blush: I was still figuring out the forum when I posted this thread... perhaps I should have posted over there? :wacko:
I don't think anyone minds. You got lots of comments. Just thought you might have not seen it. I love the natural parenting section.

Weirdly I spend more time there than natural birthing. Should change that really, need to get through the birth before I can natural parent!

Mentioned reusable wipes to DH last night and he rolled his eyes! He's well on board for reusable nappies so there's hope.
I wonder why he rolled his eyes? I use them on myself instead of TP. My husband thought I was weird at first, but if your OH is okay with nappies, why not wipes? Boys are weird. :lol:

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