Lulle - that actually happened to me I'm pregnancy! Lol only 1 nipple. Then only 1 breast was sore. I remember thinking it was strange. The other side caught up eventually though!
Nugget and sailorsgirl - welcome back ladies and good luck to you! Can't wait to hear of your BFPs! You too ginger!
Mapha - sounds normal to me. After my first miscarriage my luteal phase extended itself by one day one cycle and then two days. It went from 11 days to 13 days and it's still 13. Which in my case is a good thing since 11 is borderline too short.
Good luck to all of you!
Confuzion; I forgot to tell you about my BBT... I've mentioned (somewhere) earlier that I didn't get a rise this cycle. Well - today it suddenly rised from 36,4 to 36,7. This whole cycle, since I started BBT, it's been 36,4+36,5 basically (two days with 36,3). No rise when I OV'd.
I asked the nurse at the fertilityclinic about this today, and she said that it's quite normal to NOT get a rise too. But when you google, the temp-rise is explained as a "truth without modification". Well - that's wrong she claimed.