Mamas and Papas sale


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2008
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Not sure when this started! But hubby and I went to look at some prams yesterday and we really liked the Skate - it was £575!! And decided to check it out online and they seem to have started an early christmas sale type thing. Its now £399 making it more attractive!! Joolz, herbie, pilko and few other things discounted too :) Happy shopping.
:O omg ... Im always looking on the mamas and papas site and there has never been a sale on the pushchair I want until now. I know its probs too early to buy the pushchair yet though =[ xx
ooooo thanks for that, going to have a look now. i really like m and p's, thanks again :)
Thats great thanx,
Though id post the link for everyone xx
Oooooooooooo thank you! I love Mamas & Papas. My hubby and my bank account hate it though...
Same here, me and OH love it and have bought half the shop!

Pleased as we nearly went for the Joolz but got a Bugaboo instead but would have been well peeved if this offer had come on afterwards!!

Thanks for the link may see what else I can get ;)

This one (Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire) is a factory shop if anyone's passing through :)
:O omg ... Im always looking on the mamas and papas site and there has never been a sale on the pushchair I want until now. I know its probs too early to buy the pushchair yet though =[ xx

I left over our pram in the shop as soon as i hit 12 weeks :)
I say if the price is right, go for it..... if you don't like the thought of keeping it in your ouse just yet, maybe a friend/relative could keep it safe for you?

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